New video from Egypt: The Subterranean chamber!

Hello everyone – I hope this update finds you well! If you’ve been following me on twitter or instagram you’ll know that we’ve just wrapped up what was a very busy, and very rewarding tour of Egypt that took place over the last couple of weeks.  I wanted to get a quick video out while I’m still here – as I write this, it is slowly uploading to my youtube channel, it’s now late during my last evening in Egypt.

I also wanted to let channel supporters know that I have a special exclusive video coming – during the tour we managed to spend a couple of hours on a zoom call with the one and only Randall Carlson, a real treat for everyone on the trip. I recorded the session, and as once I get home and have some time to correct a couple of the audio issues I will be uploading the full conversation as a supporter-exclusive video.

My apologies if I’ve been unable to respond quickly while I’ve been travelling here in Egypt, it really has been a very busy tour for me! I will get back to everyone who has reached out once I get back to the home studio – and I’ve got a lot of content to make. Some more updates on that in this video:

Descending into the subterranean chamber of the Great Pyramid of Giza! A quick video I wanted to share while still here in Egypt – my footage from the descending passageway and into the deep subterranean chamber, in the bedrock beneath the Great Pyramid. Accessed as part of our 2-hour private visit into the structure during the 2020 UnchartedX tour of Egypt.

14 thoughts on “New video from Egypt: The Subterranean chamber!”

  1. Hey Ben,
    Just want you to know I’ve really enjoyed your videos. Yesterday I came across a video explaining that the pyramids were made of a form of poured concrete. It’s a very intriguing explanation that seems to explain a lot. I was wondering if you’ve seen that video and what your thoughts were on it. You can find the video here:
    If you feel like sharing your thoughts, I’d be very interested in your take.
    Keep up the great work!

    1. Hey Bruce,

      I’m going to write a post about this soon, if not do a video on it. In short, I don’t like the geopolymer theory, and about 1000 people have sent me a link to the documentary about it. It has huge problems, and is pure speculation without any real evidence or experiment to back it up. I’ll get into the details, but for now:
      – we have quarries
      – every block is a different shape and size (necessitating individual molds)
      – you can’t cast granite – it is a conglomerate of many different types of material, quartz, feldspar, mica etc, that is all in large consitutuant pieces in the stones.
      – there are strata lines on many granite objects, the stone came from a quarry.
      – the limestone blocks have fossils in them, from the sedimentary sea bed, and we have limestone quarries
      – the ‘giant lens’ theory is pure fantasy. Look up how difficult it is for us to create large glass mirrors for telescopes.
      – how are you ‘melting quartz’ to make this lens? given granite is largely quartz, how is it not melting when you’re using it to melt granite (in this fantasy land)
      – form release angles….
      – someone needs to make a bag of this and actually show it….
      – we have machining marks on many of the granite objects.

      so yeah, not a fan of this theory.

  2. Have any of your videos addressed the wood in the pyramid of Meidum and how it seems that it is encased in concrete?

  3. Hi Ben, I really appreciate the common sense way you present your videos. I have only just discovered you so have not seen/read all your stuff yet. However I am wondering if you are familiar with Zecharia Sitchin’s work? See:
    I have just watched your video about the sphinx, it was excellent. It was in one of Zecharia’s books that I first heard about the water erosion of the sphinx. He suggests the sphinx was built before the great flood, and that is what created all the erosion. It was Zecharia who first turned me on to ancient history. He puts all the old stories, myths and legends (pieces of the puzzle), together to make a picture that makes sense of them all. He studied the ancient writings all his life.

    1. Hi Don,

      yes, I’m familiar with Sitchin, and I have a few of his books. I’m of the opinion that his translations have been pretty thoroughly debunked as something of a deliberate mistranslation to support his theory and story. I’m not on board with the whole Nibiru/Annunaki/Planet X stuff. I know Graham Hancock (who knew Sitchin personally) also has this opinion of his work. I’m not familiar with what he said specifically about the Sphinx, I’m mostly talking about the Sumerian translation work that he did.

      1. Ben, thanks for your reply.
        Whether Sitchin is debunked or not, if we accept the obvious evidence you put forth, eg, the awesome boxes at the Serapeum, we cannot but wonder where are the machines that made them? The elephant in the room is that the builders took them away with them. It seems quite reasonable to think a culture with so much knowledge could easily know of a coming catastrophic event and remove themselves and their valuable tools beforehand, as you are suggesting we should. That such a developed culture could space travel, as we do but likely at a much more advanced level, seems totally plausible, whether their origins were earthly or not. Your thoughts?

        1. It’s a good point Don, and I do address the ‘where are the tools’ question in a couple of videos. Short answer is, I don’t know, but it’s clear we haven’t found them yet. One of my main issues with the current state of egyptology is their insistence on shoe-horning every artifact into the ‘it must have been made by these primitive tools, because these primitive tools are the only ones we have found’ box. We do have the signatures of the tools, and the artifacts themselves, as evidence that the tools MUST have existed. I agree, it’s possible the builders took them with them, after all, who leaves their tools behind on a job site? It’s also possible that they’re long done, melted down, eroded, destroyed etc. I am certain that they must have existed though, as we have evidence of their use, and it does not remotely match what’s in the archaeological record currently.

          As far as aliens go, I think it’s a mathematical certainty that other life exists. Across the vastness of space and the billions of years of time, I’m utterly confident civilizations have risen and fallen across the universe, and some of them were undoubtedly space faring. I also don’t rule out the ‘intervention’ theory, or the idea that humans may have been somehow seeded on this planet, if not the origins of life itself. I just don’t need any of that to explain what we see in terms of precision ancient objects and technology, i think we can explain that with the rise and fall of human (or hominid…) civilizations in the past, and i think we have echos of those times across almost every culture, ancient and present, in our myths and legends. The big issue was the younger dryas cataclysm, it basically performed a hard reset on the planet in my opinion, and we have a hard time seeing beyond it.

          1. Ben,
            I’m certainly not very learned & I know you have read & studied far more than I in this field. However I would like to say, for me, reading Zecharia Sitchin is like watching your videos – it just makes obvious sense. He does ramble on a bit in his 12th Planet series but his book ‘Genesis Revisited’ mostly sums up the whole story and appears to be backed by science. I have actually observed this in that things I read in Sitchin’s books decades ago, have been confirmed in recently times by modern scientists. There are just too many enigmas his work gives answers to, to not warrant further investigation.
            Of course it could be that I’m just naive. But what a wonderful thing it would be if someone
            like yourself, with your skills, connections and simple matter of fact perspective, were to test out Sitchin’s work as you have done others.
            I apologize for plugging Zecharia, but I feel there are just too many correlations and too much science that keeps showing he’s worth an unbiased assessment.
            What relevance does all this have to us now? Well it is interesting to note that if the Nephilim do exist, their main reason for coming to Earth, according to Zecharia, was to collect gold for their failing atmosphere. (Perhaps they vapourised it into their sky, I never saw anything written about that). If true the parallels for us are obvious.
            Can we learn from the past, the mistakes of others?
            Mostly you would have to think humans are not good at that.

          2. I’m not debunking the whole intervention theory, I think it’s a possibility. Some of Sitchin’s claims though have been pretty thoroughly debunked, but again there is no point in ‘throwing out the baby with the bathwater.’ It’s certainly an interesting story, but I’m not sure where exactly the gold mining aspect of it came from (I’m familiar with it) nor the idea of spaceships that somehow unerringly look like the aircraft that were flying around about the time Sitchin wrote his books….

          3. Re younger dryas cataclysm, I was very interested to see on the charts from the ice cores that just before YDC there is a short lived (relatively) extreme warming event. I was wondering if this may correspond to the famous Great Flood which also supposedly occurred around that time?

          4. possibly… the whole period before the YD seemed to be very tumultuous, all through the Bolling-allerod and then the elder dryas. Seems like there was a lot going on. There were also less severe events that happened post YDB, Burkle Crater for example, at something like 8000 years ago – and then another event 5K years ago. While not the extinction level event the YD clearly was, these could have also been responsible for the origins of the great flood stories. Burkle crater for example; whatever smashed down into the Indian Ocean would have sent a massive flood north into the Persian Gulf and presumably further north. Hard to say what event was specifically responsible for that, but the evidence of megafloods is written into the surface of the planet almost everywhere.

  4. Hello,
    I just watched your videos about precision machining being used on the ancient building stones. It caught my eye because I’m an apprentice toolmaker, which is a profession that uses precision machining and grinding to produce parts mainly for dies, but also aerospace, medical, deep mining, and such. If the stones you’re looking at are actually worked as precisely as you think, it may be worthwhile for you to get your hands on some indicators and a profilometer, maybe even a Mahr gauge.

    Indicators are made in teirs, some read .001 inch graduations, while the more precise ones have .00005 inch graduations. They can be put on a stand and moved across a surface to show quantifiable surface inconsistencies. Three companies that make them would be Brown & Sharpe, Mitotuyo, and Starett. A mahr gauge does nearly the same thing but has .00002 in. graduations.

    A profilometer would give you a readout for surface finish. Anything under a 10 Ra is going to be somewhat reflective but a mirror finish happens around 1-2 Ra.

    Also, the liquid abrasive you theorized for what I think you called the Serepium reminded me of a machine we use for polishing. It basically mixes diamond powder with water and runs the mixture over a part.

  5. Intrigued,

    I’m also a machinist and familiar with tools like the Mahr surfacer.
    ( I don’t work in stone but in metal.
    I been to Egypt twice and was about to get into this tour but I want it more private and hard core.
    Last time I has Jousef hired in at Saqqara/Serapeum, as he is much into maching.
    -I would like see a more small private tour as get into check the surface etc take time.
    What we see there is maching, so much I can say.
    One great spot I saw in Giza at second pyramid we can see on west side the rose granit block on ground, and it’s just a wow.
    Few mentionen them.
    Get the idea this covered the pyramid or under the lime stone cover.
    Get all this togheter as how we see how they corry out the blocks as in butter, ruff machined them ( as ex proof is at Serapeum ) and transport them, then cut them together and we still se racerblade section on the floor on Giza.
    Its mindblowing.
    Its a block at Abu Sir that is important but it shows the raw cuts, but we can see some vibration like when you has a cutter tool in a lathe with a hang out to much and its wobble some but we see the feedrate, and the circle saw radius ( was it 4 meters and a 6 mm thick cutter – get that ! )
    Its machining all over this place.
    At Abu Sir it was a machined part to the ground level and there it ruff and above smooth, so how is a machine constructed do that kind of work ?

    Ben showed now a box in a pyramid south of Giza that I would love see.
    But this boxes is all over.
    Check up the box that is now on a minitary vade but photos is to see, that is something and this under ground structures is slso all over ( they was never pyramids )

    The pillars up nort Ben showed before with Jousef look ( …ok now what ) and his face is say it all.
    That stuff is also amazing.

    Ben, did you ever get to the box in Saqqara we discussed before ?

    I has no idea on get a grip on this but my guess its pre flood civilisation.
    Hard work and machining ( very skilled ) and a ’purpose’ why has not anything with the way we read on Egypt, but ’they’ came later.
    Discussed here is something far older.

    But I has question on text on cracked, burned stones that I has not get the grip on vs age.
    Ex Jousef say all text is after flood.
    So who fid them ?
    I think history is mixed up.
    Ex why would a later dynadty put text on cracked stones etc.

    On ’reflection’ you was into.
    Its not all over but its there especially on statyes.
    Ex, inside big pyramid it look used ( erroed ) and very old.
    Some things we has not a clue on went on inside there, so you had to see/feel the surface, its like accid etc flowed.

    Serapeum has some boxes in great surface but they its not squaraed ( far from ) so its a mechanically use device ( I think ) but I would like see inside laser mesured out.

    I would likd see a team do that ( finally )

    Ben, man good work – hat off, can’t wait on upcoming stuff !

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