New video! A quick look at a lesser visited Old Kingdom site, the Temple of Bastet, located some 80 kms from Cairo. Tel Basta has some astonishing pieces of what is clearly high technology, precision objects, and a number of machining marks spread across the ruins of a once mighty structure. The granite graveyard that remains has yet to give up all it’s secrets!
Another great series !
Wow, this pillar is just amazing.
You was into check the modern hole vs the ancient holes.
I had the idea to fill a hole whit plaster inside and then check the federate more close if I can get plaster core out undamaged.
Then one can trace the federate goes on or if it is separately grooves we see.
I would also like to check the core diameter if oval and diameter outside and more inside.
If it is grooves that goes on and say at 1.5-2 mm feed in granite it must be Very powerful tools.
Maybe they did not even use diamond drill tips but melted the stone by some kind of sonic force in some ways.
It don’t make sense.
If the modern archaeology is right the had a copper tube do this holes, but how just to do the tube ?
Ok, today one can lathe rather easy, but I can say not to many of us can make that tube in a lathe that thin wall and say at 4” diameter or so.
And how long should that copper tube hold up using water and sand and hand by hand wrench it ?
It’s a very stupid idea of course.
I would love see Hawass orchestre this out on field whit his best stone masons aviable !
-How could this have won the concept generally how they made this possible ?
It must been people way out of machine & stone experience that got this idea on print, or they know but it could not been told.
It’s great this now comes out.
Chris Dunn makes the case that the tooltips were using some form of ultrasonic process. You can see the width of the tool tip in the marks left at Abu Sir, they were very thin, both the tubular drills and the circular saws.
Do one need police escort to this place ?
Like the Jousef’s body landugare in fron of this one
If you go with any tour company, I’m sure that it’s a regulation to have an escort. I’m not entirely sure that it’s actually for safety as much as it is for some additional revenue generation.
A note vs writings on the stone and ’looks’ of the people.
Tanis site shown deep heat and speculations might be on a infermo 12.000 years ago.
Ok, if so its show writings was there on them ’before’ ( as ideas is that most or many writings was put there ’after’ the inferno, as writings is ’crued’ vs the slabs/statue.
But Tanis show indications it was there before.
Have a look on pictures.
This issue is need to be investigsted more.
It must be either way, but of course allot of writings is put there after – but maybe not all, and if so it indicates text/looks is the same as the ’dynastics’
I agree that there is some strange surface conditions to some of the stone, which may be indicative of heat at some point in the past. It’s hard to quantify. I do intend to get into some more of those details in future videos I’m working on. I also want to get into some of the additional specifics on the writing, like how the egyptians would work down a surface and erase writing to write over it. Those surfaces are always less precise and are clearly made with tools when compared to the original precision / flat surfaces. It indicates to me that the Egyptians were doing a lot of work to various objects, and I also think that they did all of the writings.
Ok, so go Uber on my own there is not really safe, or maybe illegal to ?
I want to go there, to Tanis, Abu Rawash, and see more at Giza, Abu sir and Elephantine island and Aswan, maybe Karnak/Luxor on their granite graveyard ( as I most into machining, not the dynasties.
Yes the drill we see here will get a core and they actually found one, and the drill itself is rather thin wall like a ‘tube’.
Reason I like trace the federate is there are one over another or if the go inside.
One might can do that on location and not use plaster, but it will be hard, but maybe possible.
If this thin wall and this federate it’s not diamond tip my guess.
Another issue, they look be random ?
On writings.
I think as you said nice slabs has ruff marks, but take slabs in Abu sir & Giza and its broken all over but still text on them ( why would anyone do that after a catastrophe when it went apart as it don’t make sense )
Ex Tanis show the burn marks in the text on the slabs.
To me it indicate or prove the text was there before the inferno.
Again, far from all, as many show or indicate the text was put there after, as ex statues in museum etc.
Again, it’s must be either way, otherwise we has the original builders look, wrote the same as the dynasties maybe well after them. Or we has the same people ( and what we see ( ex in limestone ) is ‘out ‘history’ dynasties.
Here is a mystery that we can trace as the machine marks and no speculation.
How and why the pyramids, well I honestly don’t think we get more than just ‘speculations’.
I’m sure there are ways to get there on your own, if that’s what you want to do. I would expect though if you hire a guide, an arrangement similar to ours is what will be proposed. But times change, that video was from a couple years ago now – but it was just Luke and I as ‘tourists,’ it wasn’t a group.
This is of course speculations but it’s to be told the pyramids was covered whit hieroglyphs on the surface layer, and latest I heard it was from Randall Carlson.
For me it kind make sense from what I seen down there.
Jousef has told me there are stones on Cairo whit hieroglyphs on them. ( Guess this came from Giza.
When I was there in March I saw the granite had writings and why would anyone do that on cracked stones fallen down ?
What confuse me is the original builders must been into some kind of catastrophe but the culture must been over live it, as we can see that in the history on our side of the story.
It was discussed whit Randall Carlson that North America had a 2 miles thick ice but weather was warm at Siberia at the ice age.
He said that is a ‘mystery’.
-Well, se it from this point of view if Brian Forrester is correct some of the megalithic is off 23 degree ( never buildings is located at today’s north )
So the ‘old’ north might be at North America (?)
Randall did not make that at a topic’s ( don’t know why )
I has not check this up what 23 degree means on Earth, but a ruff guess it might be so that North America can be around 23 degree.
According to Randall geological it comes more and more proof now that something happens around 12.000 years ago and from that time, and to the meltdown when ice went away it was fast rapid.
The time after was 3-4 degree warmer that creates the people a more easy life but then the little ice age came up and then we are into our history window.
He mean all this was so radical it literary wiped allot away and at the ice age the continents had the coast line totally different.
( well one has see of cities outside India, Japan etc, and heard of the area at Bahamas.
Check out on this video from Brian Forrester that is from Tanis.
Look into this slab at around 14 minutes in the movie.
It’s writings and it’s crached and according from Forrester this is before dynastic era ( as I also think )
What confusing is, why should later dynasties write on crashed slabs, as it don’t make sense.
If it was the original builders, that mean they look & wrote the same.
-How do all this come togheter ?
The Dynastic Egyptians, like the Maya, repurposed with new meaning, the hieroglyphs found on the structures and monuments left behind from the previous vanished civilizations that inhabited the region before them.
Ben, I enjoyed viewing your 20 min YouTube discussing the evidence of an alternative view of ancient history. I would encourage you to visit Dr James McCanney’s website and learn about his comet theories related to the electrical nature of the universe and “action at a distance” that better explains the science behind passing celestial bodies and their impact on our planet. Also read the work of Immanuel Velikovsky such as Worlds in Collision. Or the recent work of Ancient Aliens shown on the History Channel.
I’m familiar with the EU theory and Velikovsky, but I could use a refresher, I’ll put his book on my reading list. Ancient Aliens I have a hard time watching.