Ancient technology, precision stone vases, and other seemingly out-of-place artifacts, what is the connection between them? This is the topic I addressed in my presentation given earlier this year at the Cosmic Summit, and I wanted to share it with you all.
A little different to my normal produced content, this presentation will cover some ground and we get into a number of topics, tubular drills, vases scan project update, the tale of two industries, and more. I hope you enjoy the video!
As always this is brought to you via the value-for-value model, and my amazing supporter community – a huge thank you to everyone who contributes in any way!
Upcoming tours and conferences:
Join Yousef and I on the Primordial Egypt Tour, December 4-17 2024:
I’ll be speaking at the Metaphysical Egypt conference in Giza, April 4-9, 2025
Links to videos and articles discussed:
Ancient High Tech, Part 1 Machining:
Ancient High Tech, Part 2 Precision:
Ancient High Tech, Part 3 Logistics:
Ancient Precision, confirmed! (Vases):
Tube Drills and Overcuts at Luxor and Karnak:
Huge Block extracted from Aswan Quarry:
Changing the Game with Ancient Precision (vases):
1200 ton Obelisk at Aswan:
Smoking Gun Evidence for Ancient Machining:
Colossal Statues of Ancient Egypt:
Ancient Egyptian Stone Cutting:
Most Precise Ancient Egyptian Object:
Erosion on Ancient Megaliths:
Mark Qvist article on Ancient Vases:
Hi Ben,
I’ve been a big fan of yours for several years. I’ll be in Egypt in December but I couldn’t join your tour because I am travelling with someone else. I was wondering if I could meet you at some point. I remember you organising a meet and greet in London. That would be a highlight for me. I have contacted the Khemit School to show me around and point out the evidence that we are both so interested in.
Hi John,
I typically don’t take time out from the tours to meet with people (I get a lot of requests like this, I have had people leave me messages at hotels) as I’m there for the tour participants, and we’re usually very busy with our schedule. If you run into us on one of the sites though definitely come say hi 🙂
Dear Ben
While looking at out-of-place artifacts, one could see Bezier curves of the 2nd and the 3rd degree. I have already mentioned this once, but this time I took a photo of one of the vases and tried to match a vertical cut of the vase with a Bezier curve. Successfully and surprisingly the matching curve was of the 2nd degree (simpler one).
It shows that prehistoric machining was highly advanced and required numeric control of machine tools. Especially it was important while cutting interiors of vases. Equidistant of Bezier curve cannot be calculated without a computer.
If you are willing to give me your email address, I shall send a picture of the vase shape matched by a curve, as well as calculated equidistant.
Friendly regards – Antoni
My discovery has been described in the post: “Out-of-Place Bezier Curves” placed on the site mentioned in the form of my reply.
Best regards – au