Randall Carlson and the Erosion of the Great Sphinx!

The cause of the limestone erosion of the walls of the Sphinx Enclosure (and that of the Sphinx itself) has long been the subject of debate, as it has a significant impact on the true age of the Great Sphinx itself – and the civilization that originally built it.

But what is far less often discussed is just how much erosion of the stone walls has taken place – or how long the erosive processes might have taken to get to where they are today. Join Randall Carlson in a guest appearance on UnchartedX, as he investigates these issues, and we take a look at scientific studies on just how long this sort of limestone erosion might have taken – and what it might mean for the true age of the Great Sphinx.


The Sphinx Revealed: https://youtu.be/TWa75VCj9ZU

Zahi Hawass and Graham Hancock on Gobekli Tepi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4NnCAZcxHg

UnchartedX Egypt 2022 Tour: https://unchartedx.com/tour

Randall Carlson Tours (with Ben): https://contactatthecabin.com

New UnchartedX Merch! https://unchartedx.creator-spring.com/

6 thoughts on “Randall Carlson and the Erosion of the Great Sphinx!”

  1. Wish I could express my ideas without people completely dismissing them, however when you think about it, it makes so much sense. Mars. I think Mars was a key player in our development. It has a similar tilt and number of hours in a day as Earth does. I think Mars sent our moon to Earth, tethered it in the Iraqi area(space elevator/tower of Babel story), used the great pyramid to fuel(water electrolysis) a power-transfer laser(tech we are currently working on) to re-power the moon, then used the tether-moon system to create the current tilt we currently have… like Mars has. It all lines up. Wish I could show you, instead of writing just a couple of sentences. What will it all accomplish, though? Until we’re able to explore everywhere, we won’t know all of it.

  2. Have you ever looked into the Pantheon in Rome in any detail? It have the perfect true North alignment, Aswan granite columns (and historically “bowls” too), the whole architecture is a celebration of mathematics unifying circles, squares and triangles, and the dome is absolutely covered in “false doors”. Even in Roman times it’s origins and purpose were a bit of a mystery. It just doesn’t fit well at all, culturally, architecturally or technically.

  3. Thanks for the very interesting explanation about the erosion. No doubt that the erosion on the sidewalls (and the Great Sphinx) are caused by a very strong flood. My first impression is that this flood might have passed hunderdthousands or even millions years ago have passed there. My theory is that in the middle of the flood stands a rock (where is now the Sphinx) and when all the water was disappeared the was just a gab. Even that rock was very eroded. Abaut 5000 or 6000 years ago, maybe before even the pyramids where built, the Egyptians noticed the rock in the middle and built a Sphinx around it, as you can see on pictures of it where sandstone or limistone tiles where placed around. That could also explane why the head on top looks rather small. Do you think that this the case? (sorry for my poor english). Greetz from Antwerp, Belgium?

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