Is this Block proof for a Lost Ancient Civilization?

There are many unexplainable connections between the ancient cultures of the Americas with that of Ancient Egypt – and in recent years a new connection has been uncovered that should be re-writing the story of history for South America.

According to academics, the Inca never had a writing system – but new evidence at Sacsayhuaman is challenging this assumption – or could this be the work of the lost ancient and high technology civilization that preceded them?

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Andean Megalithic Architecture Primer:

The Mystery of Sacsayhuaman, Part 1:

The Mystery of Sacsayhuaman, Part 2:

History with Kaleigh:

Doggerland with Jahanna James and Kaleigh:

Ancient Sanctum – Gornaya Shoria:

6 thoughts on “Is this Block proof for a Lost Ancient Civilization?”

  1. Seems possible this is some kind of script -not noticeably repetitive like decoration but pretty weathered and needing some sort of enhancement like ‘the curse of oak island’ team applied . There was a video postulating a connection from persia to peru thence easter island – comparisons to known persian writing might be an idea to start with even if only a significant number of letters could be identified . just like the pyramids are inexplicably bare it seems that somebody should have put their ‘brand’ on the sth american megalithic work .

  2. Me again, I was thinking about the gate of the sun Tiwanaku – is there not some sort of carving on it that probably conveys meaning? Not sure – most religions have sacred texts in abundance and need to write down their dogma and creation myths in particular to maintain the faith and ensure that heresies do not develop . Oral traditions probably started religions – or still carry on the creation stories like aboriginal lore today but the ‘it is written…’ stage must eventually follow for longevity – stone calenders and monuments can only convey so much information without the priestly caste to interpret and explain them . The degree of mathematical knowledge supposedly embodied in the most arcane ways in even simple pyramid shapes begs the question of how this was known or passed on before writing.

  3. Again.. The two best known artifacts attributed to the Tiwanaku area that have written inscriptions are the Furente magna bowl and the Pokotia stelae — difficult to vouch for their provenance but at least have decipherable inscriptions that might be worth comparing to ‘the block’

  4. Hi, I’m a subscriber of yours and I’d like to send you an interesting link and some pictures. Can you please give me an email address where I can send it to?

  5. Any open-minded investigation into Sacsayhuaman merits an open-minded reading of Zecharia Sitchen’s LOST REALMS (BOOK IV of his EARTH CHRONICLES series), in which he systematically identifies archeological, architectural and (to the extent available) cultural parallels.

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