I was surprised, yet delighted to be asked to appear as a guest on an episode of ‘The Other Side of Midnight,’ talk radio show, presented by Richard C Hoagland, this evening the 26th of May, 2019.
You can listen live or stream afterwards here: https://www.theothersideofmidnight.com/20190526_van-kerkwyk/
Hopefully I don’t cram BOTH my feet into my mouth at the same time… but I am looking forward to discussing one of my favorite topics with the excellent hosts, The enigmatic Serapeum of Saqqara.
Hi Ben, and others.
I listen to the radio show from Hoagland.
My notes is as I been into earlier.
The writings we seen might be ruff vs the manufacturing and polishing and ( proof ) off machining we can see on this slabs etc ( and now I’m not talking about the writings on the box in Serapeum ) but this slabs, statues obvisly has been into a catastrophe and are broken in parts.
I can’t see the fact this had been writings on them after they was cracked.
When was they cracked, well we are into a thing might happens around 12.500 years.
If Jousef said he can see cutting marks ‘ by hands’ in writings that is ‘possible’, but that mean it must be a way more early civilisation, and one before 12.500 years who wrote on them, and then our history ( read dynasties came along and renovated it, built they seems then to used same cloth, same style, same writings.
-This is things not been taled about often – why ?
If it is not was done this way, I can’t get the time line as it is not possible ‘our’ history dynasties did writings on cracked parts as THAT don’t make sense.
On the Serapeum writings box.
Everyone can realise this is not the same group of people made the boxes vs did the writings.
But one thing I thought over, the dynasties did not had as we think electrics, so how did the carve this writings whit no lights ?
They must had lights in one or another form – right. ( candles maybe )
Another thing with Serapeum, is the carvings on outside vs fix cracks, but why is that not seen on the inside ??
If cracks are on outside, it must been on inside as well – right ?
They did this as it was important to not has crack’s, that is what we can realise.
All thing we now will try to solve asthe purpose, well it’s so out of our minds today it will be impossible.
We must start whit machining and the style/cloths tema, time line.
I’m shore we can today by effort make a rather perfect box whit no cracks whit rather high precision in get square, small radius in bottom etc, etc.
But no one will do it as – why.
But I think we can.
But it was not some of the dynasties could do whatever of man hours, or if the had elephants drag them etc. ( aka 250 men in Serapeum but less elefants.. )
At those times might not thought as ‘money – time’ as we do, but they did not had the technology, so who did them was very advanced. This is a fact.
I think it’s a shame this can still go one the archaeology leaders stop all this research and said they find granite blocks out there and allot of men did it whit chisels and in this case on Serapeum it was bulls..
It’s really a crime to rest of the humans to do that !
One more thing whit the boxes in Serapeum and also parts manufactured in Abu Sir etc.
We should know this machining was probably done on location and under floor surface its ruffer cores, so how they did machining, polishing on what was above ground.
As a machinist, it is to far from me just can ‘see’ how this machine look like, or how they did it.
-It’s mind blowing.
As I see it, the boxes in Serapeum was ruff cores when they got there and they did fix the straightness and polishing down there.
It’s really crazy just do that, but I saw it as Jousef showed me this.
I can tell you this, who not know of machining.
If we mill a surface, we had it on a machine/table ( in a shop whit space/good lights ) and grinding or milling wheel be there. This is at a diameter, so we need to ‘go over’ the full surface, but if we sup at a end it will be a radius.
What I saw in Abu Sir and Serapeum do not had this, I saw perfect machining vertical down to old floor, so from perfect to ruff..
Please explane to me how that machine look like 😉 Or work…
This is funny ;
Jousef ;
What will they find if more chambers is there in Serpeum ; ‘Apis rats’ 😉
I like to bring up the subject again whit the hieroglyphs.
You has shown this on videos, so Brian Forrester and others on slabs, statues that is broken in parts but it is writings on them, and anyone can see this text was there ‘before’ they got broke.
Ok, time, war etc, but the idea is here in this slabs with the very fine works ( often machining and polishing ) is from the other era of 12.500 years ago.
My thing in this is ;
If this text was there before they got broke ( in most cases ) and even if they might be cruel carved vs the slabs in general work, this text if there was a catastrophe 12.500 years ago, this still might not be the original builders did that and NOT the later dynasties related to our time line.
If that is correct, we has a less advanced part of history, Before ex 12.500, but they was not the original builders. ( can’t be as text and machining as it is told, it’s not related )
-Would be real interesting on a further videos on this.
The architecture in South America is suggestive of 3 ages. Jesus Gamarra maintains that there are 3 styles all over the world, but I don’t know if that theory lines up with the writing in your scenario…
I really don’t know – but the fact that Yousef says he has not seen power tool markings in any of the writings, and that knows how they were done (manually) I am still leaning towards ALL the writing coming from the Dynastic Egyptians…
but I’m far from certain.
Ben —
Look at the latest issue (Aug 2019) of Scientific American, page 82 showing an illustration of a Mach Effect Thrust generator. In a nutshell, the Mach Effect conjecture states that inertia is a component of an object’s total energy. Einstein’s famous e = mc squared equation shows that a decrease in an object’s total energy results in a decrease in the object’s mass. James F. Woodward and Heidi Fearn of Cal State Fullerton claim that their test rig shows a decrease of an object’s mass through reduction of its inertia. See also, the Wikipedia description of the Woodward Effect for more details.
Could this be the method used to move and lift large megaliths and to propel ships with no sails?
Keep up the good work – – – Jack Demcak
Big fan of your work Ben. I think I have seen all your videos now. Keep up the good work. Personally I think these boxes and layout look ideal for storing nuclear waste. Would be amazing if you or someone could bring some devices to measure any trace of radioactivity. Also perhaps scrape up some dust from inside to see if any trace of Uranium etc. Also, what do these boxes look like underneath? Are they shiny smooth there or are there anything indicating they would have been dragged with or without rollers?
Also, how about viewing the polished surfaces with a microscope to see if they were polished with a rotating motion or hand-like back and forth.
Kind regards, Magnus
You’re not the first one to suggest it! I think all of these tests would be worth doing. Next time I’m there, we’ll see what we can do…