10 thoughts on “New video! Walk and Talk at the Giza Plateau!”

  1. I have a hypothesis that explains a lot of the unexplained that I don’t think you have quite considered yet. I don’t know the best way to get this out there, but … Have you considered the planet Mars? Mars has two sets of “volcanos” that are in similar patterns as the giza pyramids. Mars has a similar tilt and number of hours in a day. It’s called the red planet due to a thin layer of iron oxide(rust) all over the surface, like a massive city rusted away. Mars has the largest “mountain” in the solar system along with the deepest/longest canyon. I have reason to believe Mars once thrived long ago… (the oldest homosapien skeleton we have found is 300,000 years old. We’ve gone from stone-age to space-age in about 6-10,000 years, what did we do the other 290,000 years?) They started with the smaller group of “volcanos” as a prototype, but the larger group was their main system of powering their moon that they used to tilt their planet. Their planet was losing its atmosphere and they needed to come to Earth to get gold(kinda sounds like Nibiru, no?) They grabbed a moon that was proportionate for the Earth and loaded it up with supplies(which would still be limited considering working an entire planet). Once loaded up, I think they transported the moon to Earth and set it up in a geosynchronous orbit over the Iraq\Saudia Arabia area(at this point in history, this area was on the equator). They built a space elevator which is where I think the story of the Tower of Babel came from. Plus, have you considered… if the moon was in a geostationary only 10,000 miles or so from the surface, the ocean/sea levels would rise significantly on that side of the planet starting the legend of a “global flood” and receding water from the other side creating “lost continents”. While they built the tower of babel, they built the great pyramid and “sphinx” structures both used together as a water electrolysis machine that pulls oxygen and hydrogen from water to use as fuel for a M.A.S.E.R at the top that would send power up to the moon to recharge it. Due to the spin of the Earth, the moon would be more over the pyramids/Sahara than the tower itself. I think Stonehenge was built to assist in the process of tilting the planet. It’s stones are aiming in a NE direction where the moon would be during the process. There are also 2 triangular anomalies on opposite sides of the planet where the old and the current equators meet. I know you don’t agree, but maybe this will change your mind about the Richat Structure being “Atlantis”… with the water level being thousands of feet higher than it is currently… and it also being along the old equator… that explains “Atlantis”. Once everything was in place, they used this moon-tethered system to pull the planet’s surface due North creating the 23.5 degree tilt we currently enjoy. And at some point, war happened on Mars, destroying their moon. Part of it was scattered out to make the “Asteroid Belt”, 2 still orbit the planet, but the majority crashed into the surface creating the Olympus Mons, the largest mountain in the solar system. Their tether ripped across the surface creating that canyon. And over time, it became what we see to this day. At some point, an asteroid was detected to hit Earth. All projects were stopped. People dug caves and prepared for the worst. The tether was severed slinging the moon into space where it’s still leaving the Earth an inch and a half every year. Because everyone was separated from everyone else, people’s languages started to differ. That asteroid(younger dryas?) sent humanity back into the stone-age. Let me know if you have any questions. I hope you don’t dismiss this out of hand and you really consider it.

  2. Hi,
    I have recently discovered you Youtube canal and found it very inspiring. After having seen it I am convinced that most of the oldest artefacts and structures cannot possibly have been made or built using copper tools and rocks.

    One aspect I am missing from your arguments is any calculations regarding the workhours it would take to make various objects. A simple calculation on the times it would take to just make the trench around the unfinished obelix showed that it would take 1200 workdays. This is based on a speed of 30cc removed rock per hour, a 10 effective hours per day per rock-pounder.

    Similar calculations could be done on the really large structures, and then one could compare the required workdays (using rock-pounding) with the available time according to the official timelines, and see how many rock-pounders would be required. I suspect that number would be huge. And then you must add the time it would take for the precision work and the transportation. And what number of people would be needed to grow enough food for them and so on. I suspect that the required number of people would be a compelling argument for the impossibility of the official explanation of how things were made and built.

  3. Ben,
    1) Basalt pavement east of the Great Pyramid
    This black pavement appears to be part of the original layout of the Pyramid City. Since the Pyramid Casing Stones are missing and difficult to analyze, I think the Basalt pavement should be thoroughly analyzed including looking underneath them to find out what is underneath them. It is possible there is a connection to this black pavement and the name Kemet, the black land.
    2) The geological history of the Giza plateau
    The entire area of the Sahara was at the bottom of the ocean until the African Plate began to rise as it collided with the European Plate some 40 to 50 million years ago. The Nile delta would have been hundreds of miles south of where it is today. The entire rising area would have been covered by between 1 and 3 kilometers of loose sediment which lies above the deeper layer where limestone and sandstone form, including the Giza plateau. It appears that much of this sediment was washed away at higher elevations like at Giza long before any construction work was done there. The Sahara has gone thru many climate changes over the years but parts of the area actually became a desert 3 million years ago based on ocean bottom core samples. Parts were still green and rainfall was prevalent until 5500 years ago when precipitation pretty much stopped and the area of Giza became hot and dry until today. More core samples confirmed this dated very accurately.
    For this reason, I cannot fathom why any civilization would build so many structures, above and below ground, as the officials state the dynastic Egyptians did, in this area. It makes no sense whatsoever.
    3) Underground work. Speculation.
    There is more underground than there is above ground. Why? Were the shining ones sensitive to sunlight or heat? We know that the huge granite boxes were not used for bulls because hundreds of wooden coffins were also found there with bulls inside them. This was probably done during the last age of Taurus when bulls were worshipped as the reigning Sun God. I wonder if the shining ones used the multi ton boxes as sleeping chambers.
    4) Recommendations
    Please take extra portable LED lights for your trips inside structures. If possible, please take some sealable plastic bags and a scraper to get samples from anything you would want a chemical analysis done on. The black goo in the Red Pyramid for example or the interior of boxes or the bottom chamber of the great pyramid. Most colleges offer testing.

    Your presentations are great, your speech is too. Keep up the nice work. I have watched all your videos multiple times. Tell the guy at ancient architects to get a voice coach or have someone else narrate his videos. That sing song speech is repulsive.

  4. Dear Mr. Ben van Kerkwyk:

    I watched your video called “The Story of the Enigmatic and Mysterious Tube Drills of Ancient…”. I am a retired ceramic engineer, and I have a theory for how the holes that the ancient egyptians dilled in hard granite were made.
    I believe that a simple exeriment could be performed create a drill tool and to not only drill out the hole in granite, but to duplicate the spiral grooves of ~1/10th inch spacing in the core and in the hole.
    Please contact me so that we can discuss this.

  5. I saw a video of yours entitled “Talking Ancient Egyptian Precision Vases! Swapcast with the Snake Bros.” In it you posited a base unit for the ancient high precision vases based on the relative constants of their measure, which corresponds to the wavelength of a 16Ghz wave. It also seems you had not yet determined as to why they would choose this specific base unit, and there was discussion as to our units being random, a common fallacy of modern dogma, which discards the well-known history of the metre as relative to the measure of 1/40.000 Earth’s polar circumference (to within 99.9% accuracy.)

    The base unit you discussed for the vases, the wavelength of a 16 Ghz radio wave, works out to ~1.8725 cm. As I said before, the meter is not random, it is originally designed relative Earth’s polar circumference, split into 4 equal parts (as the svatstik.) There is a fairly simple formula for working out why they used this base unit. However, it includes an important geometric constant possibly not considered by your mathematician/engineer: the golden trisection, analogous to phi as the golden bi-section, which is encoded in the proportions of the regular Heptagon/heptagram, the 7 sided regular-polygon and the first non-constructible integer polygon on a Euclidian plane. This is analogous to how phi, as the measure of the golden bi-section, is encoded in the pentagram/pentagon the 5-sided regular polygon.

    The heptagon and golden trisection is ever-present throughout ancient measurement systems and geometries, and it continues to play a highly important role in modern esoterica, as it did in the more ancient cults such as Mithraism and Magism. The formula for determining this base unit you discussed (considering a 1,000,000 split of 1/4 of earth’s polar circumference as a Cm) is as follows: [sin(4pi/7)/sin(pi/7)] * (phi^2/pi)] = 1.8725116993 cm, equivalent to the wavelength of a wave of 16.010178 Ghz. Encoding these 3 constants as a base unit relative Earth’s circumference would be a way to show anyone who analyzed the vases later in time (such as your team) that the maker had a mastery of all levels of initiation into the ancient practice now called “sacred geometry.”

    I have done substantial research into these ancient systems, stretching from Sumer to China to Egypt to Rome to the Mayas, but have not yet released the results, other than publishing in very obscure journals. What I have found is these same exact geometric equations and mathematics buried into ancient architecture as well as ancient religious texts, including those of the Egyptians, which can be verified by their own hieroglyphs using algorithm-based data analysis. Ultimately, the geometries and advanced sciences encrypted into these ancient knowledge systems is related to the scaling factor of Humans/Earth relative the Planck length and the diameter of the visible universe, with a particular stress upon small integer fractions of the Fine Structure Constant (1/137.035999084) These mathematical constants do not change, nor does the Fine Structure Constant as a dimensionless quantity, and even Nobel prize scientists have theorized that the best way to transmit our status as an advanced civilization to another advanced civilization from another planet (or in this case, through time on the same planet) would be by encoding the Fine Structure Constant into our communications to them.

    If you have interest, I would be happy to share my work with you in service of helping to provide further evidence of the advanced state of our ancestors, which has been passed down through the ages hidden in plain sight.

    Thank you for your tireless effort in this field,


  6. Gday mate,
    Absolutely love your videos on the building of the pyramids. I’ve had the same ideas for many years and I think I know how to solve it.
    Disassemble one from the top down and keep notes of what you find. lol. Same with the sphinx. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind.
    The other thing is I reckon there’s a lot more of the pyramids below ground than above. Going by the huge underground structures found in Russia etc.
    anyway keep at it. If we could only get rid of that so called Egyptian antiquities expert you might have an easier run.
    I reckon it’s time for some serious investigation work to be completed all over the world so we can finally find the answers we are looking for.
    Good luck and clear skies

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