The Improbable Timeline of the Old Kingdom Mega-Pyramid Builders

The Old Kingdom period of Ancient Egypt was a truly remarkable time in history, an era of mighty mega-projects that are still standing today, achievements unsurpassed in human history. But is this really when the giant pyramids were built?

It seems to have come out of nowhere – lifting the Dynastic Egyptian Civilization from the stone-age to the advanced technology required to build of the Great Pyramid of Giza in a very short period of time. Only then to seemingly disappear again, never to be repeated, although the Egpytian civilization continued on for thousands of years.

The closer you look at this time period, the less sense it makes, and the more contradictions that appear in in the story of history. Join me as I explore the details of this lost era of history and look in detail at the improbable timeline of the Old Kingdom mega-pyramid builders.

12 thoughts on “The Improbable Timeline of the Old Kingdom Mega-Pyramid Builders”

  1. hi
    Really love your stuff…. 🙂
    In saying that, there is a need for little better focus / direction….
    As an Australian i know you know the show “60 minutes”… look up utube “Pyramid / 60 Minutes” This has important detail to your quest…. And hopeful will put the “red paint” as fair-dinkum to rest…

    Next; local population goes back 20,000 in the area and 3 million years at/around SIWA….
    So more of a question of who had the skills in the area “when & by who” carved / drill the black stone… While the main quarry is in the south, (in land) These were rough carved by basic means and i am fine with how they moved the blocks 25km to the Nile…
    The real question is where did they go then ??? Fair to assume very talent stone masons… Where are the off cuts and chips & left overs… ???

    Cheers Stu… well done

  2. Ben,
    Great work !

    Any ideas of a hard core trip to visit sites in future ?
    More people, less to pay, more to see, allot to discuss and more safe.
    Plus good hotels is a must as this place in the world is tuff to be at…

  3. Really like your presentations on ancient wonders. I wanted to mention a man by the name of Carl P. Munck whom I think you would find fascinating if you haven’t already heard of him? There are some dizzying videos of him demonstrating archaeocryptography a term attributed to him I believe. He is/was a retired maths teacher who really put a lot of work into basic geometry and the hidden in plain site mathematimaps (my term:) that interconnect so many ancient sites it would terrify anyone still on the “tomb” theory.

  4. Hi Ben,
    Great presentation as always ! Congratulations for bringing all these elements together and carrying out such a brilliant synthesis. All is said in your insightful comments and one must admit that the riddle of the Pyramids and the extraordinary pieces of architecture and arts that have been found in Egypt is still very far from having been resolved. Let us hope for some new discoveries in the coming months, if as suspected, new exploration steps are to be undertaken soon, in the wake of the last “muons experience”. Maybe some kind of testing has already resumed in the bowels of this fantastic building…who knows…And who knows what is going to be found in the so-called “hidden chambers”. Maybe if somebody ever gets access to these rooms, they will show up as empty as the other inner spaces of the GP !
    Cheers and keep well !

  5. hello Ben,
    I made some models of the tri-lobed disc and they spin in moving water like an impeller…
    I have a 1.5 min video demonstrating this . you might find it interesting.
    your opinion would appreciated..

    1. Very interesting. Thanks. It certainly appears to be a functional shape. I’d love to include a clip of this in my video about the small stone vases and jars, (when I make it) if that’s ok with you….

      1. Hello Ben,
        Thank you for watching the video….feel free to use the clip in your future video, thank you for offering .

        1. references…W.B.Emery… Archaic Egypt…pg 174…Penguin 1961.
          Cyril Aldred….. Egypt to the end of the Old Kingdom … 57 ….Thames and Hudson 1965.
          Both of the above authors suggest that…..the stone schist disc is an imitation of an item made of metal….they also show photographs of beaten copper vessels, plates, vases and bowls circa 2300 bc.
          Emery was the excavator of Sahbu’s tomb and Aldred was the Keeper of the Department of Art and Archaeology of the Royal Scottish Museum in Edinburgh.
          So….if this item was made out of copper it would be quiet durable in some environments, ie water…..but not very durable in a rope winding device….moving rope with bits of sand would be quiet abrasive.
          Two features of the disc that we use today in manufacturing, 1… the raised central hub….to hold a thin item on to a shaft, 2…the circumferential band…to help an item hold its shape while under load. To me, both features together are suggestive of a function. my backyard modelling shows that this shape spins naturally in a moving body of water…I’m not forcing anything….except perhaps my opinion, but I back that up with my video.

      1. my videos are unlisted…..but you can access them through the Grahame Hancock website. look for the thread titled…Schist disc. Tri lobed Disc Design Geometry by John Ellison 04/oct/19….
        look for posts by tri-lobe….that’s me, I’m pretty sure that you don’t have to be a member to view.
        hope that helps.

  6. Hey,love your channel, have been interested in Egypt about 40 yrs.Noticed things weren’t adding up to academics.Have YouTube now so I can see what I want to see.Will be watching your channel a lot now.thanks.dave.

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