Barabar – Presented by UnchartedX

BARABAR – Breathtaking Precision and Geometry Discovered in Ancient Indian Granite Caves. An important film and discovery. Presented by UnchartedX, check it out here:

In a remote area of India are some of the most remarkable ancient structures anywhere on the planet. A series of granite rock-cut caves, that recent studies utilizing modern 3d-scanning technology have been revealed to have utterly incredible precision and astonishing geometry. #ancient #precision

5 thoughts on “Barabar – Presented by UnchartedX”

  1. Dear Ben
    Are you interested to know more of the possible technology used in “carving” Barabar caves. I think I have some interesting explanation from non conventional sources

    Kind regards

  2. I can’t help but wonder if these caves were part of a manufacturing process (hence the need for them to be super smooth). I also can’t help but think about the JRE podcast with Terrance Howard (not that I believe he is right about everything…but…) In that podcast he states that different elements are at different frequencies, what if the caves were created to manufacture elements? (the different frequencies of the caves would produce different elements…maybe even molecules?)

  3. Hi Ben…

    I have been following your work for a while now… having studied the field from the perspective of almost everyone out there who cares for the true timeline of human history, it seems to me that great collaborative work could be done by including Mario Buildreps into your research. In fact it greatly surprises me that this relationship has not yet been explored by you. Of course, a multitude of personal reason I can’t even imagine may suffice to explain that… however, Mario’s research is very sound and hold the key, not only to the human timeline, but also to the geological processes that shape, and keep shaping or planet. Further collaboration that cross references each other fields of research would only benefit the truth.

    I hope my suggestion has value for you. Have a good day… 🙂


  4. I would dearly like to see the impulses recorded at these sites become freely available for musicians to work with – any chance of that happening? I feel that a little community research into the acoustic properties by musicians could reveal unknown tuning systems. In addition music using the IR responses as convolution reverb would be an exciting exploration indeed.

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