New Finds at Abu Sir!

The Ancient Egyptian Old Kingdom Pyramid site of Abu Sir is rarely visited, closed to the public since 1907, yet contains almost endless examples of lost ancient technology, in the precision stonework and architecture found across the site. Recent excavations at Abu Sir have revealed some remarkable new details, more examples of advanced stonework, and connections to other, out-of-place artifacts found across Ancient Egypt. These connections lead to some startling possibilities of longer timelines and a lost ancient civilization. Join me as we get into the history of excavation and discovery on this site, and dive into the details of the new finds!

Please consider supporting UnchartedX via the Value-for-Value model!

Join us in Egypt in March on the annual UnchartedX tour!

We’re going to Turkey in April! :

I’ll also be in Egypt, December 2024, on Yousef’s Primordial Egypt tour:

I’m speaking at the Metaphysical Egypt conference, in Cairo, in April 2025:

I’ll also be speaking in October 2025 at the CPAK conference in Northern California:

Talking with Matt Beall and Russ Allen on the Limitless Podcast!

While I was in Florida for the scanning electron microscopy work, I also sat down with Matt Beall and Russ Allen for a chat on the Limitless Podcast!

Recorded exactly one year to the day from my first time on Matt’s show. Very enjoyable discussion, as well as a chance to catch up on Matt’s latest additions to his epic collection of Ancient Egyptian vases. We talk vases (obviously), the SEM work, as well as several other topics. Give it a watch and Matt a follow over on his channel, he’s got some great guests lined up, and quite the professional setup!

Modern Metals in Ancient Egyptian Hard Stone Vases?

I recently had the chance to examine fragments of Ancient Egyptian hard stone vases under a Scanning Electron Microscope. For those of you supporting UnchartedX via Patreon or YouTube Channel memberships you would have seen my live updates while I was in Florida doing this work.

Many thanks to Dr Max Zamilov who volunteered his time, expertise, and equipment to make this happen. The results were certainly interesting! I did a YouTube livestream yesterday to go over the preliminary results. I am working on a more produced and researched video on the results, but check this out if you’re interested. It’s a livestream, and I started the roll in 8 minutes before it was scheduled to start, so if you don’t like cool images set to good music then skip forward 8 minutes to the start.

I also made a youtube short, if you want the TLDR:

UnchartedX Egypt Tour – 2025!

Join us in Egypt in March of 2025 for another epic journey through the ancient mysteries and wonders of Upper and Lower Egypt! Led by myself (Ben) Kyle and Russ from the Brothers of the Serpent Podcast, as well as expert guide Yousef Awyan, this trip features 16 days, at least 6 special permissions, a 4-night Nile Cruise, and, as has become tradition, live music from your hosts.

This year, we’re offering an optional post-trip extension to the amazing Red Sea! 6 nights at the beautiful Savoy resort in Sharm el-Sheikh, it’s the perfect way to relax and unwind after the tour. Come get dive certified and dive with us!

This promises to be a great trip. The full details, itinerary, Ts&Cs and registration for the tour and extension are available here: , or via the link in the menu bar above.

Direct link for registration for the tour, and separately for the Red Sea Extension (only available to tour attendees) is here:

New video! Discussing New Learnings, Observations, New Digs from 6 weeks in Egypt!

A discussion about new learnings and observations from 6 weeks in Egypt, with Kyle and Russ Allen of the Brothers of the Serpent Podcast. Accompanied by video and imagery, we cover a wide variety of topics, mysteries, and sites visited over our 6 week visit to Egypt!

Check out Brothers of the Serpent at

Metaphysical Egypt Conference:

Primordial Egypt Tour, Dec 2024:

My JRE Episode: Now on YouTube!

Last year I had the opportunity to join Jimmy Corsetti on the Joe Rogan Experience. This was back when Joe was exclusive to Spotify, but in 2024 he evidently signed a new contract that included YouTube, and older episodes have been being uploaded to YouTube. My episode is up on YouTube if you haven’t seen it:

Full Presentation: Ancient Precision Vases, Out-of-Place Artifacts, Connecting the Dots!

Ancient technology, precision stone vases, and other seemingly out-of-place artifacts, what is the connection between them? This is the topic I addressed in my presentation given earlier this year at the Cosmic Summit, and I wanted to share it with you all.

A little different to my normal produced content, this presentation will cover some ground and we get into a number of topics, tubular drills, vases scan project update, the tale of two industries, and more. I hope you enjoy the video!

As always this is brought to you via the value-for-value model, and my amazing supporter community – a huge thank you to everyone who contributes in any way!

Upcoming tours and conferences:

Join Yousef and I on the Primordial Egypt Tour, December 4-17 2024:

I’ll be speaking at the Metaphysical Egypt conference in Giza, April 4-9, 2025

Links to videos and articles discussed:

Ancient High Tech, Part 1 Machining:

Ancient High Tech, Part 2 Precision:

Ancient High Tech, Part 3 Logistics:

Ancient Precision, confirmed! (Vases):

Tube Drills and Overcuts at Luxor and Karnak:

Huge Block extracted from Aswan Quarry:

Changing the Game with Ancient Precision (vases):

1200 ton Obelisk at Aswan:

Smoking Gun Evidence for Ancient Machining:

Colossal Statues of Ancient Egypt:

Ancient Egyptian Stone Cutting:

Most Precise Ancient Egyptian Object:

Erosion on Ancient Megaliths:

Mark Qvist article on Ancient Vases: