New video! Part 3 of the Evidence for Ancient High Technology

Part 3 of my investigation into the evidence for ancient high technology!

In this video, I clarify the arguments made in previous episodes, respond to some of the discussion around these topics, and then dive into the details of logistics and construction methodologies surrounding the creation and movement of some of antiquities largest and heaviest monuments from around the world.

From the Unfinished Obelisk at Aswan, to the mighty Trilithon and recent disoveries at Baalbek, how can these ancient achievements be explained with the primitive methods of ancient civilizations?

13 thoughts on “New video! Part 3 of the Evidence for Ancient High Technology”

  1. Hello Ben, thanks for these high quality videos, I really appreciate it!

    I was researching studies in relations to ultrasonic vibrations applied to hard materials when I found this:

    Very interesting and I think this might eventually lead to viable hypothesis in order to explain how granite and other hard materials were quarried and worked on by ancients.

    I also found this other interesting article for machining hard materials using ultrasonic technology:


  2. Hi Chris(?)
    I enjoy your movies very much and feel you have the right balance between awe and logical reasoning, as well as inductive reasoning. I feel this kind of reasoning is very important in looking at these ancient sites because there is definitely an intuitive aspect that most orthodox researches have no understanding of, and this is not a fringe new-age concept, it is the other half of deduction and talked about by Des Cartes. I think those of us who get the magnitude of the engineering requirements in building these sites intuitively understand that, where the orthodoxy does not. They simply have no real understanding what has been achieved, nor what the requirements are to making these great sites. As well, after watching more and more explainable engineering from many different youtubers, I am now starting to believe more and more there are deliberate of cover-ups and concealment’s of sites, of knowledge, etc. I started to believe that after seeing your movie of the Egyptian Great Labyrinth. To me, this is absolute evidence of Egyptology and Archaeology concealing this site, and thereby not doing any work on it. A second site like this is the Great Pit of Zawyet El Aryan, this is in incredibly strange construction. Why in the world would anyone use limestone to build a cistern for most of the construction, with some granite mixed in? Why in the world would they not just use granite thru the whole construction? Another site is the chamber inside the Pyrmid of Saqqara, where I saw your video of the chamber. I had never heard of this before your movie. The box inside this chamber is simply baffling, who in the world would build a box this large, and why????? Of course no average everyday person has ever heard of this because Egyptologists and Archaeologists dont want this to get out into the mainstream, there is simply no way in the world they could explain this.

  3. When I read this I thought of your videos. In work supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation, and a team of researchers from University of Notre Dame conducted research that explores making plasma devices that can be operated without electrical power—they need only human or mechanical energy. The researchers designed, fabricated and tested a hand-cranked piezoelectric device to generate the plasma. The device includes a snail-shell shaped actuator that compresses a conventional gas grill igniter made from a piezoelectric crystal to form the plasma.
    The direct piezoelectric effect was first seen in 1880, and was initiated by the brothers Pierre and Jacques Curie. By combining their knowledge of pyroelectricity with their understanding of crystal structures and behavior, the Curie brothers demonstrated the first piezoelectric effect by using crystals of tourmaline, quartz, topaz, cane sugar, and Rochelle salt. Their initial demonstration showed that quartz and Rochelle salt exhibited the most piezoelectricity ability at the time.
    From a patent abstract “ A method especially useful for cutting and breaking hard rock such as granite from the face of a tunnel is disclosed. A pattern of slots are cut into the rock face by directing a high velocity plasma jet on the rock face to melt a portion of the rock face and produce a ”

  4. I have an interesting thought that does not seem to be covered in the videos. Whatever the equipment / tools used to carve the large statues, it must have been in EXISTENCE TO USE, because the living people are depicted. And it seems as though the archeologists have proved that particular people lived during a particular time. For example the statues at Abel Simbel moved to a new location when the Nile was dammed.
    A question arises? What would be the most RECENT object created by such tools.?
    Thanks for your efforts.

  5. Hello Ben,
    I had a thought that since the tunnels were slightly larger than the stone boxes would it be possible for them to be moved using water and a packing material such as using wet toilet paper to remove bearings using simple pressure?
    Just a thought, Larry Simpson

  6. Good Morning Ben,
    Not sure how to send you a message other than through this comments section of a video which I have not yet watched. On YouTube I just finished watching your video “New Younger Dryas Cosmic Impact Paper”.
    You might well appreciate looking at the Dodwell Manuscript “THE OBLIQUITY OF THE ECLIPTIC” which gives historical/astronomical proof of an impact event starting with Karnak in 2045 BC.

    I appreciate your perspective on a number of your videos as I knew instantly that the mainstream narrative about Machu Picchu stone work was wrong when I visited the place in 1985.

  7. Hi Ben, from a Welshman residing in Spain.
    I’ve enjoyed your videos immensely over the relatively short time you’ve been producing them .
    May i suggest a video to you which wouldn’t take a lot of time to produce,basically you and where you stand right now,what’s changed if anything?
    I say this as a lot has happened, and many things have come to light since you started,i mean in particular dating Gizza.
    I see now that Bauval Hancock West and your your friend over at Ancient Architects believe that dating of the The Great Pyramid,especially with the ancient workers graffiti above (or near) the King’s chamber has been irrefutably recognised as original to Pharaoh Khufu.
    With that in mind has it altered the status quo regarding some of the other sites,what’s your opinion on this,has it changed, i’d dearly like to hear it.
    As i said above things change regularly and from time to time an update video would be good,and from Ancient Architects
    especially in light of him going with you on a tour,(hope i got that right) it would be great to have you both singing off the same hymn sheet,or at least to now know where you both stand?
    In no way is this a criticism,i think your work is well laid out concise,interesting and very thought provoking .

    1. It’s a good comment, but I don’t agree that the graffiti has been ‘irrefutably recognized’ as original. There is a lot of confusion surrounding those markings, from Vyse through to the modern era with the savage response from Hawass to the germans who actually tried to analyze the paint. My fundamental position on the precision works, the massive megalithic works hasn’t changed. Either we’ve massively underestimated the capabilities of the Dynastic Egyptians, or they didn’t create/originally build them. They certainly worked on and renovated them, but there is a zero percent chance that they were capable of creating these objects or architecture with the primitive tools and techniques that we attribute to them.

  8. Moving heavy stuff with ancient technology requires answers, so here’s one everybody should know about. The ancient Egyptians had simple devices that could be used for this purpose. A combination of two simple technologies is just one step away from a solution.
    Rediscovered levering technology uses dry sand for load support instead of manually placed objects. The lever is raised with the load, with repeated lifts in small increments up to whatever a lever can achieve. So, a total height 1 metre (39 inch) or more is possible. Matching the method described by Herodotus in the 5th century B.C.
    By recreating this technology full-scale tests have raised a load of 0.91 tons by 0.38m (15”) in less than 2 minutes. This scales up to 1m (39.4”) in 5 minutes, confirming a design goal of each lever/worker lifting 1 ton by 1 metre in 10 minutes or less. For pyramid building, many thousands of blocks weighing several tons were raised over 140 metres (460 ft). So, a fast, efficient and reliable method is required. This jacking system is also invaluable for raising an obelisk or moving megalithic blocks like those at Baalbek in Lebanon.
    The lever was well known to Archimedes and positive displacement in fluids was another scientific discovery of his. Famously discovered getting into the bath and shouting “Eureka!”, i.e., “I have found it”. What happened when getting out of the bath was less well appreciated. However, negative displacement in sand provides the final solution, providing irreversible load support while lifting. The ancient Egyptians used the load support prop on sand in a container, but so far, it’s only been applied to lowering loads. Exactly the same device is now applied to lifting loads.
    More information is available on my website “” and my YouTube channel “Archimedes Jack”; links available on the website. There’s also a link to my eBook “Rediscovering Pyramid Technology” which contains everything about it.

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