The 1100+ ton Unfinished Obelisk at the Aswan Quarry….

Was the mighty 1100+ ton Unfinished Granite Obelisk at Aswan Quarry carved with dollarite pounding stones? What about the mysterious scoop marks found here? A special, in-depth investigation into the history, claims and science surrounding this mysterious site.

After years of visiting the Quarry, and utilizing some new technology, we take a deep dive into these topics and make some new observations – leading to some remarkable possibilities that impact our understanding of ancient civilizations, and the technology they used.

Check out John Anthony West’s ‘Magical Egypt’ Series, with a special offer for 10% off! Physical media (DVDs) and streaming options available – visit and use the Coupon code ‘unchartedx’ at checkout!

Other videos in this series:

Part 1: Machining

Part 2: Precision

Part 3: Quarrying and Logistics

Part 4: Ancient Egyptian Stone Cutting

Part 5: Ancient Precision Stone Jars:

Part 6: Old Kingdom Stone Recycling:

UnchartedX Merch Store! :

UnchartedX Egypt 2022 Tour:

Randall Carlson Tours (with UnchartedX, SnakeBros, Grimerica):

Executive Producers for this Episode:

Thomas Czerniewski, Daniel Dewey, Lee Simpkins

Associate Executive Producers for this Episode:

Allan Chanyi, Ken Stoltzfus, Chris Partney, T.O. Kayes


‘Deos’ by Fifty Dollar Dynasty (epic preview of SnakeBro music!) – Releasing soon (this summer!) on their upcoming album ‘Precession’ :

16 thoughts on “The 1100+ ton Unfinished Obelisk at the Aswan Quarry….”

  1. I like our work. Also, I would appreciate your comments on the book: Chan Thomas – The Adam And Eve Story The History Of Cataclysms. It seems to link to your research. The full uncensored/not sanitized version should be 284 pages. Why would it be classified as top secret by the CIA?

    1. the second half of the book has numerous radical claims that the government is scheming against the people, considering the year it came the cia might have felt that the exciting nature of the first half of the book might bring too much attention on the claims in the later half if it became popular.

  2. To my mind came one channel on youtube, not from these stonemysteries, but interesting in way nobody have even thinkd about, dive deep to traditional things, not written, but wich tsill are there. Navajo traditional teachings. Language wich is still nonwriteable one. Maybe it would be worth to peek in. ?

  3. Please look at your video podcast published 3/11/2021 at 54:27 you show a part of a pillar?? But the scoop marks are exactly the same as the scoop marks on the Aswan Obelisk, uncanny, coincidence,??? Everybody knew everyone else..??

  4. Hello Ben! I am a fan/follower/believer and I love your work!
    I do have a question though that I haven’t seen mentioned anywhere, not just on your videos, but on others as well.
    My question is, why hasn’t anyone ever mentioned the “handle-like” protrusions on a lot of the casing blocks surrounding the pyramids, and Cusco, Machu Picchu and others just to name a few? If you are unsure what I am referring to, I have some images I can send you.
    As a retired construction worker, I think these are lift-points. Something you would attach cables to in order to lift the blocks into place. Or, if you’re a giant, something to grab on to to manipulate around.
    I would really like to hear your thoughts on this, whether its in a video or just a simple reply. I know you’re a busy researcher and I appreciate the time you invest into all of your work, and taking the time to read my comment/question.
    Please, let me know what you think. You can reach me on twitter @LiquidBinary_OG

    Excitedly looking forward to hearing from you!
    Butch Pullen

  5. I notice that you have a interest in hard stone pre dynasty pots one I know lives out in the open air in Manchester museum it is giant you can feel the work gone in to the pot with your own hands got pictures if you want more info let me know .well worth a visit Manchester museum has loads but the big one too heavy for a glass shelf and was for years just on the floor but now on a pedestal no glass or rope around it 40 years plus been putting my hands on it

  6. Dear Ben,
    I’ve watched many of your excellent videos and thought you might find some interesting connections among cultures in the work of Dr Anthony Peratt, specifically in identifying ancient petroglyphs. They are found by the thousands, on every continent and remote island that is, or was inhabited by humans. Peratt holds a PhD in EE and plasma physics. He was a researcher at Los Alamos working on directed high energy plasma (particle weapon research).
    At one point in his career he stumbled across a conference where some of these petroglyphs were shown by a presenter, and immediately recognized them from his work as pictorial representations of intense plasma discharges. The images he had recorded in the laboratory were identical to the petroglyphs found globally. At that point, he visited many sites around the world, and published several papers. His conclusion was that a massive CME or other massive extraterrestrial electromagnetic disturbances were witnessed on earth in it’s remote past. These symbols are all found on rock formations or in caves, all facing south, and always with a shield or vantage point where the auroral event could be recorded without direct exposure to the intense synchrotron radiation – which is also noted in the stickmen figures by a circle on either side.
    Here is a link to his first paper on the subject, and you will find many of the symbols you’ve wondered about in Peru are found globally; I have visited a site here in North America where they can all be found.
    Dr Robert Schoch and Brian Foerester have both used Peratt’s research in speculating about CME outbursts in some of their own videos; Dr Schoch eventually recognized the rongo rongo “text” that was thought to be a lost language on Easter Island to be the same petroglyphs that recorded a catastrophic extraterrestrial electromagnetic event in our antiquity.
    Peratt’s first IEEE paper is here;
    If you have not visited the Thunderbolts channel on YouTube, you will find it has produced a number of excellent videos that will send you further down the rabbit hole in your search for the lost civilizations and what wiped them out.
    That channel is also going against the mainstream, but it is hard for an electrical engineer like myself to dismiss what they’re saying, as many of the explanations offered today by astrophysicists and astronomers are not consistent with observations, in the same way archeologists’ stories do reflect what is obvious to anyone with a curious mind and some common sense.

    A truly brilliant channel, “See the Pattern” is here:

    The gentleman who runs it is an accomplished physicist and questions the main stream on a variety of subjects. The series on the precession of the equinoxes as well as the series on ancient catastrophism are both fascinating.


  7. Hello Ben,
    I wanted you to know that I have been interested in, following and reading about Ancient Mysteries all my life. I’m 60yrs old and spent the last 45yrs buying books watching documentaries etc…I bought and read Chariots of The Gods, saw the movie when it came out in theaters, I was a kid. I was fascinated, hooked for the rest of my life learning about the mysteries. Erch von Daniken was my inspiration. Though labeled as the “Alien guy”, along with many others, he was the one who pointed out those mysteries and brought them into the light. He always denied, that he could explain them and asked for the scientific community to try and explain them. The idea of a lost civilization in our history, multiple generations of mankind, wiped out by a cataclysms, was rejected. The scientific community, scoffed, attacked him, labeled him as well as John Anthony West, Robert Schock ,David Childress, Robert Bavaul on and on but these men are/were open minded, objective and willing to face ridicule over their theories. The FACTS, the Proof, the right in front of your face Evidence, just brushed aside and sometimes explained away with simply asinine comments from the “experts”. I never bought into any of those expert theories, unless I thought they were correct. The evidence needs to be explained by our “self called” modern society;-)

    Bear with me here because I am about to sing your praises:-)
    You speak extremely well, knowledgeable and articulate.
    You have mastered, or at least employ the use of computers, utilize the necessary applications to present your videos, archive, collate and store your digital images and photography. My Hats off here;-)
    You Travel To The Sites (I’m so jealous)
    You Employ knowledgeable guides like Juseff for the regions you visit. You invite others to attend:-)
    You document Everything in video, verbal comments asking the “right” questions;-) (I’m so Impressed)
    You take a “backseat” as to who YOU are;-) Your Ben, presenting all of these items, asking those obvious questions and showing Why…You Are Good;-)
    Your Approach to solving these questions, is spot on. You explain your position well, especially about the internet debates. You have a thick skin;-) But an open mind.
    You collaborate with other experts, learning more.
    I have more to say, but this should suffice for now.

    It is my hope that you continue the work you are doing. Opening peoples eyes has typically been regarded as Heracy to the “status quo”. I’ve seen this All of my life, 45yrs…now…
    You Know what you are doing, that’s comforting for the viewers.
    Keep The Faith!
    Joe White

  8. Hi, Ben. I’ve been a longtime follower of your work on YT, and recently I found myself watching a lecture on linguistics and thinking of your work. The lecture was on Proto-Indo-European (PIE), the proposed original ancestor language for most of the language families in use today. It’s existence is only implied by cognates and connections between otherwise distinct languages, leading linguists to look for an older, much more dispersed antecedent. It struck me that there is also a Megalithic connection between many of the geographical sites where these connected languages seem to have originated.

    We suspect that there was a globally dispersed culture that created stone monuments in very similar (though alien to us) ways, while here are the linguists trying to piece together the echoes of what may ultimately turn out to be the language of that culture, from which most of our current languages descend. It’s an interesting thought that may be worth some further study.

    1. Interesting – seems like yet another vector that supports the concept of a common ancestor culture seeding many of the known ancient civilizations that arose post cataclysm. You mentioned the megalithic construction, we also have astronomical knowledge encoded in myths and legends (Hamlett’s Mill) as well as a common ancestor civilization story that persists down to today with our own modern sun cults.

  9. The round nodules that we see can see on so many blocks were likely a result of this quarrying process, those nodules would have been the bottom of the block.

  10. The scoop marks are probably formed by use of a large water hammer (monjolo), an ancient technology that could absolutely be used in prehistoric times. The dolerite pounding stones would be used as the mortar on such a hammer.
    The regular patterns of scoops are created when the hammer is moved laterally after a period of time. A hammer could be designed to dig vertically (test pit), or maybe even horizontally (under the obelisk) if it was articulated, as you mention.

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