In-Person Interview with Christopher Dunn!

A sit down in-person conversation in the beautiful Fischer Theater in Danville, IL with author, engineer, and manufacturing expert Christopher Dunn!

We get into a myriad of topics: the vase scan project, precision, tubular drills and Petrie’s Core #7, Chris’s excellent new book Giza, The Tesla Connection, responding to critics and more!

22 thoughts on “In-Person Interview with Christopher Dunn!”

  1. Dear Ben

    As a software engineer, I am one of the greatest fans of the both of you (Ben and Chris). You have convinced me that thousands years ago people were using Turing machines (kind of computers).
    While looking at the Petrie’s Core No 7, we assume CW direction of a dril rotation. Perhaps they rotated drils in CCW direction. Therefore the spiral groove was made by the dril being moved back.
    Having made experiments, I must say the Core No. 7 proves that the previous humanity was using advanced technology, because drils were continuously rotated with a constant speed.

    Please elaborate on my suggestion. Thanks…

    1. Thanks for the kind words. The core is slightly tapered, as are other cores. The holes are straight. So the tool was likely also internally tapered. The instant is is ‘backed off’ from the core it would lose contact with the surface, I don’t think the grooves are from tool withdrawl. The tapering could be from slop in the mechanism but I don’t think we’d see the same consistent marks (that we do see) in that case.

  2. Re: Saqqara vases.
    I am totally convinced that most of the vases from Saqqara were “turned” on a lathe or lathe-like machine but how were the handles processed?

  3. Thank you Ben. Your efforts to bring enlightenment and openness to our past are excellent.
    I to am frustrated the the obvious is not accepted by the main stream. However, one aspect of there position may incumber their acceptance. Strangely it may be one of accepted religion being threatened. There is high inertia in these beliefs.
    Just a thought, I see this in my friends and family.
    Thanks continue the good work.

    1. I’ve often made the comparison, I think much of the ‘story of history’ is similar to the dogma of religion, and some academics certainly function like priests – the acknowledged ‘expert’ on a particular story. Interpret the evidence a different way and you get a visceral reaction. Humans…

  4. One of my favorite discussions I have ever listened to. All your videos are so sick, I love them.

    There is a youtube video I watched on the precision granite chambers in India that has a 3d scan files, Im not qualified to do a mathematical analysis of them like Mark Qvist did for the vase scan but based on my limited knowledge is looks like there could be some fascinating information in-coded… roughly the 40 minute mark:

    Thanks for the epic vids you make, Id love to come to an egypt tour one of these years

  5. Gday Ben, I hope this gets to you as technology hates me and I don’t get along with it either…
    I’m a stonemason and prospector in Victoria with a few ideas on scoop marks and polygonal stonework that I haven’t seen anybody else suggest to you. I’ve sent a fb message a couple weeks ago but it hasn’t been looked at as no doubt you’re busy af.. please get back to me if possible when you can on fb messenger as I don’t use many other forms of communication online. Cheers bud, also keep up the good work and continue to be the humble gentleman you aim to be.

    1. Making marble vases on a lathe has very little in common with the whatever process was used to create the ancient hard stone artifacts. No fillers. You need to consider the precision, the stone hardness, the handles, they were machined, probably turned as part of the process, but (very) precisely.

  6. Ben, is the Petri core cylinder available for download? (in 3d obviously?) I had an idea…

  7. hello. i’m planning a trip on my own to egypt later this year and would like to go on a private group tour, or just me, of the khufu pyramid in order to see the subterranean chamber and queen’s chamber, which are off limits to the general tour. when you did the private tour in 2020 of the great pyramid and went down to the pit, who did you book with, and were you able to get in and do the tour relatively quickly? was it just with your friends or did they hook you up with others to make the group? how many were in the group and how much did you each pay? i would prefer to set things up when i’m actually in cairo rather than booking well in advance online. sorry for all these questions, but it’s been a lifelong dream of mine to see the pyramids and i really want to visit all the chambers and passages inside. i haven’t really been able to find much online, so any help or advice you could give me would be greatly appreciated. thank you very much!

    1. It requires special permission. Contact Select Egypt travel agency, they can arrange the permissions for you. It’s expensive, hence we do it with a larger group.

  8. Hey Ben, I’m a huge fan, not only of the work that you are doing and have done, but the way you approach it as well. Presenting the (frequently obvious) visual clues that still be seen all over the world, and ask the questions that continue to poke huge holes in the “old school” rhetoric of main stream archeology. I totally believe that yourself, Christopher Dunn and Graham Hancock have been persistently and scientifically barking up the all right trees and asking all the necessary questions. And just as importantly, NOT afraid of the answers. PLEASE KEEP IT UP!
    Food for (my) thought:
    • Younger Dryas and “The Great flood”, same.
    • Great pyramid was probably a multi-functional device and global power plant (Tesla style). The “Queen’s chamber possibly a previous iteration of the “updated” model. Same goes for any of the pyramids around the world.
    • The obelisks were power “transceivers” that could be used locally to erect vertical structures to about the height of the obelisk. Like Ed Leedskalin and his “Box on a Tripod” at The Coral Castle in Florida.
    • Much of the old technology used to move shape and generally manipulate stone (all over the world) was based on frequency, when combined with the available power generated by the great pyramid. Which might explain the odd “flaking from within” observed on some of the stones that may have had too much or the wrong combination of the two.
    • As the great pyramid inevitably fell in to disrepair, the ability to move “megalithic stones” with sound eventually just disappeared.
    It would seem that the vast majority of the European/western scholars are hamstrung (whether they see it or not) by the constraints of the Christian timeline. To extent that now the Greeks and Minoans are somehow supposedly lesser that the Romans and by extension the lovely folks that gave us the “Dark Ages”. It’s my assertion that Akhenaten and Moses (brothers?) started the monotheistic movement as a way of erasing the existence of a previous society, who’s last remaining survivors were globally seen as Gods. Essentially, resetting our technology back to zero. Yet somehow ingraining an intractable case of hubris!
    I’m not at all into the social media scene, so hopefully someone sees this.
    Anyway, that’s my two cents. Again, PLEASE KEEP UP THE AWESOME WORK !!

  9. Hallo.
    I have seen some of Your videoclips on YT regarding the precisionmade vases. I found this clip recently and wanted to share it. Maybee You have already seen it. I found it remarkable easy to use a lathe and a big marbleblock to create a vase. Of course it is much skill behind the making of it.

    Greatings from Sweden

    1. Yes marble vases are made on lathes, we’ve looked at them in videos on a metrology bench. Precision, handles, granite vs marble etc. making a marble vase on a lathe isn’t really close to the same thing as the artifacts we’re examining.

  10. Hey Ben,

    Milo here from Ancient Presence 🤙

    Long time, not talk, I hope life is treating you well. I’m reaching out through your website because I haven’t received any responses from you through any of the other mediums I’ve tried for the past multiple years (email, text, phone call, voicemail) and I’d love to keep an open dialogue between us.

    I saw in your recent video on UnchartedX Live when you were speaking about the critics and skeptics of your work that you’re happy to respond to comments directly on your website, so I’m hoping you’ll do so with us. You said you’re happy to engage with people who you disagree with, but I haven’t seen you willing to engage with us and I hope that will change.

    We’ve always seen you as a friend and fellow explorer and we never meant to disrespect you in any way. If you follow our channel, you can see that we just did a podcast with Christopher Dunn and we were very courteous and respectful to him throughout the conversation, even while de disagreed strongly with him. We’re not interested in making enemies or “othering” people, even though we promote the works of channels that do. We’ve tried to make it clear on our channel that we want to hold a high standard to engage with people we disagree with as friends and allies of the same community.

    Casey and I hope that you’re interested in discussing with us some of the controversial aspects of your thesis and sites like the Serapeum, as we feel it’s very productive and helpful to look at things under a lens of healthy critique with the intention of getting to the bottom of things on our quest for truth. So, would you like to do a podcast with us? A private video call? Some emails? I would love to do a podcast, as there’s a whole lot we could talk about and I’m sure people would love it. As evidenced by the Hancock Dibble debate on JRE, people are thirsty for that type of content.

    So let us know if you’re interested and I hope to hear from you soon. I’ve been living in Crete in Greece but I’ll probably be back in California later this year. Since you’re quite close to my hometown, maybe we could meet up, I’d love to buy you lunch some day.

    I hope all is well and much love,
    Ancient Presence

    1. Hi Milo,
      hope you’re well, Crete sounds like a nice place to be, hopefully it’s not as hot at Nor Cal has been recently. Spent some time on Lindos, loved it. I haven’t seen the Chris Dunn podcast, he let me know he was going on your show, I’ll check it out when I have time. I’m not particularly interested in coming on, for the same reasons I mentioned to you the last time we met, along with those I discussed in the skeptics/critics video. Not a fan of ‘reaction’ content, or youtube drama stuff, not that I put you guys in that category, but as you know some of the people you’re getting your talking points from are unhinged and I’m not going to engage with them. I will be doing a new Serapeum video in the near future (my last one was years ago at this point) and talk about my new learnings on on the site, and address a lot of the skeptical points that have been raised, as I did in the comment I left on your first Serapeum video.

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