Modern Metals in Ancient Egyptian Hard Stone Vases?

I recently had the chance to examine fragments of Ancient Egyptian hard stone vases under a Scanning Electron Microscope. For those of you supporting UnchartedX via Patreon or YouTube Channel memberships you would have seen my live updates while I was in Florida doing this work.

Many thanks to Dr Max Zamilov who volunteered his time, expertise, and equipment to make this happen. The results were certainly interesting! I did a YouTube livestream yesterday to go over the preliminary results. I am working on a more produced and researched video on the results, but check this out if you’re interested. It’s a livestream, and I started the roll in 8 minutes before it was scheduled to start, so if you don’t like cool images set to good music then skip forward 8 minutes to the start.

I also made a youtube short, if you want the TLDR: