Changing History! The Ancient Egyptian Hard Stone Vases. New Video

It’s time to revisit the ancient Egyptian Vase Scan Project – a lot has happened in 2024, and even more is planned for 2025. These tiny, ancient, amazing artifacts are changing history.

Scans and analysis has shown some of them to be incredibly precise, meticulously, elegantly and mathematically designed, with that design being immaculately executed in ridiculously hard types of igneous rock.

My initial vase scan videos and the project has generated considerable response, and this video is meant to be a comprehensive overview of the project and topic so far, a response to some of the main criticisms of the work, and an update on what happened in 2024 – which included getting into museums to scan artifacts with impeccable provenance (spoiler, they’re precise too!).

Many thanks to my patrons and supporters, as well as to the dedicated people working as part of the Vase Scan Team. Particular thanks to Adam Young and his newly created nonprofit Artifact Foundation ( that is driving a lot of this work going forward.

Check out the links to all the articles and videos mentioned, as well as the chapters, timestamps, below.

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Livestream – Vase scan updates, Mysteries of Nemrut, and more!

Updates to the Vase Scan project, the mystery of Mt Nemrut, cart ruts, Sogmatar, and more! Livestream with Kyle and Russ from the Brothers of the Serpent, check out the replay on youtube!

See the sites we talk about in the vid, join us in Turkey this coming April!

Full Presentation – the Technological Connection Between Ancient Out-of-Place Artifacts!

New video!

My live presentation on the technological connections between ancient out-of-place artifacts, at the Cosmic Summit! I’ve edited and spiced this up with a bunch of extra footage and images.

Check it out on youtube here:

New Finds at Abu Sir!

The Ancient Egyptian Old Kingdom Pyramid site of Abu Sir is rarely visited, closed to the public since 1907, yet contains almost endless examples of lost ancient technology, in the precision stonework and architecture found across the site. Recent excavations at Abu Sir have revealed some remarkable new details, more examples of advanced stonework, and connections to other, out-of-place artifacts found across Ancient Egypt. These connections lead to some startling possibilities of longer timelines and a lost ancient civilization. Join me as we get into the history of excavation and discovery on this site, and dive into the details of the new finds!

Please consider supporting UnchartedX via the Value-for-Value model!

Join us in Egypt in March on the annual UnchartedX tour!

We’re going to Turkey in April! :

I’ll also be in Egypt, December 2024, on Yousef’s Primordial Egypt tour:

I’m speaking at the Metaphysical Egypt conference, in Cairo, in April 2025:

I’ll also be speaking in October 2025 at the CPAK conference in Northern California: