MegaFlood Landscapes of the Channeled Scablands!

A brief teaser video from my recent trip to the ‘Contact at the Cabin’ week-long event in the Channeled Scablands of Eastern Washington State! Led by Randall Carlson and Brad from Kosmographia, we were joined by David Mathison, Kyle and Russ (Brother’s of the Serpent), Darren from the Grimerica team, and a host of awesome folks all keen to get a download of knowledge from Randall and see these incredible mega-flood landscapes first hand!

This video is a little different to my regular content – its a brief highlight reel from some of the locations and the fun that we had during our week together – including some jam sessions in the evenings! There will be much more content to come from this trip, I got a lot of footage and have a vastly better perspective on the incredible scale of the event that took place here, likely as a consequence of the Younger Dryas some 12-13,000 years ago.

Hope you enjoy the video!

6 thoughts on “MegaFlood Landscapes of the Channeled Scablands!”

  1. Hi, really enjoyed the scablands vid, Randall is a treasure and I really appreciate all the work you both did with all the supporting screen shots etc that illustrated the complex nature of the scablands and their creation.
    You guys got into a discussion on climate change at one point. I may have misheard or misinterpreted the comments but it seemed like Randall was suggesting anthropogenic climate change was a bit pussy compared to the real climate change of the Younger Dryas and that second spike of around 5000BC??
    I get it – Randall is iconoclastic, in absolute terms the Younger Dryas was a lot more catastrophic than present day (up to now). But it’s naive to dismiss our current anthropogenic climate change just because it’s less than previous events. We have nearly 8 billion human beings on the planet now, small changes in temperature will send most of them on the move. Where will they go?? Drought, extreme heat, flooding, too many frequent extreme weather events will set humans on the move – like the Sea Peoples at the Collapse of the Bronze Age. We will destroy the civilisation that makes our world possible through ignoring climate change. That is the threat. I posted this on YouTube and someone replied ‘you missed that Climate Change is not Anthropogenic’ . Well. It is actually. That’s the science. Ben, you didn’t dis Randall, half of what he said is right. But it’s not the whole story. Would be nice if you would clarify explicitly that the science tells us Anthropogenic climate change is a real thing and will make the planet increasingly uncomfortable for most people for generations to come unless we stop contributing to it and start mitigation .

  2. Hi Ben,
    Please can you take a look at the video below.
    It is about precision work in ancient India. The strange thing about the site here is that it appears not to be as old as the pyramids.
    The author of the video has lots more videos on ancient precision work on monoliths in Sri Lanka (really weird one in Sigiriya) and India.
    It would be amazing to hear your views on these and how they relate to the ancient precision work in Egypt and South America.

    Much appreciate your work.

    Many thanks.

  3. Ben, I’m grateful to have met you at Dry Falls parking lot while you all were scrambling through the scablands. Did you order yourself any new books?

    Anxious for your next vid.


    1. Dave!

      It was a pleasure meeting you also – and I have to again extend my thanks for your kindness and generosity, it was most unexpected and left me standing there like a bit of a ‘stunned mullet’ (as we would say back in the homeland) for quite a while. I have indeed ordered a couple of books since coming back from the scablands. On the last evening Randall spent 3 hours talking about the moon, and that’s driven a couple of purchases, he pretty much blew my mind with that one. I looked through my notes – if there was a book you recommended to me I didn’t write it down, just let me know here if that’s possible, or shoot me an email. I’m currently working on the next video, I hope to get it out this week. Going to be a deep dive in various aspects of the ‘middle pyramid’ at Giza that I think could support some interested alternative conclusions as to it’s origins, and that of the Giza plateau entirely.

      Thanks again Dave.


  4. Greetings UnchartedX.

    As an engineer living in MI USA, I would love to study the mathematics of the Pyramids.
    Can you provide reference material names or possibly links to this type of documentation?
    Your videos are coherent and easy viewing with for anyone interested.

    Thank you.

  5. The link to little known Indian precision stone work together with other temples, barabar caves and cyclopean ruins in Italy and Greece add to the Egyptian and South American/Meso American etc anomalies sharing common characteristics -evidence for common origins… the Tv series “after humans” that follows the decay of civilized structures over time is instructive . If an advanced civilization was ‘washed away’ by the scablands/ younger dryas mega flood we could possibly look for tangible stone remains in the fluvial deltas where the waters and debris ended up -where would this be?
    Burial seems to have preserved Egyptian ruins so perhaps also with traces of north american ancient stonework – deep eroded valleys might expose ancient levels eg grand canyon / drowned coasts etc.

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