Builders of the Ancient Mysteries! Full Documentary, presented by UnchartedX

Are we really the first advanced human civilization on Earth? Embark on a great and fascinating tour of the most amazing archaeological sites on Earth, as you have probably never seen them before, for a great journey, deep in the origin of our civilization a trip that may change forever your vision of our past and more.

Narrated by Jahannah James, and created by Jayan Films and my friend Patrice Pouillard, this documentary is very highly recommended viewing! I have an interview with Patrice on my main channel, UnchartedX, that you can view here:

5 thoughts on “Builders of the Ancient Mysteries! Full Documentary, presented by UnchartedX”

  1. Hello,

    I have been working on a Google Earth Pro file and I would love to show you. I saw the great documentary by Jayan Films on the Barabar caves in India. I am not looking for fame, money or anything. I’m interested in the truth and I know you and others like Graham Hancock/Randall Carlson are on the right track. I have been using Google Earth Pro and I have found some really interesting alignments (based on Jayan Films and the magnetic equator) that would/may blow your mind. It blew my mind and the mind of my co-workers I’ve shown this to. I would love to have 5ish minutes of your time and show you via video chat, what I’ve been working on. I think it may blow your mind or be useful. I am wanting to just give you this data and share it w/ your audience if you think what I have found is worth it. Thanks!

  2. Ben, this has been a long time coming. I’m up here in Canada,[Vancouver}, for the past…..? 17 yrs.(?) been writing this damn book ,which has successfully removed me from, well everything really. My off time is spent watching your efforts, (‘specially with the infamous schist disk, (get yer attention?). Having no life as such, with my passion re. Egypt, Hancock, Grayham, etc…currently watching you @ Bens Dar 5 site, getting side-jacked on schooling him on the Antikythera mech. {oh-yeah, since it’s found on the bottom of Greecian water, well it just HAD to be made by Antikytherias, right? Anyways, heheheh, yeah, also a huge fan of those quality mud-caps on those pieces of misidentified perfection. Arugh! Keep getting sidetracked, so I’m on this idea on how these were made, as my book’s related to this, which I gotta get back to. I’ll be in touch as soon as time permits, but I’m sure yer on the right track, ( although radical, my thought on that lil’ schist (heh)doesn’t butt heads with your mind-set) , Ah! There it is, just received intell. on the Flower of Life, I have to address this. I just had to make contact, not trying to be mysterious [well overly] but my book’s central idea coincides with……well just about everything that’s been seen through a intentional academic fog all these years. Like I mentioned, I will message you as soon as my research permits. All these years . Really hope this pans out . Please x-cuse my Caviler style of speech, (er- type?) TTYS——–respect, Norm-out.

  3. Hello Ben

    The famous vase is really unsearchable because it does not have a name like all great artifacts have

    Until it will be searchable it won’t reach far

    It can not be too long and needs to be recognizable by saying it

    Djoser’s perfect vase

    If You do not like this one You can change the name and even force a name if You have to

    Then make a Wikipedia page for it and put the link it in sources

    Future is counting on You Ben

  4. Hello!

    What are your thoughts on Matthew Lacroix’s work? More specifically at the ancient sites in Turkey.

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