New Podcast! The 100 ton boxes of the Serapeum with the Snake Brothers

Exploring the ancient Serapeum of Saqqara with the Brothers of the Serpent! Kyle, Russ and I watch and discuss my raw footage of a visit to the ancient and enigmatic set of underground tunnels and alcoves that house 24 massive, precision carved granite boxes. Each box, and lid, is carved as a single piece from the same block of stone. Some weigh a combined 100 tons, and all are housed in a bedrock tunnel system beneath the sands of Saqqara – a famous necropolis of Old Kingdom Ancient Egypt. 

Snake Bros youtube: 

Playlist of my Serapeum Series videos: 

UnchartedX podcast on Spotify:

UnchartedX podcast on iTunes:

16 thoughts on “New Podcast! The 100 ton boxes of the Serapeum with the Snake Brothers”

  1. Ben, my husband has been watching all your videos about Egypt. He also watched a video “John Frum” ( He realized that it was probably what happened to the Ancient Egyptians–who came to live in the area and adopted what they found as created by gods. I have been in love with things Ancient Egypt since I was a little girl. I am becoming convinced that your theory might not be so wrong. Especially with the utter resistance of established “egyptologists” and their absolute denial. They don’t even deign to examine your evidence. We love your videos, by the way!

    1. Thanks Mila! I try to keep an open mind, but at this point I think a precursor civilization is the best explanation for the evidence we see.


      1. I just watched a video of yours and was disappointed. You seem to have a close mind when it comes to Christians. It is unfortunate that your “lecture” might alienate people who simply believe different from you. I suggest you open your mind a little wider and accept the fact that some people will think differently from you–which does not make them wrong and you right. Sending you my best wishes for much success.

  2. I saw just 30 minutes now and came to one idea…
    Concept some decribing we turn ( the big ’year’ ) in the galaxy in 26K years and its typical fall/winter ( darkness ) for 13K years and shift might be radical but might can take 1K years into dark and 1K years get into light but no one knows exactly when its had or will change.
    Lets say there been several civilisations as we might can call Lemuria, Atlantis etc.
    Each might had its own development.
    As we talk about the young dryas aka 12K years ago.
    The ’new agers’ now say we move into spring ( just mention it ) so we has been into darkness for 13K years.

    Lets say this anicent people had a diffirent curve but no matter, lets say they storage something there.
    Inside I has ask several times to people ; do we see bulps ?
    Maybe not and if so its like the snake brother said it just be that good ’just as they could’.
    On outside they did try get all cracks away and did not care on ’looks’, just pure functional.
    They wanted a box handle vibration, heat, cold, water etc.
    So I can see the use of be use mother Earths own material = stone.
    Look at us, our stuff its gone very fast as concrete errode and steel rust fast.
    If we was gone almost all proofe we was here was gone rather fast.
    Folklore might be the last to know.

    So what was in them ?
    Seed for corn or maybe even more important as human seed and eggs.
    Lets say after it did calm down this guys maybe survive or had it in folklore came down there.
    Lets say they used it.
    Lets say this guys went to be way smarter than the rest that had gone to stoneage and lost it all.
    Lets say they run the show now.
    We see now the world become fast another place and ’if’ we are in the turnpike for a new switch ( better or worse )

    Ok this is of course just pure specucation for a idea 30 minutes old…

    -Just mentioned it.

      1. To the other points made by Haken. I have also concluded after watching your videos that the serepeum is some kind of ark to survive the cataclysm. if we knew for sure one was coming, and we had a way to remove the lid afterwards, that is where I would want to be

  3. Regarding the scub-marks in the granite lid of the sarcofaag I can support your conclusions about the way to carve out cracks. As an engineer I have seen such methods also on welded hard steel vessels. You have to grind out the cracks from the body until you cannot see it anymore, otherwise the crack will rise further during any movement or force put onto it’s body.

    1. agreed. It seems to be required for some function, there really isn’t any point in going to that much effort for a single use sarcophagus that is just going to sit there.

  4. Hello from France Ben!

    Many thanks for your last excellent and very interesting videos!

    Here in my country there is also one chap who just like you is really passionate about the Serapeum and the incredible stone boxes contained in this underground structure.
    His name is Jan Niedbala and he runs the Youtube Planète RAW channel that focuses on ancient civilizations. He also regularly organizes trips for some groups to Egypt.

    Together with his friend Tony, Jan conducted two interesting experiments in the Serapeum in 2019 and 2020. Both times he proceeded without official authorization since it is most difficult to obtain such documents from the local administration. Thus, he had to use his own resourcefulness ☺:

    – in April 2019 they both together measured the exact dimensions of 4 of the boxes located in the Serapeum; curiously, such precise measurements had never been realized by official archeologists to this day, according to Jan. The only references to be found appear in Auguste Mariette’s 1857 book “The Serapeum of Memphis”. However, the indications left by this famous archeologist are quite sparse and vague. His estimates concerning the weight of the boxes are also misleading and exaggerated (100 tons for one box as an average according to him).
    The two young French archeologists proceeded with a laser telemeter and obtained very precise dimensions.
    You will be able to find these data in the video following video (from 19.00 onwards…)

    These measurements enabled them to calculate the exact weight of box n°24 (one of the largest); thed the result is : 39.77 tons (with the lid).
    Both guys could not complete their job nevertheless, since they were interrupted by some security officials after the 3 hours they had spent inside the tunnels…

    – in March 2020 two others guys who had travelled with Jan to Egypt undertook to analyze the surface of the box by the aid of a portable electronic microscope: they were able to take very close pictures of the strange black coating covering certain boxes + lids. However, this still does not enable us to determine the exact nature of this layer. Taking samples seems unavoidable at this stage but a due authorization is of course required.
    Even more disturbing are the oblique striations revealed by the microscope on one of the uncoated parts of the boxes: as if the surface of the stone had been polished manually !!! This makes the mystery even deeper… (see the video here below from 2.50 onwards).

    To my knowledge, Jan is planning to organize his next trip to Egypt in the coming spring time, if the situation allows.
    Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need some kind of help for any further translation or explanation.

    Cheers and all the best !


  5. I think the pre Ancients before the younger dyras 12,600 year ago Knew that they were cosmic being’s having a human experience and used this connection to the cosmos to levitate & cut stones using sound as in a SAZER which later became know as a magic wand ,Sound was also used for healing in Ancient times this is why old churches & Halls had pipe organs in them .

  6. Ben,

    Your numbers during the Podcast with the Snake Brothers were screwed. I’m not at all certain how they moved that much weight but the technology had to make easy or they wouldn’t have done it.

    Your work is inspiring.

    70 Ton’s x 2000lbs=
    140,000lbs / 175lbs=
    175lbs (Average lbs. Per Person)
    800 Egyptian Workmen
    Its reasonable to assume that the mega box (Your Favorite) would be x 2. 1600 workmen

  7. Ben,
    I have a few questions that are important to me now that you have successfully altered my day to day perception of what is or what isn’t.

    The Valley of the Kings is where rock cut tombs were excavated for the pharaohs and powerful nobles of the New Kingdom (the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Dynasties of Ancient Egypt). I’m struggling to understand how every tomb in the valley is littered with Advanced Technology examples. Were the tombs inherited or did both cultures co-exist At this very moment what was up is down and what is down is up.

  8. Hi Ben,

    I could not find a way to contact you on your website so I’m making this post. Hope you’re ok with it.
    1 ) Do you have the book “Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid” by C. Piazzi Smyth published

    2) Greg Carlwood of “The Higher Side Chats” (youtube) interviewed author and researcher
    Matthew Lacroix. The interview is about Sumerian texts with references to George Smith
    “Assyriologist” B. 26 March 1840 D. 19 August 1876. You may find the interview interesting,
    If not I apologize.

    3) The movie on youtube “The Movie Great Pyramid K 2019” forward the video to 3:24:15
    interesting to say the least.

    I remember hearing you say its possible to make a contribution by mail but i cannot find the
    PO box you mentioned.

    I thoroughly enjoy all of your work. I relish listening to an educated well spoken man.

    Kind Regards,


  9. Good day Ben
    I have looked with great interest at these boxes for a while now trying to figure out…”WHY”?
    After some thoughts and some reading I have an idea for you. Perhaps what we are seeing in the serapeum is a series battery. How? Take a granite box, sleeve in a quartz block that sits proud of the top edge by a slight amount and place the thirty ton lid on it. Add some ground vibration or a hum (great pyramyd) and you have a piezoelectric charge of massive proportions. Wire them together and you have a power grid. I would help explain why the surface cracks were polished out (for the vibration) and why the only thing they seemed immensely focused on the inside of them and not the tunnels themselves as they would have been a waste of time to finish and are only a means to house the battery. We use a quartz crystal in things like bbq lighters and that spark at the end you see in the lighter is the result of the trigger hitting a small plunger into a quartz crystal about a 1/4″ in size. I wonder how much charge would be created with a quartz block 11 feet long and 7 feet high times twenty seven or more? (how many others? in how many other tunnels?) . Power a small city perhaps? To me it seems a plan was in place there but was left unfinished.


  10. Hi Ben, thanks for all your videos and all stuff here and on YT. Its a great work!
    I have seen meny videos about Serapeum. Its fascinating. Especially fascinating for me is the purpose of this … let’s call it tomb 🙂 What are this boxes for? Maybe they are there to protect some kind of mummy from outer world. Nothing special in Egypt but where are the mummies? No mummy. Maybe they were build to protect dead Osiris living emanation on earth also called Apis bull. Maybe. By the way, there is one another legend ( legend?) about a dangerous bull living in labyrinth not far from Egypt.So far so good. But lets suppose for a while that the very purpose of these boxes was to protect the outer world from stuff deposited inside those boxes. It must have been very dangerous stuff indeed. Why I think so? Because of the design of Serapeum and all those boxes. First they are roughly the same, not identical but very similar in dimensions and main design. Polished , without cracks ( cracks eliminated boxes as functional). They are on the outside good but on the inside they are really really precise. It means something needed to be stored in precise conditions. Maybe another box made from lighter material. Second: if you have a dangerous stuff ( explosives, radiating matter, storage of electromagnetic energy) you really must know that shit happens , something can go awry wrong. And one should build a storage for such explosive or radiating stuff accordingly. Thats the explanation why all the tombs / alcoves are shifted along the corridor . Not one faces another. Because if one alcove something goes wrong ( explosion or similar) the shock wave hits the wall opposite to the entrance, changes the directions 90 degrees and propagates along the corridor. And looses energy. Were the opposite alcoves not shifted, after the accident schock wave kills all (people? bulls? gods?) in the opposite tomb. Or decontaminates. Lest say one have dangerous stuff but it should not be to close each other in large amounts. Do you know such a stuff that explodes after it reaches critical mass? Exactly. So one could build a longer corridor to separate these boxes in space ( in this case not 200 meters but nearly 400) or one could shift the alcoves with the same effect. Thats is the case.
    Third: additional corridors, small box fast blocking one long corridor into one alcove far from others. The same purpose – if one have some stuff which is dangerous and before use should be “activated” by tiny amount of another stuff one never ever stores this two components together in one room.
    It was not a tomb where mummies were protected waiting for end of the world. Maybe ancient Egyptians had reused this boxes- it was popular. Serapeum is to shallow, not very deep buried. Has one entrance. Whatever was inside those boxes should be good protected but it should be possible to take stuff from those boxes relatively easily. It only my theory. Think it has more logic as some bulls.
    And this is only one aspect of Serapeum. Transport, handiwork ( I schould say machinwork rather) are other aspects without any logical and possible explanation.
    Make some sense? What do you think?

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