New Podcast: Interviewing Antonio Zamora, investigating the Younger Dryas, and the Carolina Bays

UnchartedX Podcast #6 – Interviewing and talking with Antonio Zamora, an independent researcher and scientist who has developed a new model for the formation of the Carolina Bays, and shows how they are fallout damage from the Younger Dryas Cosmic Impact of 12,800 years ago.

This is part 1 of 2 (part 2 coming soon…. )

Younger Dryas Introductory video:
Younger Dryas Paper review video:

Antonio Zamora’s Youtube Channel:
Antonio’s website:
Follow Antonio on Twitter:

One thought on “New Podcast: Interviewing Antonio Zamora, investigating the Younger Dryas, and the Carolina Bays”

  1. With the modern tech we now have at our fingertips it easier to back to back watch documentary’s of egyptology and in the method of tube drilling one fact is clear …when you core drill there will be the core as well as the dust accumulated.
    Which leads to the subject of sand cast molding as opposed to carving with tools.
    A method used in mining is hydro cutting and drilling..which in return you are left with a granite mud that is reformable.
    Understanding that the nile river of antient egypt were at higher levels ..making hydro stone cutting feasable and sand form molding from powderized granite well as other stones.
    Lubracant would come from Olive one time the olive tree in Egypt was considered a multi use natural commodity .
    It’s also clear throught history civilations have only profected the challange of masonary to where we can build bridges of expanse roads ..freeways system that cover and connect all land known.. even skyscrapers that tower over the piramids.
    It makes more sense to quary and move a powder than a cut stone that requires massive efforts to move.

    Daniel W Trujillo Jr.

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