Recent Podcasts!

The last month or so has been a busy time, for a bunch of reasons, like traveling for the Vase Scan project (video in the works!), but also for several podcast appearances. As a reminder, I have put all my podcast appearances (at least those I can find) on the ‘podcast appearances’ page that is linked at the top of the site.

While in Florida inspecting a private vase collection, I had two, in-studio chats with Danny Jones on his podcast, formerly known as the Koncrete Podcast. My solo show is here:

I also had the chance to share the studio with the great Randall Carlson, for a joint appearance with Danny:

Also, if you’re interested in the vase scan project, I was a guest on my friend George Howard’s (of fame) new podcast, ‘The Foxhole,’ along with the engineers and metrologists who have been leading the charge on analyzing ancient hard stone vases, Alex Dunn and Nick Sierra:

Also, I joined my good friend Matt Beal on his new ‘Limitless’ Podcast:

One thought on “Recent Podcasts!”

  1. Fascinating and thank you. I have been to Egypt three times and one remarkable visit to Sakara with the wonderful Monah Salah. Question. Would the cult of the Apis Bull have any relation with Moses, the Israelites and the Golden calf? Would it correlate to a point in time? Or later with Elijah and the Cult of Bahl? Mona sent me off with exclamation of “Mighty Egypt!” You and your series have added another “Mighty” to Monah’s exhortation. Mighty thanks indeed!

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