Join me on a Tour of Megalithic England! July, 2023 – SOLD OUT

Feb 2023 Update: Tour is now sold out, but if you would like to get on the waitlist for spots that might open up, please email Hugh at !

Join me and my friends Yousef Awyan (Khemit School) and Hugh Newman and JJ Ainsworth (Megalithomania) for what promises to be an amazing tour of Ancient sites in England, including a private visit to StoneHenge – this July, 2023.

I’m very much looking forward to this opportunity, it’ll be my (and Yousef’s) first chance to see the sites and mysteries of England. Spots are limited for this trip, and I expect it will go fast.

Check out all the details and full itinerary below, or on the Megalithomania site: and you can register right here (below).

Please email for tour questions. Note, this isn’t my email address, it is Hugh’s. If you want to contact me use .

UnchartedX on JRE!

This week I had the amazing opportunity to appear as a guest on the Joe Rogan Experience! You can check out the full video, free on Spotify, via the link above or right here:

I hope you all enjoy the podcast – and I’ll be coming out with a cracker of a video next week getting into the details of some of the new research and work on ancient precision that I shared on the show!   

Cheers,  Ben

New Video! Smoking Gun Evidence for Ancient Machining at Elephantine Island

Astonishing evidence for an ancient form of sophisticated machining into very hard stone can be seen on one of the artifacts found on the Ancient Egyptian site of Elephantine Island. After several visits to this incredible place, the significance of this particular aspect to the well-known granite ‘shrine’ finally hit home for me. Incontrovertible, and confirmed by a true expert in stone working, there is no way known that the subject of the video could be produced using primitive hand tools, it’s one of the best individual pieces of evidence for ancient advanced technology that I’ve ever seen.   

Join me as we explore a little bit of the history of Elephantine Island, and dive into the details and implications of this recently uncovered aspect of the stonework there.   

I’ll be speaking live and in person at the Cosmic Summit, at the beautiful Crowne Plaza Resort in Ashville, NC next year. Alongside Graham Hancock, Randall Carlson, scientists from the Comet Research Group and fellow youtubers like Jimmy Corsetti and Jahannah James, it’ll be quite the event! Scheduled for Jun 16-18, tickets are available for in-person or live streaming here:

LiveStream – New Observations from Egypt!

I recently held a Livestream on my YouTube channel, sharing footage and some thoughts on new observations from a recent trip to Egypt.

I do occasional livestreams on my Youtube channel, but I stream regularly over on twitch, 2 or 3 times a week, at least when I’m in the country at home! Check out the twitch channel at

New Video! The Colossal Statues of Ancient Egypt

Evidence exists for a number of truly colossal statues that existed during the Ancient Egyptian Civilization. Carved from single solid pieces of granite, or conglomerate quartzite, several of these behemoths weighed in at 1000 tons and more. Some were transported more than 1000km from their original quarries, and the remaining fragments display amazingly fine details and features. A true logistical and technological challenge.

Could these statues, as well as smaller examples that display other aspects of lost ancient technology, have been inherited by the Dynastic Egyptian Civilization? Might they have formed the basis for the iconic artwork, style and culture of the civilization that we are all familiar with today? Why do we see a tale of two industries, primitive and advanced, in so many categories of Ancient Egyptian artifacts?

Join me as we explore these questions, and examine the evidence for truly colossal remains of ancient Egyptian statues, and forms of lost ancient technology, far beyond that which can be achieved by the tools and techniques that exist in the archaeological record.

Join Randall Carlson and I in the Channeled Scablands in September 2022!:

Join Yousef Awyan and I in Egypt in October 2022!:

Join us at the Earth Origins V Conference in Sedona in October 2022!:

Links to mentioned videos:

Rare Footage from Beneath the Step Pyramid:

Incredible Precision Stone Jars:

1200 Ton Unfinished Obelisk:

Re-badging and Recyling of Stone Monuments:

Tanis and the Largest Stone Statue ever made:

Ancient Egyptian Stone Cutting:

Lost Ancient Technology: Precision:

Lost Ancient Technology: Quarrying and Logistics:

Exec Producers for this episode:

Sebastien Lonberg Marc Windon Jim Dickie Frank Lindberg Drew Stearns Toft

Associate Executive Producers for this episode:

Ben Atwill

Randall Carlson Returns to the Podcast!

New video!

Randall Carlson joins me for his 3rd appearance on the UnchartedX Podcast!

We get into a discussion on the academic history of geology, the science behind the younger dryas, and the mechanics of the megafloods of the channeled scablands in the pacific northwest, the tumultuous climate and rise in sea levels during that period and the effects it would have had on any people in affected regions.

Since my last video on Tiwanaku and Puma Punku, I’ve been looking forward to an opportunity to share some of my findings with Randall, and to quiz him about the possible connections between Arthur Posnansky’s research on the geological history of that region and the younger dryas period, which we get into.

Then Randall takes us through an utterly fascinating discussion of the prevalence of precessional numerology in history, and how it all connects between astronomical cycles, the measures of time and space, and the possibility of a common source that has driven this data down through time, cultures, religions and legends – I did my best to keep up with him and there was definitely some ‘mind blown’ moments in there for me.


Join Randall and I in the Channeled Scablands in September 2022!:

Join Yousef Awyan and I in Egypt in October 2022!:

Join us at the Earth Origins V Conference in Sedona in October 2022!:

In Studio with Koncrete Podcast!

Last week I joined Danny at the excellent Koncrete Podcast for an in-studio, long form discussion on all things lost ancient technology – we went for more than 3 hours! It premiered today on the Koncrete channel.

Watch here:

I’d highly recommend checking out some of Danny’s other guests (Randall Carlson was on the show recently) and he brings a background in cinematography with a great studio setup for high production value in his work. Hope you all enjoy the chat!



UnchartedX Videos – available on Spotify!

All my videos can now also be found on Spotify! The channel is called ‘UnchartedX Videos’ and here’s a link to the show page:

Note that this is DIFFERENT to the ‘UnchartedX Podcast’ – that is my audio only podcast, which will continue as it’s own entity.

So in summary, my videos will be available on YouTube, Spotify (and of course here on this website), and the UnchartedX Podcast is hosted right here (via the podcast link at the top of the page) and available through most podcast libraries, including Spotify and iTunes.


Unraveling the Mystery of the Channeled Scablands MegaFloods! Join us in September 2022!

A promo video and highlights for an upcoming adventure! Join us as we delve into the mysteries of our cataclysmic past – in an exploration of the mega-flood landscapes of the Channeled Scablands of Eastern Washington state, happening this September (and May 2023)! Details at .

Presented by Randall Carlson, Brad Young, The Brothers of the Serpent, The Grimerica Show, with special guests David Mathisen, Brandon Powell and Ben from UnchartedX (me!) these trips are a great week getting into the geological, archaeological, and paleontological details of the cataclysmic past of humanity. Daily field trips to geologically significant locations, evening lectures and sessions on a wide variety of topics, Wim Hof breath sessions, and the occasional jam session make up a fun week based out of Soap Lake Resort in Eastern Washington state.

Music by Fifty Dollar Dynasty! Check them out at

Track 1: Amillion

Track 2: Deos (from the new Album Precession – available on streaming platforms and the website)