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Episode 31: Getting into the Gunung Padang Paper, and the Tale of Two Industries!
In this episode I dive into the remarkable new paper on Gunung Padang, that summarizes years of investigation and work on the site, that dates it’s earliest man-made layers back some 27,000 years! I also go through my full ‘Tale of Two Industries’ presentation.

Episode 30: The Return of the Podcast! After nearly a year languishing in the realm of dormancy, the UX podcast returns. I spend a fair bit of time talking with Kyle on several topics: my year in review, my critics, the erosion on the Giza Plateau, and more! Then Randall Carlson gets into a fascinating lecture on the limestone erosion of the Sphinx!

Episode 29: I’m once again joined by Kyle and Russ, the Brothers of the Serpent, to recap our recent Egypt trip! We discuss the tour, our learnings, and the mysteries that were solved!

Episode 28: Talking Big Picture with Kyle and Russ Allen – the Brothers of the Serpent!

Episode 27: Investigating the mysterious scoop marks at the Granite Quarry of Aswan in Egypt. Lots of podcast-only additional content in this one!
Was the mighty 1100+ ton Unfinished Granite Obelisk at Aswan Quarry carved with dollarite pounding stones? What about the mysterious scoop marks found here? A special, in-depth investigation into the history, claims and science surrounding this mysterious site.
After years of visiting the Quarry, and utilizing some new technology, we take a deep dive into these topics and make some new observations – leading to some remarkable possibilities that impact our understanding of ancient civilizations, and the technology they used.
Executive Producers for this Episode: Thomas Czerniewski, Daniel Dewey, Lee Simpkins
Associate Executive Producers for this Episode: Allan Chanyi, Ken Stoltzfus, Chris Partney, T.O. Kayes

Episode 26: Talking Carolina Bays and the Younger Dryas with Antonio Zamora!

Talking with George Howard about the Younger Dryas! A follow up to the last podcast, George is deeply involved in the Comet Research Group and the recent work at Tall el-Hamman.
As a secondary note, my podcast is now Podcasting 2.0 compliant! To use the features of Podcasting 2.0, download a compliant podcast app from somewhere like . Features include things like microtransactions for the value for value model!

Reviewing new papers and evidence for Cosmic Airbursts and Impacts – and the Younger Dryas Cataclysm!
Executive Producers for this Episode: Muhammed Al Subai, Stewart Bachmann, Jeanette M Rishell, Mark Rendina
Associate Executive Producers for this Episode: Christopher Pearson, Jin Yuan Lew, Anonymous, Manu Seyfzadeh, Jacques Atlas, Phil Connolly, Greg Kaighin, Tara Lee Sanders, William MacConnell, Deborah and Richard Schanda, Dan Monnig

Talking Philosophy and the big questions with Kyle and Russ Allen – the Brothers of the Serpent!

Yousef Awyan is an Egyptian guide, stonemason, and expert on ancient Egyptian architecture, culture, and language. He’s also a good friend of mine and my co-host for the UnchartedX Egypt tours!

Graham Hancock is a journalist and author of many international best-selling books such as Fingerprints of the Gods, The Sign and the Seal, and Heaven’s Mirror. His public lectures, radio, TV and podcast appearances, including two major TV series for Channel 4 in the UK and The Learning Channel in the US – Quest For The Lost Civilisation and Flooded Kingdoms of the Ice Age – have put his ideas before audiences of tens of millions. He has become recognized as an unconventional thinker who raises controversial questions about humanity’s past.
It was an honor and pleasure to get the chance to speak with Graham again, and many thanks to him for his time!

The ancient necropolis of Saqqara is home to many unsolved mysteries. Over 40,000 astonishing stone vases, some made from the hardest forms of igneous rock were discovered here in tunnels and galleries deep beneath the Step Pyramid. These show undeniable signs of advanced engineering, precision, and symmetry, worked into very difficult material like granite, diorite, schist, and porphyry.
Join me for part 4 of my investigation into the evidence for ancient high technology, as we explore just why these jars are so amazing and what they mean for the story of human civilization, as well as exploring other unsolved mysteries at Saqqara.

An investigation into Giza’s massive and megalithic Middle Pyramid complex – is it possible that this was the FIRST pyramid built on the plateau, before the Great Pyramid? We dive into the history, details, and evidence for advanced ancient technology in these engimatic structures, including the Pyramid itself, the Mortuary and Valley Temple, the Causeway, and of course the Great Sphinx. We pose the question: did King Khafre really build all this – or was some of it inherited from earlier times?
In part 2 of this podcast, I get into the third rail topic of history videos, and give my thoughts on the ‘other A word’, ancient aliens! I wanted to cover it as it’s a question that comes up frequently, and is fairly topical given the current news coverage of so-called ‘disclosure’ and the 60 minutes piece on UFP/UFOs. (Of course they copyright claimed this video). Thanks for watching,, and let me know what you think, I’m sure it’s a contentious topic. Please consider subscribing to this channel – it’s my secondary channel and I’ll be uploading more stream highlights here when I can! If you want to catch me live, I stream 3 days at week on Twitch, my channel and schedule are here: .

Christopher Dunn is an engineer and author, with an extensive background as a craftsman. He has nearly 50 years experience working at every level of high tech and precision manufacturing in the laser and aerospace industries.
Chris has authored two books that investigate the evidence for ancient technology that is contained in in the structures and objects from our distant past. I think that these books, 1998s ‘the giza power plant’ and 2010’s ‘Lost Technologies of Ancient Egypt’ should be recognized as amongst the most important and pivotal works on ancient civilizations in our time.
This podcast was a real treat for me, and I want to sincerely thank Chris for granting me some of his time. We cover a lot of topics in our talk, and I’ve added video and images in spots to help illustrate some points, and I hope you enjoy the discussion!
Chris Dunn’s website:
My films featuring Chris Dunn’s work:
Evidence for Ancient High Tech, Part 1, Machining:
Evidence for Ancient High Tech, Part 2, Precision:
The Tube Drills of Ancient Egypt:
The Precision of the Serapeum:
Djedi robot exploration of the shafts in the queens chamber:

Episode 17: Quarrying and Logistics! Part 3 of my investigation into the evidence for ancient high technology! In this video, I clarify the arguments made in previous episodes, respond to some of the discussion around these topics, and then dive into the details of logistics and construction methodologies surrounding the creation and movement of some of antiquities largest and heaviest monuments from around the world. From the Unfinished Obelisk at Aswan, to the mighty Trilithon and recent disoveries at Baalbek, how can these ancient achievements be explained with the primitive methods of ancient civilizations?

Episode 16: Precision! Part 2 of my investigation into the evidence for ancient high technology, we dive into the precision aspects of the small stone jars, the giant statues, and the geometric, single piece boxes of Ancient Egypt.

Episode 15: Randall Carlson returns to the Podcast!
The one and only Randall Carlson joins me for another discussion on the UnchartedX podcast! We get into the origins of castastrophism, how Randall’s thoughts have evolved over time, take a deep dive into the Carolina Bays, investigate the history of cosmic impacts and how events like the Younger Dryas are remembered through art, myths, and religions. We get into a discussion on the historical context of climate change, and the deplorable modern trends of historical revisionism and the cancel culture.
Many thanks to Randall for his time!
Executive Producers for this episode: Bob Griffin, Anthony Steele (Rebellion Gaia promo video:, MLE Engineering
Associate Executive Producers for this episode: Valerie Salazar, Mark Hopkins’ Murals & Faux Finishes Inc., Ryan Calderone, Andrew Roman, Toby Young

Episode 14: Part 1 of my investigation into the evidence for ancient high technology, Machining!

Episode 13: Ollantaytambo, the Coricancha, and the Temple of the Moon with the Snake Bros!

Episode 12: A conversation with Brien Foerster, and Jimmy from the Bright Insight Channel!

Episode 11: Talking with Randall Carlson!

Episode 10: A conversation with Hugh Newman from Megalithomania – we get into stone circles, giants, and the origins of humanity!

Episode 9: New evidence for ancient tech and precision, my review of documentary ‘Builders of the Ancient Mysteries (BAM) and interview with it’s director, Patrice Pouillard.
View BAM here (my affiliate link):

Episode 8, Cusco and Sacsayhuaman, with Matt from Ancient Architects, and Kyle and Russ, the Brothers of the Serpent!

Episode 7: The 2nd Pyramid – the ‘Mountain of the West’ – with Chuck from the cf-apps7865 channel and the Snake Brothers!

Episode 6: The 100 ton precision granite boxes of the Serapeum of Saqqara – with the Snake Brothers!

Episode 5: An interview and discussion with Yousef Awyan on the mystery and technology of Ancient Egypt, while in Egypt.

Episode 4: A Q and A session hosted by Graham Hancock, while on a bus driving over the Peruvian Andes Mountain range. Music in this episode is: Rings of Jupiter by Vyra | Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported.
Direct link to MP3:

Episode 3: A podcast on perspective, and a story about Nikola Tesla and Zenneck Surface Waves.
Direct link to MP3:

Episode 2: Why the megalithic architecture of the Andean Mountains is older than the INCA.
Direct link to MP3:

Episode 1: The high level case for re-writing what we know of the foundations of our history, and an introduction to UnchartedX.
Direct link to MP3: