I am going to livestream this afternoon, around 3pm PST… A lot of what I do in video production is reviewing the (terabytes of) raw footage that I have from many ancient sites, and I thought that might be a nice thing to share with those who are interested. I will be looking at my footage from around, in and under Meidum today. I might also review some recent ‘ancient history’ news articles, or comments on my videos, but most of all, I’d love to interact more with those who watch my channel – maybe discuss recent videos, answer questions, that sort of thing!

Hi Ben,
Firstly I want to say how much I love your videos and how you present them so clearly. I especially like the podcasts with raw footage as it just gives you a better idea of the scale when viewed in real-time.
I will be buying you your virtual pint on payday 😁
Anyway I’m sure you are inundated with other people’s ideas but I just had a ‘shower thought’ moment about the pyramids.
Meidum shows a collapsed pyramid with a stepped structure under.. firstly I questioned why you would build something only to cover it? It seems to me to indicate there could be an underlying (stepped pyramid) structure to other Pyramids.
A pyramid is an inherently strong shape, could it be that an outer layer was build up to protect this underlying structure? Just like Gobekli Tepe was buried.
Just a thought – I can’t seem to find any research on it so thought I would post this to you.
All the best and good luck on your ventures! I hope to see more great videos for the foreseeable future.
Kind regards,
Hey Marcus, thanks for the comment. It’s a good thought. Many people have speculated that the ‘inner structure’ of pyramids like the Great Pyramid might once have been open to the sky, or formed the first phase of construction, only to be later turned into a full pyramid, and perhaps even this last part came in a later civilization. I’m not sure if we have the resolution with radar/other tools to really find out, but some of them (like Meidum) clearly seem to have at LEAST 2 distinct periods of construction. In all likelyhood it’s much more nuanced than that, I think it’s quite possible there were many periods of building and deconstruction (quarrying) going on.
I’m curious who, in your opinion, stands the most to loose (philosophically or religiously) with a reality of advanced civilizations beyond / before the YD (12,000 years ago)?
I mean whose world gets shaken the most?