New video! Ancient Egypt’s Great ‘Lost’ Labyrinth

The great labyrinth of Egypt is one of the most famous lost monuments from our ancient past – a mythical structure, bigger than anything else in Egypt, with thousands of chambers – it was visited and written about by several of history’s most famous authors, the likes of  Herodotus, Strabo, and Pliny the Elder. 

Flinders Petrie suspected he had hit on the remains of the labyrinth in the late 19th century, and only 12 years ago, his work was confirmed when large parts of the labyrinth were rediscovered, next to the Hawara pyramid of Amenemhat III.

This discovery was met with resounding silence, and today, whatever remains are of the labyrinth are being eroded by inaction, and the rising water table in the region. This is the story of the Egypt’s great ‘lost’ labyrinth, it’s history, and modern discovery by the Mataha expedition.

13 thoughts on “New video! Ancient Egypt’s Great ‘Lost’ Labyrinth”

  1. I have been watching some of your videos on “lost” civilizations and upon watching one on Egypt where you were talking about the core-bored holes and contemplating what method may have been used I immediately thought about how the piezo effect might have been used. The right vibration and pressure could create an electric arc which would be very efficient at cutting the stone. I’m not at all sure about any details but would encourage you to investigate the possibility. Thanks for your videos and good luck in your future endeavors.

  2. Off topic sorry. Are you aware that from now 2020 to 2032 the earth is transitioning from the 3rd to the 5th dimension (the same as the era od Atlantis some 200,000 years ago. By 2032 much of the world population will be gone leaving only those who want to elevate their spiritual connection with Source. By 2032 people will be able to see Spirit and both telepathy and levitation will be relearned.
    In Secrets of the Universe (2006) by Desiree Jestico in 137 she states that the great blocks around the world were lifted into place using thought and levitation. I can help you with what is happening if you wish.

    1. Thanks Keith!

      This is excellent work, thank you for all of your layman’s guides! I will definitely reference it when I make that video about the pyramid here.


        1. That’s a great point – I think I will get into the more ‘unknown’ pyramids in a video in the future. Before this lock down I was party to a possible investigation of the southern saqqara pyramid, I would love to see that for myself. Thanks again for the links, and your epic work Keith!

  3. Hi Ben,

    Wondering if you have any thoughts, or plans to do a video, on the Richat structure and possible connection to Atlantis?

    Your videos led me down a YouTube hole and your thoughts on the subject would be appreciated!

    1. I haven’t seen it myself, I’m honestly not sure I’d have a lot to add to the discussion. It’s an interesting structure, but the topographical/elevation profile of it makes it a little less likely in my opinion, but there’s no doubting it ticks a few of the boxes. I’m undecided on it, I haven’t really done that much research. Randall Carlson addressed it a little bit in his podcast – he’s skeptical about it, and as I’m going to be spending a week with him in September I’d love to ask him some questions on the topic…

  4. Hi Ben I admire your videos greatly ,your presentationl style is unsurpassed .Could the composition of the tools that were used in the creation of the amazing granite boxes in the Serapeaum be determined by SPECTRAL ANALYSIS of the surface of these boxes since some of the atoms of the tool still remain .Yours sincerely Eddie Wagner ( the metiorite carbon man !)

  5. Hi Ben I admire your videos greatly ,your presentationl style is unsurpassed .Could the composition of the tools that were used in the creation of the amazing granite boxes in the Serapeaum be determined by SPECTRAL ANALYSIS of the surface of these boxes since some of the atoms of the tool still remain .Yours sincerely Eddie Wagner

  6. Hi Ben I admire your videos greatly ,your presentationl style is unsurpassed .Could the composition of the tools that were used in the creation of the amazing granite boxes in the Serapeaum be determined by SPECTRAL ANALYSIS of the surface of these boxes since some of the atoms of the tool still remain .Yours sincerely Eddie Wagner

    1. Thanks Eddie!

      That’s a great idea, I don’t know if it’s been done but I’d certainly love to see it happen.


      1. Thanks for your reply Ben ! These boxes make me believe that there was an advanced civilisation before the Ancient Egyptians .The thick granite vases in the British museum also support my belief. Ditto the Schist disc. Eddie

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