An investigation into the mysterious origins of the that most famous of monuments, the Great Sphinx of Giza. We review the rare account of the first time that the Sphinx was excavated in modern times, Henry Salt’s account of the works of Giovanni Cavigula in Egypt in 1817!
The Sequel to Revalations of the Pyramids: Builders of the Ancient Mysteries, available for viewing here (Affiliate link:)
Josh Blaylock’s ArkWorld:
The improable timeframes of the Old Kingdom Mega Pyramid Builders:
Zahi Hawass and Graham Hancock on the significance of Gobekli Tepe:
UnchartedX and Bright Insight Egypt Tour 2020!:
a quick correction: I know I spelled ‘Gobekli’ incorrectly in the bit where i was searching for it on the wiki article about the Sphinx Erosion theory. It doesn’t matter as it doesn’t appear even with the correct spelling – that capture was done in a hurry at the end of my production and I was attempting to replicate a search I had made earlier! here is a screenshot showing that not even ‘gob’ appears on that article

hello Ben , at your newest video about the Sphinx at 13:30 when you searched at wikipedia you didn’t get any search results thats because you pronounced it wrong , you searched for “gobleki tepe” instead of the correct name “gobekli tepe”. keep up the great job you are doing.. your channel is my favorite on youtube.. cheers and much respect from Upper-galilee northen Isreal. Rabeea.
Thanks Rabeea!
Several people have picked up on that mistake. See the correction and edit I just made to this article – any way you spell it, Gobekli doesn’t appear on the wiki article about the Sphinx Water Erosion theory.
Hi Ben! I found your channel few days ago and I already learned new things! I love it, and I love the clarity of the way you expressing your opinions/beliefs.
You used in few videos word “academia” as main stream science creating our opinions. I checked definition of academia: “the environment or community concerned with the pursuit of research, education, and scholarship”.
Why not to create our own “academia”, why to argue with scholars under spell of their own ego or perhaps someone else… why to waist energy. Instead gain momentum by supporting each other. Now is a good time. Medical doctors who see our current situation “differently “, researchers who are involved in “controversy “ (I’m not sure if I can use here som key words).
I believe that our existing academia is misleading us for the reason, and all of that is related to our current situation ( “health” situation).
Let’s connect with others, support each other, create databases, don’t waste energy on arguing with “closed minded”, use “numbers” to get permissions for access to the sites, look only for the truth without destructions…
I wanted to contact you on “less official “ level, but I couldn’t find your email, so I’m trying here to briefly explain my position. It looks like you going to have my email and I believe you will contact me. I’m feeling that this is the time to create new “academia “
Hi Andrzej,
You make a good point. I do know of a couple of initiatives that are going along those lines, and I agree with your analysis of ‘academia.’ Feel free to email me at
Hey Ben,
Love your work.
Hopefully you have future tours as I won’t be able to attend this one and would love to come along.
I wanted to send you a link to an article about ancient water filtration systems used by the Mayans.
Some of their carbon dates came back between 13,706~2997 cal yr B.P, which admittedly is a big range that they seem to dismiss the older ones and focus on the younger ones. Interested to see your thoughts on the article and if you think it helps support the ancient architects theories in any way.
Thanks Clint. Yes, I’m definitely planning on future tours, hopefully another one to Egypt in the October 2021 timeframe.
Thanks for the link!