Stream Highlights – New Digs at Abu Sir!

Watching raw footage from my recent Egypt trip – specifically the new excavations at Abu Sir and Ghorub! Many thanks to Travis for his editing!

Make sure to sub over at UnchartedXLive – there are plenty more videos like this going up regularly!

2 thoughts on “Stream Highlights – New Digs at Abu Sir!”

  1. Hey Ben, my name is Michael Paci. (Pronounced Pay-see.) I’m not certain you’ll ever see this. However, I needed to at least try to find a sounding board for this.
    I’m merely a guy that has an interest in history of all kinds.
    Though, I’m taking quite an interest in Egypt lately.
    To get to the point though, I keep looking at the area of and at the sphinx itself.
    I noticed, as most have, though mainstream won’t believe their lying eyes, that the sphinx proper shows signs of water erosion.
    We know the Egyptian ancestors had irrigation. What if the sphinx was fountain? Put there so the people had access to clean water, minus the crocks?
    The holes in the head of the statue could be an inlet and outlet. And since the water would be, I’m very much speculating here, coming through the top, in a spout. That would cause the water to continue to have wave effect, possibly causing the ripple erosion. What do you think? Thank you.

  2. Hi Ben!

    Just finished watching your and Jimmys presentation on Joe Rogan #1928…took better part of 2 days to do this as I kept going to Google, then posting the salient links from there back to #1928. WOW!

    I’m literally a pimple on the ass of progress, but I’m posting a link to this presentation on my FB page (“Grady Padgett” my social media nom de plume).

    I’m just a old hippy, but I believe in what you, and Jimmy present on your channels…as much as I can share with friends & family.

    I live only on SSI , + a few $$ providing organic “herb” to friends, so being able to hook-up with you and Randall has always been a dream; however, after listening to #1298 I’m going to make a Serious effort to be part of the next time you adventure into Eastern Washington Scab Lands…I want to shake your hand, personally tell you how thrilling you your presentation the truths are!

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