Precision! – Evidence for Ancient High Technology, part 2

Precision! Part 2 of my investigation into the evidence for ancient high technology, we dive into the precision aspects of the small stone jars, the giant statues, and the geometric, single piece boxes of Ancient Egypt.

Part 1 covered the context for this discussion, and the evidence for ancient machining and polishing – you can watch it here:  


Serapeum playlist:  

Tube Drill documentary: 

13 thoughts on “Precision! – Evidence for Ancient High Technology, part 2”

  1. Hi,

    Go to YouTube and type “Making Egyptian Drill Holes: Lost Ancient High Technology”. The video shows two Russians who copy the ancient Egyptian technology of granite drilling using a simple copper tube and a grinding agent (corundum).

  2. Hello Ben,
    As I was re-watching one of your videos “Precision – Evidence for Ancient High Technology, Part 2” I was thinking about one of my theories I put forth a few years ago. I think that 3d printing might have played a part in many of the OOPArt mysteries. Your presentation of vases, vessels, bowls, etc. in the Cairo Museum might be enhanced by the consideration of 3D printing technologies having once existed in the distant past and, perhaps, used to perform the task of multi-faceted, megalithic stone construction as well. We’re already printing in metal, so who’s to say that a more technologically advanced civilization couldn’t have printed multi-faceted megalithic stone building blocks with extreme tolerances. The Sarapeum also seems to indicate that 3D printing could have been involved.


  3. Ben, I noted you touched the subject I has been into before here who’s “style” is really what we can see.
    Is it the ‘original’ builders, or is it the Egyptian’s we can call belong to ‘our’ civilisation.
    I guess all this cross over in one way or another as the area has been used for thousands of years.
    But what I found strange is we see text on allot of structures that been in ground or has been cracked.
    Why would ‘our’ Egyptians do text on cracked stuff ?
    Let’s say it was a catalyse ex 11-12K years ago.

    Ex Jousef has said he never seen a text in the same league as the slabs itself etc.
    So it’s confusing.
    In the case ‘machining’ we see slabs, boxes, vases and other constructions and it has been huge speculation of this, what the use was.
    I has no better ideas than anyone else, but one thing I do note, this civilisations was near water and it’s about life and civilisation so it must belong to life itself.
    I ‘mean a machined vase, what purpose has that ? ( hold energy ? )
    I think it was for the use – but why do it in harder stone ?
    Only reason for that the way I see it, they could do it and one must say its exclusive.
    The purpose of all this bigger structures might be hard for our way of life to understand, but it must been energy in some form, to be used for the civilisation or plain the idea of math, dead, Cosmos ( as we humans Always has been into )
    What I ‘mean with this is we might over-run the ideas and get them more complicated than needed.
    This was humans made this, and my bet it’s way older than it’s been told.
    Still one can understand it was a force drive them do this and it was not ‘that’ easy even if the could.
    Why can’t geology say it’s water erosion ( if it is that, and why can’t machine/federate be carefully study.
    All in machining field can see federate or wobble blades or drill to deep etc.

    1. It’s a good comment Hank. I’m not sure where the damage came from, if we go with the premise that much of the megalithic stuff is older than the dynastics, then certainly some of it may have come from the cataclysms of the past. That said, time and the passage of thousands of years of the other human civilizations that we know about would still have taken it toll, and much of the damage could well have come from these periods, and whatever cause. Even if we think the original ‘old kingdom’ relics are old, the dynastic civilization that inherited them is still vastly old compared to everything else we have reference for.

  4. Boston Tea.

    I like that video.
    It is always great when one do tests.
    Thats why I would want to measure roundness, conical etc in this holes.
    This video do not show feedrate.
    I like to see feedrate in mm and revolution ( see if the ’overcross’ at 360 )
    Old Egypt has shown this in tombs and we has seen ruffer holes, or bigger cavaties.
    I would say I can easy see ’older’ or newer dynasty works.
    How great are the holes in tolerance is in ex Abu Sir I can’t tell before I test it myself.

    Butl expands this to mine it up, cut it, move it, circle saws and lets look at Serapeum, statues and get all this done in few years as said.

    Serapeum inner pararell, inside coners or the surface is another animal or just get them there.

    Ben showed how many pyramids only few generation made.
    Either years is wrong or something else is wrong there.

    I walked pass second pyramid last year on west side and saw the surface of the granite blocks all over.
    Would love see flatness on thoose, spend time look in microscope and do samples.

    Video is great but it really don’t say more than we know is possible in holes.

    We shore know the later dynasties did holes in granite.

  5. I think it’s a shame no one is really into test this machined parts serious with surface, RA, roundness, conical, flatness, parallel, laser, 3D etc.
    Archaeology is shore not doing it and my guess in Egypt it would be real hard get permission to test anything or bring in equipment.
    Only way to do it is get a group that like to do it and pay for it, but god knows what they can charge.
    But until it’s done it would be speculation. ( more than the eye can see.

  6. Ben,

    Loved your two part series. Part 2 on Precision, I found very compelling.

    Added a little to the coffers in Paypal. Keep up the good work.

  7. If we can’t get a idea why someone did all this is stone when it get rather complicated to bring it up, cut it, transport it, finish it up in things we has no idea of the meaning.
    But what was vases uses for if not just vases or a show off ?
    I can’t get any other ideas they was just ‘vases’, any other suggestions ?

    If vases, then we know it was a civilisation needed vases.
    If we think the dynasties could not do the real hard core stone works ( as this vases as a example ) – so who made them ?

    Next is to test the surface and accuracy to see if we has machining going on here.
    Can’t imagine why so few are into see this happens ?
    That actually change allot how we see at our self.
    There is portable lasers, microscopes, scanners, surface testers etc available.

  8. Could the Egyptian stone boxes be the Djoser/Imhotep/Joseph seed vaults to restart Egypt after the 7 year famine? As the Djoser inground grain silos are found in virtually every ancient Egyptian city as recorded in the book of Genesis, to protect the grain from the heat of the desert. Should we also expect to find the Djoser underground seed vaults/stone boxes in close proximity to all the large pyramids?

    1. I don’t believe the boxes were grain or seed repositories. No requirement for the precision we see in the work – what would be wrong with storing your grain or seed in wooden barrels or crates in the underground caverns? If that were my goal I’m not carving a precision made 100 ton granite box and skull dragging it down underground.

  9. Just saw your tubular drill video. Unbelievable. I’m an engineer. The first thing that came to my mind was: are the grooves concentric or helical? The combination of the helical grooves and the taper of the core is baffling. It implies that the diameter of the tool got steadily smaller as it was driven into the rock. I don’t see how that’s possible. My question would be are the holes also tapered. Next time you visit those holes take a short sharp pencil with you and you can see if they are helical by tracing a couple of grooves in a couple of the larger holes.
    My conclusion from this and some of the other things I’ve seen recently is that the Egyptian museums are full of artifacts that weren’t created by Egyptians. I see IDENTICAL stonework (the two knobs at the bottom of some blocks in the precision fitted and cut wall sections of Machu Picchu as well as places in the west) in both hemispheres of the world that we would barely be able to duplicate today, maybe. Couple this with the tales of Atlantis and I’d say the evidence is clear that there was a tremendous ancient civilization way before the Egyptian’s and that the Egyptian’s we know were just playing with their scraps. Archaeology‘s failure to examine the physical evidence of artifacts around the world is almost criminal.

  10. Wanted to ask two simple questions about the granite boxes that are found at the Serapeum, Meidum, the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid… has anyone put a Geiger counter up to the boxes to see if there is radiation still being emitted? And has anyone done a chemical analysis of any residue that might exist in any of the boxes–a scraping along the lowest point in the box might be sufficient to assay what might have been in them.

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