Myths, Gods, and the Younger Dryas Cataclysm! Eye-witness accounts of cosmic disasters in our past.

An exploration of the evidence for eye-witness accounts of cosmic disasters and the great cataclysms of our past, as contained in the scriptures, myths and legends from religions and cultures around the world. Are these tales nothing but imagination? Or do they have their roots in the cosmic disasters of the ice age?

Modern scientific evidence is challenging our understanding of the true history of civilization on this planet, and remarkably, showing some of the truth that is contained in these oldest of stories. What other truths might we uncover by closely examining these tales from the past?

18 thoughts on “Myths, Gods, and the Younger Dryas Cataclysm! Eye-witness accounts of cosmic disasters in our past.”

  1. After watching the 2 videos on the tube drills and the latest video on the Younger Dryas catastrophe I really feel you’ve found your niche. There are a lot of channels going to sites and touching on the highlights but few go in depth with an alternative view to the mainstream. The core drill videos were brilliant and well researched. Some I knew but a lot I did not and that’s exactly what I’m after. The backstory and intricacies, whether the reinforce my beliefs or challenge them.

  2. Hi Ben,

    First of all, thank you for all your efforts with the videos you have made up till now. Finally material
    that is balanced and rational without veering immoderately into fringe material, but when necessary touching upon it with consideration. I hope you will persevere in your work.
    Second, more touching on the subject matter of this video perhaps, of late I have noticed that not only you but also Randall Carlson have touched upon Plato’s Timaeus. But it might interest you to try to procure the first part of the Commentary on the Timaeus by Proclus, translated by Thomas Taylor. It will go in much greater depth on the catastrophic aspects of the dialogue not only dealing with Atlantis but also the Myth of Phaeton. I think you could be the first to bring this information out on the internet/youtube, and I do believe it could be very beneficial to have it given consideration. Randall doesn’t seem to know about it, or hasn’t as far as I know mentioned it.
    (contact me by email if you wish to have it free as pdf)

    All the best,


    1. Thanks Stefan! I will follow up with you, I’d love to look into it. Randall has been discussing Plato again recently in his ‘Kosmographica’ series of podcasts.

  3. Ben, We really enjoy your videos and what you’re doing to enlighten us about the past. Please keep up the awesome job you’re doing. We put a little in your coffee fund to support your continued research and bringing us quality and meaningful videos.
    As a side note, I do hope you can get to Japan some day to visit their megalithic sites. From what I’ve seen, it looks much like the construction and high technology you’ve shown us in Peru and other places around the world. I would be very interested in your view of things found there. Safe travels to you.

    1. Thanks for the kind words and the support Harold!

      I’ve been to Japan several times, in my old life in IT. I very much want to return someday to film and explore the megalithic ruins there, I hope to do so within the next couple of years – I agree it’s a fascinating place with some incredible and mysterious remains.

  4. About those drill cores: please explain exactly how the helical drill rate is 500 times greater than is possible today. I don’t understand.

    I can’t see mainstream academics in the foreseeable future bending to sound ideas from non- credentialed investigators like Chris Dunn. The academics have too much invested in the dogma they have learned and now teach.

    I just discovered you and I’m glad.

    1. I quote Dunn in the video, what about it didn’t you understand?

      edit: I just re-read your comment, I get where you’re coming from. I don’t consider Chris Dunn to be uncredentialed.

      In what world is Chris Dunn not credentialed to talk about engineering topics? If not him, then who? Egyptologists or archaeologists may think they are the ‘credentialed’ people to talk about engineering topics, just because they’re old engineering topics… Are they experts on physics and chemistry? Calling him unqualified is utterly ridiculous, and mainstream academics have their heads buried in the sand on these topics, if they ever even address them.

      Egyptologists/Archaeologists have NOTHING TO DO with engineering. That profession is closer to arts, or language studies. They don’t know the first thing about engineering, technology, building things, or stone masonry. On the most part, they don’t pretend to either, in most cases they simply ignore the practical realities of construction, and focus on the symbolic purpose of an object, on what was written on it, or what it might have been used for, that sort of thing. For expert opinions on how things were made, how holes were drilled, the level of precision evident in stonework, you turn to the people that actually do them, that actually study them, people that understand the practical realities of the work, and there is quite simply no one better qualified to offer that type of expert opinion than guys like Chris Dunn with 40+ years experience in precision manufacturing and engineering, in his case for the aerospace and space industries.

      It’s like saying an artist that paints a picture of a person is also the brain surgeon who should be operating on your head, because they drew a picture of someone’s head.

  5. Ben, my wife and I just finished watching and enjoying your video on Religious References to the Event that have been preserved in religious documents. We really enjoyed the multiple lines of evidence you brought together to make your point. However there is one line of evidence that you may be relying on that doesn’t mean what people have been interpreting it as.

    My argument is based on an article published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences available here:

    Haynes CV Jr. Younger Dryas “black mats” and the Rancholabrean termination in North America. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008;105(18):6520–6525. doi:10.1073/pnas.0800560105

    The article was published in 2008 and discusses C. Vance Haines’s work examining 90 sites that cover the transition from the Pleistocene to the Holocene, specifically the beginning of the Younger Dryas (YD) event. >70 of these sites feature the “black mat” capping the end of the Clovis occupation and marking the beginning of the YD event. Often this is interpreter as evidence for widespread burning of vegetation that accompanied the YD event. Haines makes the argument that this is not the case that the black mats are the result of a dramatic change in climate conditions at the beginning of the YD period. The mats are actually the result of geomorphic processes that led to the formation of peat deposits in the areas where the black mats occur. That the mats formed over a period of circa 100 years and that they are not a product of burning but soil formation.

    What does this mean for your argument about what occurred during the event that started the YD period. First the black mats cannot be interpreted as evidence for burning occurring as a result of the YD impact event for they are soils that take some time to evolve. Does this mean that the burning didn’t occur? No because the origins of the black mats have nothing to do with burning. Evidence for burning is very hard to observe on the ground. The two best examples of burning that I can think of in the last 50 years or so are the eruption of Mount St. Helens in 1980 and the Yellowstone fires of 1988. Both are examples of widespread impact from fire. Those the causes are not the same they still are examples of large areal impacts from fire even though the causes were different from the causes of the YD event. In both cases the damage from the burning was severe and in both cases the recovery was dramatic and rapid. The evidence for burning cannot be seen in surface or vegetative phenomena in the areas that were affected by the fires after as little as 40 years after the events.

    The sudden climatic switch from Allerød warming to Younger Dryas cooling as shown by he extent of the black mats is unparalleled in my understanding of how widespread climatic impacts have been over the past 18,000 years or so. Clearly the YD event was something that was global in impact and as yet poorly understood and merits much more study in the future.

    In appreciation of your work.

    Sam Ball

  6. Why does it sound impossible to find carbon inside settlement rock? Only to people who prescribe to millions of years for this layers! All the ancient civilizations had an account of a world wide flood, now wouldn’t a scientist ask, WHERE IS THE SETTLEMENT from such a cataclysmic event? wouldn’t it be the top layers unless the earth up-heaved and revealed the most ancient layers or in places were erosion eroded the top layers? So if the top layers aren’t millions of years old, why couldn’t there be carbon in it? If people like You (I do appreciate all the information from all the people who make this videos) would just slightly consider, that maybe the continental divide wasn’t a million year event, but a fast moving cataclysmic event happened about 5000 years ago and today’s movement of the continental shelves is the slowdown effect of this event! This explains Atlantis, Lemuria, Peru, Easter island, New Zealand, all the lost cities in the Mediterranean sea what are discovered and on and on. Cosmic dating is falls because the movement of the continents was never constant! So now comes the let down, what is my theory based on? The BIBLE, what a bummer, i might have believed it, but now come on the BIBLE, that book of fables told by stone-age people around a camp fire, who can believe that? Let’s believe in Aliens first, that’s more plausible and propagandized in every media existing to condition us gully sheep! God created the earth as one continent, that did not change at the flood contrary to most Christian creationist views, it was a cataclysmic effect about 5000 years ago described in Genesis 10:25 in one sentence. It was caused by the ancient civilizations themselves , harvesting electro magnetic energy from earth (Pyramids) and somehow knowingly or unknowingly tapped into the magnetic field of the universe. This was such an electro magnetic cataclysmic effect it ripped Pangaea apart, caused lightning strikes probably never seen before or after in size and vanished this ancient people with very little survivors. God bless all!

  7. I’ve been watching your videos, and you make some very astute observations about the ancient world. I very much agree with you that an older civilization made many of the megalith structures that we still marvel at today.
    Being a very mechanically minded person, I can usually figure out how anything is made, and being an older guy, I would love to know how some of the things you talk about were made before I leave this world. But I can’t. And most of the geniuses who think they know are wrong for reasons that just wouldn’t work.
    I have a fairly educated guess on how helical grooves from tube drilled holes were made at a high feed rate. Not trying to sound like a know it all, but if you would like to hear my opinion, please let me know.

  8. Hi Ben,
    It is rather late that I am writing to you about your latest video, but as they say: “better than never…”. I just wanted to extend my congratulations you about this last episode: to me, this film represents the culmination of your hard work and of the outstanding as well passionate research you have carried out during the past few months about various famous and incredible archeomogical sites in different parts of the world. You simply deserve the best kind of praise for the way you addressed these different topics and for your very special and unbiased personal approach of such a intricate subject. The perspective throuh which you put the conventional and usual view of our past into question, without resorting to caricature and sterile controversy, really deserves to be emphasized and honored.
    As you put it in both the your and written comments, the analysis and in particular the interpretation of these venerable vestiges of our remote past should not be reserved to specialists or so-called experts, such as academic archeologists or historians. There should be no “monopoly” or “official authority” of any kind as far as the tentative explanation and demystification of the origins, destination and purpose of the said monuments, artefacts, texts or whatever that belongs to these remote times are concerned.
    The best way to study deeper and more efficiently these ancient civilizations and mysteries could for example consist in adopting a multidisciplinary, opened and unbiased approach, based on the input of all kinds of talents in their respective fields of specialty. Based on these various coordinated studies, a “global synthesis” could be taken in care by selected volunteers disposed to elaborate such a work.
    I wish you to recover fully and keep well.
    Cheers !

  9. Hi Ben,
    It is rather late that I am writing to you about your latest video, but as they say: “better than never…”. I just wanted to extend my congratulations you about this last episode: to me, this film represents the culmination of your hard work and of the outstanding as well passionate research you have carried out during the past few months about various famous and incredible archeological sites in different parts of the world. You simply deserve the best kind of praise for the way you addressed these different topics and for your very special and unbiased personal approach of such an intricate subject. The perspective through which you put the conventional and usual view of our past into question, without resorting to caricature and sterile controversy, really deserves to be emphasized and honored.
    As you put it in both the your and written comments, the analysis and in particular the interpretation of these venerable vestiges of our remote past should not be reserved to specialists or so-called experts, such as academic archeologists or historians. There should be no “monopoly” or “official authority” of any kind as far as the tentative explanation and demystification of the origins, destination and purpose of the said monuments, artefacts, texts or whatever that belongs to these remote times are concerned.
    The best way to study deeper and more efficiently these ancient civilizations and mysteries could for example consist in adopting a multidisciplinary, opened and unbiased approach, based on the input of all kinds of talents in their respective fields of specialty. Based on these various coordinated studies, a “global synthesis” could be taken in care by selected volunteers disposed to elaborate such a crowning touch.
    Keep well and cheers !

  10. Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis in the popular press:

    (There’s also a nice 4 minute intro video there from Kansas U. about Hiawatha, Greenland.)

    8 October 2019
    -A team of scientists discovered a ‘platinum spike’ suggesting a meteorite had hit
    -Found in Wonderkrater in the Limpopo Province, north of Pretoria in South Africa
    -Findings could prove mini-ice age Younger Dryas was triggered by a meteoroid

    “Now Francis Thackeray of the Evolutionary Studies Institute at the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa believes a platinum spike found in South Africa proves the extinction of many large animals globally could have been caused by one or multiple meteoroid impacts.”

  11. I think your videos are well-presented and well-researched ( I’m a fan), but with all due respect I think you’re slightly ill-informed when speaking on the topic of religion. I’m not in any way ‘outraged’ but would like to point out another perspective on how ancient civilisations might have understood the world.

    Unfortunately, we often hear that ancient people struggled to understand natural phenomena, and resorted to mythological explanations of gods and goddesses to fill the gaps in their knowledge. It seems to me that civilisations capable of technology superior to contemporary technology would probably be capable of reasoning beyond what we attribute to them when we speak of religion (at least those among the educated). Reading such detailed literatures as those coming from ancient India, for example, reveals that, unlike modern materialism, consciousness is considered to be the cause of matter and any other conceivable thing. Today the exact opposite is widely held to be true.

    Following the premise that consciousness occupies the primary position, I would like to present briefly an important implication of this concept:
    Rocks are inert/inanimate. They do not move on their own. Motion appears only if a conscious entity moves the rock. In such a case, motion does not properly belong to the rock but to the perception of a conscious being. An avalanche is nothing more than a collection of inanimate rocks, which in and of themselves have no capacity to move, yet there is the appearance of motion. So, for an inanimate object to move or a collection of inanimate objects in an avalanche, there should be the interference of consciousness, but the question is: “Whose consciousness?” Despite the teachings of some schools of thought (another subject altogether), it will be most difficult to provide examples of consciousness that do not indicate a unitary composite of knowledge/information, reasoning and self-volition (traits observed to some degree in all animate entities, no matter how intelligent or dim-witted). Therefore, the ancients ascribed conscious purpose/conscious entities to all natural phenomena such as the previous example involving motion. This was not due to ignorance, but to logical reasoning and inference (anumana). One can also use this line of reasoning to argue the case of whether or not computers are or could be sentient. Without the presence of a conscious entity (designer/programmer) it’s hard to see how an object in and of itself incapable of ‘thought’ (being made of similar inanimate materials like rocks) could ‘think’. Even one’s own body is made of such inanimate materials so how can the brain think and motion be possible without the perception of a conscious being? I digress, as again it’s another topic.

    You must be aware of the Indian concept of the four ‘yugas’, which are said to last for immense time periods. Actually, this is a very interesting topic, as the yugas are based upon things such as the distance from the Earth to the Sun, the Earth to the Moon, etc. In fact, ancient Vedic measurements intertwine both time and space. Anyway, at the end of each yuga is a ‘sandhi’, several thousand years of junction between the previous yuga and the one to follow. The sandhis or junction points are periods of upheaval on a cosmic scale including great floods, world devastating fires, etc. These accounts agree very nicely with your observations. Keep up the good work.

  12. I have a theory that the site of gobekli tepe was constructed to keep watch for more inbound comets, after seeing the devastation coming from the event in the younger dryas humans made a monument depicting the event using stones ( possibly realising that having a fixed point in a circle they can view the stars and keep tabs on the ones that seem to move more ) knowing that the last “god” who visited could be seen moving across the sky for a long time prior to impact they wanted to locate the other gods ( planets – hence why we call planets after gods) to keep watch as the next god who lands will destroy us and must not be happy with what we do ( ancient advanced cultures pre dyras event upset the gods in early human mindset). so after a while they bury the original stones and start to construct more in same site to either preserve the original or to hide ( someone may have sussed out that the fear of god makes humans do stuff for others) or they had to keep making new ones as over the years they notice not just the gods move but all stars in sky and after a fixed time they reset ( yearly) but slightly different over decades/millennia . this is where our fascination with the sky comes from and learning this method we create henges all over the occupied planet to keep track of when the gods may visit, severe earth weather would have also been seen a gods getting upset so to avoid them coming we start to pray/sacrifice and offer precious goods to keep happy.

    the event its self would have wiped a lot of our history out and could be why we have really ancient sites with no explanation of who made them or how old as a comet would have created large bodies of water ( floods ) which came in land and devastated human settlements and quite possibly washed most records and bodies back out to sea and with rising sea levels these items would be lost for ever more – could be the reason why we cant find much out about this time as it is lying under the sea. the flood stories may have come from this event but been manipulated over time by humans that realise they can control others by means of religion, also with large floods and the replenishment of minerals in soil would have made areas very fertile and would have brought in new plants and species which may explain why our farming at this time exploded along with human settlements and he who has food can make people work to rebuild the ancients temples back but sell them as their own. the learning of the sky and planets cycle in watching for gods then gave us the knowledge of growing seasons etc which helped in crating large cities of people to do the work that we see today across the world.

    does it make sense – I possibly think this is where religion came from,a single comet strike on earth 12.5 thousand years ago. and this event made us start to think and question everything – so yes the gods came to earth and caused a lot of destruction but gave us so many new ways to do what we do but we will probably never know as the proof we may need will be half a mile under the water, just throwing this out there but if the planet is engaged in horrendous wildfires, where would the best place to be – on a boat – Noah made boat and took animals on it, did he not then ground in turkey, is gobekli tepe in turkey, could “Noah” have built this initial structure to pass on his knowledge of the event was this then added to over the years as info about the heavens was figured out.

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