New video! Rare footage from beneath the Step Pyramid of Saqqara!

Rare footage, exploring the tunnels and catacombs beneath the sands of Ancient Egypt – a journey into the bedrock below the Step Pyramid of Saqqara!

Home to the discovery of more than 40,000 of the remarkable machined hard stone vases from the earliest parts of the Ancient Egyptian Civilization. More than 5 kilometers of passages and shafts have been carved deep into the ground below Pharoah Djoser’s Step Pyramid, and there are still many signs of ancient machined artifacts, including something in the lower levels that I don’t think has ever been documented publically before!

Join me as we explore these mysteries and go on a visit into this remarkable and ancient place, only recently opened to groups with ‘special permission’ access.

Links to videos:

Ancient Precision Stone Jars, and other Mysteries of Saqqara:

The Improbable Timeline of the Old Kingdom Mega-Pyramid Builders:

Evidence for Ancient High Technology – Part 1: Machining

Evidence for Ancient High Technology – Part 2: Precision

Executive Producers for this episode:

MLE Engineering


Donald Roy

Reagan Stuart

Tatted Metal

Chad Baldi

Associate Executive Producers for the episode:

Cortes Studio

Brian Russell

Chris Partney

Janet Diane Blevins

Music: SinnersSpeed – Miata is Always the Answer Creative Commons –

UnchartedX Podcast – now Podcasting 2.0 compliant!

The world of podcasting has been through something of a recent renovation – primarily thanks to Adam Curry (of the excellent ‘No Agenda’ podcast) and Dave Jones. Along with updating the namespace and RSS specification, they have also created – a truly independent index of podcasts.

The advances here have much to do with the functional aspects of how podcasting works. Podcasting in general is at risk of censorship and ‘corporate’ oversight, as the largest current indexes of podcasts are run by Apple iTunes and Spotify. Apple has certainly been notable in recent years for censoring or outright canceling certain voices (ahem, Alex Jones…), and I’ve read plenty of articles reporting on the ‘woke’ staff at Spotify spitting the dummy when Joe Rogan dares to have on a guest who espouses opinions outside the bounds of their ‘tolerant’ political echo chamber.

So, having an independent index is a good thing, and Curry’s podcastindex (and the man himself) are, much as I am, committedly against the idea of censoring or ‘cancelling’ anyone. The correct response to speech that you don’t like is more speech – or being an adult and realizing that not everyone is always going to see things the same way you do, and you’re free to be offended, or even to simply ignore it!

My background before doing this crazy content creator caper was in IT, and I began in programming, so with the UnchartedX podcast I maintain and write my rss feed myself – it’s hosted on this website, as are all the mp3s of the actual podcasts. You can find them via the menu at the top of the page. I also add my feed to the big aggregators, Spotify, iTunes, and of course it’s in the new Podcasting 2.0 index.

One of the most interesting innovations in the Podcasting 2.0 namespace update is adding in the <value> tag. This allows listeners (who are using Podcasting 2.0 compatible apps to listen) to send microtransactions of crypto currencies to support show creators – which today is bitcoins, or rather satoshis (known as ‘sats,’ a 100 millionth of a bitcoin) over the ‘lightning’ transaction network. The namespace further allows the automatic split of any proceeds between hosts, or even in individual episodes, between hosts and guests. All baked into the standard! Sounds complicated? Not really, just use one of the Podcasting 2.0 compliant apps to listen to your favorite podcast, and send them some sats, the standard will take care of the rest. You can find a list of compliant apps at .

If you’re interested in adding the new podcasting tags to your podcast’s RSS feed, you can find the spec here:

As of episode 25 of the UnchartedX podcast, we are also podcasting 2.0 compliant – although I’ve only just begun to play with the possibilities of the namespace changes. Exciting (and independent!) times ahead for Podcasting.

New video! Is there a hidden chamber beneath the Khafre Causeway?

Is there a undiscovered and hidden chamber beneath the huge Khafre Causeway on the Giza Plateau? On my recent trip to Egypt, we discovered some interesting evidence that seems to point to exactly that!

Join me as we explore several examples of subterranean features of the Giza Plateau, and investigate what could be an entirely new discovery of a hidden chamber beneath the causeway…

Livestream Podcasting double header!

Yesterday I was live on youtube for a double-header of livestreamed podcasting. Kyle and Russ Allen (the Brothers of the Serpent) joined me for a chat about our recent Egypt trip, and we started getting into what we learned (and unlearned!) on that tour. 

Randall Carlson had also asked me to come onto his Kosmographia show as they did their first livestream podcast. Randall was his usual fountain of knowledge on looking at the evidence of megafloods on the American continent, and towards the end we also discussed Egypt. I think Brad has the video unlisted at the moment while he makes some small edits to it, but it should be available on the Randall Carlson channel in the next few days. 

New video! Proof for Ancient technology and Stone Recycling in the 4th Dynasty of Ancient Egypt!

In this video I show you evidence of megalithic stone recycling and re-use, in the 4th dynasty itself! We know that the rulers of the Middle and New Kingdoms of Ancient Egypt were recycling and re-using stone from the Old Kingdom – but what does it mean if the Old Kingdom Egyptians were ALSO recycling stone from an earlier period?

According to mainstream history, the Old Kingdom was the FIRST period of Dynastic Egypt, supposedly that of the mega-pyramid builders, who also shaped millions of tons of granite blocks. But is it possible that much of this precision megalithic work was already in place, only to be inherited, and re-used by the Dynastic Civilization?

Join me as we dive down into this topic, and look at the evidence for inheritance still on the ground in Egypt today.

Executive Producers for this episode:

Muhammed Al Subai

Stewart Bachmann

Jeanette M Rishell

Mark Rendina

Associate Executive Producers for this episode:

Christopher Pearson

Jin Yuan Lew


Manu Seyfzadeh

Jacques Atlas

Phil Connolly

Greg Kaighin

Tara Lee Sanders

William MacConnell

Deborah and Richard Schanda

Dan Monnig

Discussing Ancient Egyptian Mysteries with Yousef Awyan – an UnchartedX video Podcast!

Yousef Awyan is an expert guide on all things Ancient Egypt, he’s traveled the world and visited many other megalithic sites, and is an accomplished musician and practicing stonemason.

Yousef has a very practical understanding of the mysteries wrought into the stone at so many of the incredible sites in Egypt, and he is a good friend of mine!

This video is a conversation we recently recorded, and I’ve set it to much of my raw footage of the sites and objects that we discuss.

Many thanks to Yousef for his time – and I hope you enjoy the podcast!

Sneferu and his 3 Mega Pyramids – and a tour of the Red Pyramid!

The Red Pyramid of Dashur is Ancient Egypt’s third largest pyramid – only slightly less massive than the middle pyramid at Giza. According to mainstream history, it was built by Pharoah Sneferu, the father of Khufu, who not only built this, but two more of the mightiest pyramids of the Old Kingdom, the Bent and Meydum pyramids.  

Just how many huge pyramid ‘tombs’ does one ruler need?   Join me as we explore the  enigmatic Red Pyramid, with a full private walk through of it’s chambers, and glimpse into the many unknowns about the true history of this remarkable ancient monument.

Patrons will have already seen the tour inside the Red Pyramid – but I’ve added subtitles and some additional comments! 

Is this Block proof for a Lost Ancient Civilization?

There are many unexplainable connections between the ancient cultures of the Americas with that of Ancient Egypt – and in recent years a new connection has been uncovered that should be re-writing the story of history for South America.

According to academics, the Inca never had a writing system – but new evidence at Sacsayhuaman is challenging this assumption – or could this be the work of the lost ancient and high technology civilization that preceded them?

Please consider supporting UnchartedX via the value-for-value model at ! A MASSIVE thank-you to all those who do.


Andean Megalithic Architecture Primer:

The Mystery of Sacsayhuaman, Part 1:

The Mystery of Sacsayhuaman, Part 2:

History with Kaleigh:

Doggerland with Jahanna James and Kaleigh:

Ancient Sanctum – Gornaya Shoria:

The Mystery of Ancient Egyptian Stone Cutting in Basalt and Granite – UnchartedX full documentary!

The mystery of Ancient Egyptian stone cutting on Old Kingdom sites, into incredibly hard stone like basalt, and granite – a full documentary length deep dive into the evidence for ancient advanced technology.

Only on Old Kingdom sites do we find the presence of large basalt pavements – made up of remarkably flat and machined blocks. On and around these pavements, as well as inside the pyramids, we can find evidence for advanced methods of stone cutting, including powered circular saws. Far beyond the capability of the Dynastic Ancient Egyptians – how were these cuts made? Were they created by the dynastic civilization? Or is it possible these structures and objects were inherited?

We also investigate the evidence for a strange, functional feature of these Old Kingdom sites – the installation of channeled ‘u-shaped’ blocks, beneath the stone of pavements and causeways. What was the function of these mysterious blocks?

Stone Jars and other mysteries of Saqqara:
The Story of Ancient Egyptian Tube Drills:
Ancient Egypt’s Lost Labyrinth:
500,000 volts through megalithic stone:

Executive Producers for this episode: 
Josh Lohse
Chris Partney
Antonio Kasljevic
Northern Investments

Associate Executive Producers for the episode: 
Marc Taylor
Grzegorz Bozek
Frederica Russell
Thomas Czerniewski