New video! Is there a hidden chamber beneath the Khafre Causeway?

Is there a undiscovered and hidden chamber beneath the huge Khafre Causeway on the Giza Plateau? On my recent trip to Egypt, we discovered some interesting evidence that seems to point to exactly that!

Join me as we explore several examples of subterranean features of the Giza Plateau, and investigate what could be an entirely new discovery of a hidden chamber beneath the causeway…

4 thoughts on “New video! Is there a hidden chamber beneath the Khafre Causeway?”

  1. hi Ben – I enjoy your videos very much, and just watched your new one on hidden underground chambers beneath the causeway. I want to suggest that if you do plan to do a more in-depth treatment of the Osiris shaft at some point, you may want to know the real story behind its “discovery” in the 90s; I was directly involved with that, and wrote about for my book ‘The Sky Stretched Out Before Me,’ but posted a slightly more abbreviated account that 1997 expedition over at The Daily Grail website, here:
    Truth be told, the figures who really deserve credit for that find are Boris Said, J.J. Hurtak, Joseph Schor, and Joe Jahoda (all deceased now except for Hurtak, and the last two from the A.R.E.). When Zahi found out what our group uncovered, he rushed in and started his own excavation – and of course took full credit for the discovery of the slab (as was his style). At any rate, you will find more details in my account linked to above (along with some of my photos). Cheers, Ray Grasse

  2. (I thought I had posted this, but don’t see it here so will try again – but if there’s repetition, my apologies)

    I enjoy your videos very much, Ben, and want to suggest that if you indeed plan on doing a more in-depth look at the Osiris shaft, you may want to know the real story behind its “discovery” – which I was involved with back in 1997. The credit for that find should really go to Boris Said, J.J. Hurtak, Joe Jahoda and Joseph Schor (all now deceased except for the last two, who were with the A.R.E.). I wrote about that expedition in my book The Sky Stretched Out Before Me, but penned a somewhat abbreviated version for The Daily Grail website, here: When Zahi found out what our group had uncovered down there, Zahi rushed in to begin excavation, and of course took credit for the entire find. At any rate, hope you find this info useful. Cheers, Ray

    1. p.s. a correction (while re-typing that, I see I skipped over a few words): J.J. Hurtak is still alive, the others are deceased – and the two ‘Joes’ were from Edgar Cayce’s group, the A.R.E.

  3. just a washer on a length of string ought to get you an idea of how deep the hole is -not exactly high tech but reliable and cheap . Boroscopes are expensive and relatively stiff so might not be the best – an old style 3G mobile phone on a string might be another quick option with it’s own keyhole light and ability to record . “Endoscopes” used for medical imaging ,eg of the bladder interior ,are small enough to go into tiny crevices but would need longer than usual optical fibre (unfortunately I have first hand experience of this …..) Don’t leave us in suspense on this one Ben !

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