Livestream – Vase scan updates, Mysteries of Nemrut, and more!

Updates to the Vase Scan project, the mystery of Mt Nemrut, cart ruts, Sogmatar, and more! Livestream with Kyle and Russ from the Brothers of the Serpent, check out the replay on youtube!

See the sites we talk about in the vid, join us in Turkey this coming April!

3 thoughts on “Livestream – Vase scan updates, Mysteries of Nemrut, and more!”

  1. Hi Ben,
    Love your programs! I am writing in reference to your work with analysis of the Saqqara vessels, sort of. I have often wondered if the many core drilling examples have been similarly measured to determine if there is any consistency in the diameters ( O.D. ) that might suggest a standard drill or set of drills. I would love to know! James

  2. Hi Ben, many thanks for your content, really good job. Don’t miss the opportunity to visit Alaca höyük in Turkey, really interesting place probably much older since you can see more than one construction stile just like is Peru, possible conexión with Egypt.
    Since you are going with Yousef will be nice to see what he have to say.

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