Feb 2023 Update: Tour is now sold out, but if you would like to get on the waitlist for spots that might open up, please email Hugh at info@megalithimania.co.uk !
Join me and my friends Yousef Awyan (Khemit School) and Hugh Newman and JJ Ainsworth (Megalithomania) for what promises to be an amazing tour of Ancient sites in England, including a private visit to StoneHenge – this July, 2023.
I’m very much looking forward to this opportunity, it’ll be my (and Yousef’s) first chance to see the sites and mysteries of England. Spots are limited for this trip, and I expect it will go fast.
Check out all the details and full itinerary below, or on the Megalithomania site: https://megalithomania.co.uk/englandtour.html and you can register right here (below).
Please email info@megalithomania.co.uk for tour questions. Note, this isn’t my email address, it is Hugh’s. If you want to contact me use info@unchartedx.com .

Hi Ben, was just watching your YT doc about drill holes and core nr. 7. (After listening to the recent Joe Rogan podcast and I appreciated that one a lot… great podcast).
There are much more drill holes, and I supose the question has come up by others and yourself….. do the other drill cores haven the same spiral grooving ? Or is this the only one ? The ancient tool does have to leave the same marks on all the other cores.
Hope you have time to adress this one.
Best Regards
The Netherlands.
To the eye, yes they do. Many of them, holes and cores. Unfortunately Petrie’s core 7 is the only one to have been examined to that level of detail.
Getting the security certificate problem trying to access the registration
You can register right here in this post. The SSL issue isn’t a big deal, it happens sometimes, mostly a hosting site issue. It won’t hurt anything to go there to look at the itinerary.
Great that you are coming to the West Country in the UK! Avebury is one of my favourite places, truely magical, and a visit to the Red Lion, the pub which is right in the centre of the massive circle, is a must! Just one comment – Stanton Drew is in Somerset, not Avon – it is about 15 miles from the village I grew up in. Avon was a made-up (and highly unpopular) county that was just invented for political regions between 1974-1996. Since then we have been back in Somerset (actually North Somerset, to be precise), although many automatic addresses on websites still have Avon as the county, even though it hasn’t existed for 26 years now!
Anyway, have a great trip!
Hey Ben when is the next Egypt tour? Can finally make it happen on my end and am joesn to go!
Hi Ben,
Love your work!!! My wife is from the south west of England close to where you are doing your tour in July. We reside in Australia, however we are visiting the UK at the time of your tour. We have accomodation arranged as we booked before we were aware of your trip. We are wondering if we could pay to join the tours during the day minus the accommodation? Thank you for all your well researched, detailed, informative and interesting bodies of work. We really appreciate all you’re doing to uncover the true history of civilisation.
Thanks, Brad
Hey Brad,
It’s a Hugh question but no I don’t think we can break it up like that, the tour is all inclusive from an accom/transport perspective, we can’t be driving all over the place picking people up so we are all staying in the same hotels.
Hi Ben,
No problem, I understand. Thanks for getting back to me, I appreciate it.
Cheers, Brad
Bit of a side bar this comment but have you considered visiting Fingal’s Cave (Scottish Island) and Giant’s Causeway? (Northern Ireland) Slightly out of the way for your planned tour but I’m hoping that places like these gets reviewed again in future.
Stated to be 50-60 million years old and described as naturally happening to create thousands of huge basalt stones in almost perfect hexagonal fornation to create a solid foundation structure. With so much passage of time, its incomprehensible the changes that have happened there but I feel like standard definition doesn’t fit well. Bees create hexagonal shapes with wax as it provides tighest compact as well as economical cost to for wax to honey for a bee hive (probably no correlation) but I’m just not convinced the natural explanations for those locations fit
Other places in UK/Ireland other than the stone circles that get most of the attention
Is there any way to et on a list for your 2024 Egyptian tour? Assuming you’re doing one.
Tour will be starting feb 7. We are working on the details now. I give Patrons, channel members, subscribestar etc early access to registration but I hope it will be available this month.
What will the price range be for the tour?
What is the price range for the Egypt tour?
The tour is currently open for registration for UnchartedX patrons and channel members (and I’ll be sending it out to my supporter email list soon). It will be linked here and open to the public in about 2 weeks.