New video! The Precision Carved Granite Boxes of Abu Sir

An investigation into the unique and astonishing precision-carved granite boxes that lie in an underground chamber of the rarely visited Old Kingdom Pyramid site of Abu Sir, in Egypt. These incredible objects are but one of the many signs of lost ancient high technology that can be found in this place.

Much more of Abu Sir to come in future videos!

3 thoughts on “New video! The Precision Carved Granite Boxes of Abu Sir”

  1. Hi Ben,
    My name is Pierre and I am writing to you from France.
    Your presentations of the ancient world archeological sites are really wonderful, professional, perfectly constructed and always accompanied with great footages and beautiful images: you deserve the highest congratulations for your achievements!
    I have been following you since last most on your channel and became really addicted to it: so I just decided to support you on Patreon!
    Your latest magnificent video about the archeological remains of Abusir is once again overwhelming as usual and I must say that the images reflect perfectly well the atmosphere and the “sacred spirit” of this site.
    Abusir is quite familiar to me; I have been there several times in the last 30 years and on every occasion I spent long moments in this area. This place is really different from the other pyramid sites located in the vicinity. The site exudes an incomparable atmosphere and since my first visit I have always had a strange feeling when I entered these ruins. There is an atmosphere I could best describe as “unreal”, conveying to the visitor the odd sensation of being “somewhere else”. To me, the area differs considerably when compared to the familiar Egyptian context: staying there is just like being on another planet, with the very special feeling of a sort of powerful energy that still emanates from the numerous pieces of stone… Did you have the same sensation?
    But let’s come back to some concrete facts: speaking about ancient stone-cutting technologies, yesterday I just came across a video from 2013 which I found on the German YouTube channel.
    Here is the link to this film :
    This presentation made by Mr.Hans Jelitto (a German graduate in physical sciences who actually works in the Hamburg Institute for High Performance Ceramics) focuses on the Pyramids, their physical characteristics, some construction hypotheses and in particular their extraordinary , mathematical and “esoteric” dimensions.
    Mr.Jelitto also has a close look on the precision of the stone work on the Pyramid’s casing.
    But according to me, the most interesting part of this subject starts at 48.00 when he highlights more precisely the very intriguing techniques used by the builders: interestingly, his observations perfectly fit with your own findings and your remarks about this mystery.
    The whole video is in German and I wonder whether you will be able to understand it in details. Since I am perfectly bilingual I decided to summarize briefly the conclusions of Mr.Jelitto related to the part concerning the stone processing techniques:
    – This scientist focuses in particular on the case of the huge granite blocks belonging to the Valley Temple of Khefren of which he has taken several high precision photos.
    – In the wake of his trip to Giza he presented these pictures to a scientist who works for the Institute of Mineralogy of Hamburg(Germany): this specialist immediately confirmed that the whole piece of stone can only have been a single block at the origin.
    – This single piece of granite was however cut in two pieces so precisely that the seal between the two parts is less than a mm thick.
    – Was is also remarkable is that the smallest micro-structures in the stone itself are still incredibly well-preserved and perfectly connected together, even after the block has been split in 2 separate parts
    – This would not have been possible with our modern cutting machines: according to the stone specialists he also consulted, the minimum width left by a special granite cutting circular saw (necessarily equipped with diamond tips) amounts to a minimum of 1 cm, creating inevitably a rupture in the continuity of the internal stone’s crystals network. There would be some loss of material in any case, which in turn would have left a significant gap between the two parts. Most obviously, this is not at all the case for the example we have in front of us. The perfectly visible oblique lines figuring on the picture on which the scientist also has put a graph paper would in no case match if cut by our current tools.
    – 52.30 : we can see perfectly the less than 0.1mm wide joint with flawlessly matching inner structures and especially the very small black granules that are perfectly preserved in their entirety; Moreover, we also have to keep in mind that this block is weighing between 10 to 15 tones and is exerting a tremendous pressure on the substratum.
    Mr. Jelitto concludes that the builders who undertook this stone-cutting and displacement work must obligatory have disposed of “high tech” means for that sake? But which are these? One thing remains sure in any case : such “machines” are unknown to our current civilization…
    We can also completely exclude laser techniques since the latter would have left melting traces in any case.
    To confirm definitely his discovery H.Jelitto and the University of Hamburg have asked officially the Egyptian archeological authorities for the permission to undertake a core sampling in one of the blocks with the purpose of studying very precisely the internal granite structure in their laboratory : they are still waiting for a response from these authorities…
    I hope that you have appreciated this short description and I would be most pleased to help if you need further translations from French and German sites. I can provide advice any time and support you in your research if you wish so. I must add that I am really passionate about Ancient Egypt as well other old civilizations and that I have a particular connection to the Nile Valley…for some special reasons I shall reveal to you one day…
    All the bests and many thanks for your priceless contribution to the in-depth study of the mysterious origins and development of mankind !
    Best greetings,

  2. Ben,

    I mention this dilemma before.
    In this video at time 1.45 we see the broken obelisk with hieroglyphs on it.
    Idea is a catastrophe around 12.500 years ago, but idea is also text was done later on as text is not as good as the work on the obelisk itself.
    We do see this at many sites, as cracked slabs of good work ( machined surface ) and there are text and slabs is cracked.
    As I has mentioned before.
    -I has hard to se the dynasties in our time line put the text on broken slabs.
    I simply can’t see why ( if so is )

    Let’s say the obelisk still was standing after the catastrophe 12.500 years ago, and our dynasties did text them and ‘later on’ it did fall and got cracked.
    Yes, it might be the case, but why does all this sites look like it was at a violent explosion ?
    I’ll can’t say it’s just quarry down to this shape.

    It’s a error here in the timeline in someway.

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