10% off all Merch, through August 12th!

Quick note! You might have seen this from your other creators, but TeeSpring is running a 10% off all purchases promo through this weekend.

You can get 10% off all of my merch at checkout by using the code COOL4CLASS


I need to make some designs. So many ideas, so little time 🙂

Documentary! The mystery of the Ancient Egyptian Tube Drills

This is an investigation into the story and mystery of the enigmatic tube drills of Old Kingdom Egypt. A story that stretches across 150 years, from Petrie to Lehner to Dunn, this is an astonishing tale, with a startling and challenging conclusion!

A full length documentary, this has been in the works for a long time! I will release several ‘addendum’ videos on this topic. Please consider supporting UnchartedX for more work like this via the value-for-value model at http://unchartedx.com/support !

Petrie’s documents and books available at https://archive.org
Chris Dunn’s website (with articles) http://gizapower.com
Pennsylvania University study into Drill Cores: https://www.penn.museum/documents/publications/expedition/PDFs/25-3/Ancient.pdf
Link to Mark Lehner/PBS Nova documentary (fragment): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeS5lrmyD74

New Video! Talking Ancient Quarrying, Columns, and the Bent Pyramid with Yousef and Mohammed, in Egypt!

This is a segment of an interview, conducted in Egypt in 2016 with two of the finest and most knowledgeable guides (and teachers!) that you could hope to meet, Yousef Awyan and Mohammed Ibrahim. Produced with clips from various sites, we get into the details of Ancient Egyptian quarrying and the unfinished obelisk, the giant single piece granite objects from the Old Kingdom, and a discussion about the Bent Pyramid.

I’m working hard on researching some longer, more involved videos that I’ve mentioned before, but I’ve been wanting to share more from our interview in Yousef’s shop for some time, and I’ve got more to come in the future!

transcript coming, let me know in a comment if that’s something you care about…. I have them for lots of my videos, don’t always post them.

Part 2! The Younger Dryas Cataclysm at the Carolina Bays with Antonio Zamora – Podcast #6.5

UnchartedX Podcast #6.5! This is Part 2 of my interview and conversation with Antonio Zamora, an independent researcher and scientist who has developed a new model for the formation of the Carolina Bays, and shows how they are fallout damage from the Younger Dryas Cosmic Impact of 12,800 years ago.

Part 1, please watch first!: https://youtu.be/YmndmJek0ik

New video! The Machined Artifacts of Abu Ghorab – Old Kingdom Sun Temple

Abu Ghorab is a small Old Kingdom Egyptian site with some remarkable artifacts still remaining, ones that show some astonishing signs of ancient high technology in their construction.

Join me as I take a look around this rarely visited and enigmatic ancient so-called Sun Temple, a site that was never a tomb or a pyramid.

New video! The Precision Carved Granite Boxes of Abu Sir

An investigation into the unique and astonishing precision-carved granite boxes that lie in an underground chamber of the rarely visited Old Kingdom Pyramid site of Abu Sir, in Egypt. These incredible objects are but one of the many signs of lost ancient high technology that can be found in this place.

Much more of Abu Sir to come in future videos!

500,000 volts through megalithic stone? An investigation into the possible with UnchartedX…

An investigation into the possible, and a discussion about perspective, illustrated with a little experiment conducted in Egypt with high electromagnetic induction voltages and some of the typical types of stone found in megalithic construction. Featuring Yousef Awyan, I wanted to share this cool experience and experiment with everyone, and to speculate a little about what it could possibly mean, if anything!

Some links/references:

Link to my podcast #1: https://youtu.be/KDSXOG9SoNY

Lecture on Electromagnetic Induction: https://youtu.be/nGQbA2jwkWI?t=300

website mentioning the Lifestream generator/Joe Rogan show: https://www.metabunk.org/brooks-agnews-cloud-chamber-haarp-experiment-on-joe-rogans-question-everything.t2107/

Visiv Technologies: http://vizivtechnologies.com/

New video! The Enigmas of Puma Punku, and Tihuanaco

Investigating the mysteries and history of the unique ancient megalithic sites of Puma Punku and Tihuanaco, Bolivia. I’ve visited the sites more than once, they are captivating, and full of astonishing precision megalithic stonework that isn’t easily explainable from within the current paradigm of history.

Join me as I begin my investigation into these enigmatic sites. This is chapter 1, a detailed introduction to the stonework, layout, history and controversy of Puma Punku and Tihuanaco, along with a couple of stories from my various visits there.

Some ideas and questions for my audience in there, and a surprise at the end of the video! Lots more to come on this site.

A couple of references:


Fresno Alley (Youtube Free Music Library)
Scott Gratton : A Moment
Scott Gratton: The Seconds
Scott Grattion: The Minutes