Sneferu and his 3 Mega Pyramids – and a tour of the Red Pyramid!

The Red Pyramid of Dashur is Ancient Egypt’s third largest pyramid – only slightly less massive than the middle pyramid at Giza. According to mainstream history, it was built by Pharoah Sneferu, the father of Khufu, who not only built this, but two more of the mightiest pyramids of the Old Kingdom, the Bent and Meydum pyramids.  

Just how many huge pyramid ‘tombs’ does one ruler need?   Join me as we explore the  enigmatic Red Pyramid, with a full private walk through of it’s chambers, and glimpse into the many unknowns about the true history of this remarkable ancient monument.

Patrons will have already seen the tour inside the Red Pyramid – but I’ve added subtitles and some additional comments! 

4 thoughts on “Sneferu and his 3 Mega Pyramids – and a tour of the Red Pyramid!”

  1. Hey Ben,
    Watched a couple of your videos as I myself am also an independent researcher.
    I noticed the underfloor channels myself and wondered what purpose they served.
    I don’t know if you’re familier with the works of Robert Temple but he suggested that
    the channels are rope guides used to lower heavey objects down into as yet unknown tombs.
    Since you have seen more of them than I, I only investigated Giza, I like your thoughts.

    Kind regards,

    1. Hi Carl,

      Yes, familiar with Temple’s work – and his thoughts on the channeled blocks. The theory kinda sorta works for the block he references in the sphinx temple (he has some of the only photo’s ive seen from in there, it’s hard to get in there) but the theory falls apart when you look at the channeled block infrastructure on sites like Abu Sir.

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