5 thoughts on “Spots open on the Primordial Egypt Tour!”

  1. Hi Ben and unchartedx fans. I recently found visual proof of the great flood: Petroglyphs under the oceans, 2 big moai petroglyphs right beside Easter island, a big king with crown, roads art. So much proof that the great flood filled the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian ocean basins (proof that the Earth was much dryer before the flood). You can see for yourself, just check google earth. Here is my youtube video, sorry for sound quality, I am no expert, just trying to get the message out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvuhnwmKcSs

  2. Ben (I am not writing in regard to your December tour in Egypt, but I hope that this reaches you . . . I have no other way of writing to you),

    Given my interest in all you’re doing, I’m in a kind of shock to have only recently discovered you.

    I’m writing to thank you for you excellent work . . . in today’s sea of talking heads, it’s hard to thank you enough though for your clear and very detailed observations – and this has nothing to do with the fact that the views you’ve come to align precisely with my own.

    My own time has been spent on a fairly vast array of subjects, the heart of which has to do with the unnatural, unexplained, precision of almost endless phenomena in our solar system . . . in particular discoveries regarding the Earth, Moon, and Sun.

    Even though I’ve been very aware of the signs of an extraordinarily advanced civilization existing before 12,000 years ago, who I’m as certain as I can be had the knowledge and know-how to create something as monumental and precise and filled with information as the Great Pyramid, it was only a few months ago that I decided to immerse myself in the evidence that affirms this – and now have Charles Hapgood’s two books, as well as others, and am well along in the euphoric process of learning new, endlessly interesting, things.

    And then I stumbled upon your amazing videos. You speak, teach, with a wonderful authority that is not defensive of filled with hubris . . . it’s just wonderful to be guided through all this information by someone I trust and who, simply put, knows what he’s talking about.

    I’m also writing to share some information with you that I hope will be of equal interest to you as your contributions are to me. My own angle of interest is as described above and as my field of awareness broadened as I learned, the Great Pyramid, and the civilization that produced it, at some point became front and center. I won’t say much of anything here, except to say that I feel it is a grand communication.

    Please take the time to visit The Stillpoint Pyramid section of http://www.stillpointdesign.org to understand why this is (I only yesterday, finally, included information in this section regarding the precision-fit megalithic stonework from around the world) . . . and then see where (and if) your curiosity takes you. If you find yourself curious, you will see overwhelming evidence that our solar system was created intentionally, by an evolved higher intelligence, and that at the heart of all the ‘impossible’ precision is a profound communication embedded within the dimensions of the Earth, Moon, and Sun . . . and what this all implies. My hope is that the information will inspire your own thoughts . . . and perhaps shed more light and detail about who those people were.

    This is all I need to say for now. I hope to hear from you, as I have questions to ask.

    For now, just one more thank you for the remarkable work you’re doing.


  3. Hi Ben, love your work and I’ve been a YouTube follower for a while. I really appreciate the scientific method and engineering rigor that you bring to this fascinating subject. It’s a great « hard » complement to the « softer » esoteric approach (which I value equally, to be clear) taken by René Adolphe Schwaller de Lubicz and John Anthony West.

    One idea for you and your team to consider: please could you also offer a shorter tour alternative of about a week? It would enable folks who can’t set aside 2 weeks of consecutive vacation, or who find the 7k USD (+ maybe a single supplement, like for myself) a bit onerous. I realize this won’t let us see everything you show us on the 14-day tour but I think there would be many ways to pick a subset of the destinations, while taking into account transportation time from Cairo to Luxor, eg. I would pick these:
    Day 1: Giza Plateau sites (Great Pyramid with private visit)
    Day 2: Giza Plateau sites (Sphinx, Valley temple)
    Day 3: Saqqarah (Serapeum, Step pyramid)
    Day 4: fly to Luxor, Luxor museum, Luxor temple
    Day 5: Valley of the Kings, Rameseum and Tombs of the Nobles
    Day 6: Karnak temple
    Day 7: Edfu & Kom Ombo
    Day 8: Aswan Quarry, fly back to Cairo


    1. Thanks Ray,

      Honest answer, this isn’t going to happen. I only run one trip a year, and help Yousef with his Primordial tour. It’s not my main business, I mostly do it because people ask me to and it’s a good chance to organize special permissions for everyone to see, and for me to do some research. I’m not a tour operator (and don’t want to be) and these tours have always sold out, often with quite a lengthy waitlist, so there’s no real driver there for me to do more/cheaper/shorter. I have other places to go besides Egypt twice a year, and in fact I might be decreasing these to once every 18 months or every two years. I’ve been traveling constantly for more than 20 years now, I’m ready for some extended time at home and in studio!


      1. Ben. I don’t know how to navigate communication with your circle. I sent the same link to Randall because he had a “contact” link.

        Check out this modern times example of monolithic manipulation witness. His story is more military and hidden levels of government that personally hurt him and his family. In the weeds his example reminds me of the “hand bags” depicted in ancient carvings and those used to manipulate megalithic items. I think you and your colleagues should interview him.


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