Spots open on the ‘Uncharted Egypt’ trip – with myself and Jimmy from Bright Insight!

*** Update as of November 1, 2020 ***

As of Nov 1, the tour has reached it’s maximum number of participants, however we are maintaining a waitlist of interested parties. Given the current global situation it is possible that more spots will open up at the last minute. We are also in the process of planning another trip to Egypt, very similar to this one, for around October of 2021. Anyone who registers for this trip and can’t make it will be ‘first in line’ to register for next year’s trip. A huge thankyou to everyone who has decided to make it to Egypt this year, despite all the challenges 2020 has thrown at us!

Spots are open for the ‘Uncharted Egypt’ tour from Nov 28-Dec 12 this year!

Some recent big news, we will be joined by my friend Jimmy from the huge @Bright Insight channel on this trip! Unfortunately Matt from the Ancient Architects channel had to withdraw due to his circumstances in 2020, and I’m very pleased that Jimmy will be joining us for his first trip to Egypt!

More details, and the full itinerary as well as a brief video are available on the tour page – just click UnchartedX TOUR above, or follow this link.

Register for the tour here:

Just select ‘November 28 – December 12, 2020 Ancient Technology Tour’ from the drop down list.

We have extended the deadline for registration and full payment to 27th OCTOBER, 2020! This date is fast approaching for anyone interested in taking advantage of this unique opportunity to visit Egypt without the regular crowds of tourists!

This trip represents a very rare opportunity, that is unlikely to be repeated anytime soon: the chance to visit Egypt and see it’s monuments and ancient sites WITHOUT the usual crowds of other tourists! I’ve packed out the tour with a host of special permissions, that will get us into areas normally closed off to the public – including the Osiris Shaft at Giza, the Osirion, Abu Sir, and a 2 hour private entry to the Great Pyramid, with all chambers unlocked!

If you’re feeling adventurous, and willing to travel during these strange times, I’m confident that this will be a magical experience, and a chance not likely to happen again anytime soon. I can’t emphasize enough that this opportunity to visit Egypt and it’s sites without the usual crowds is something really special. I was there just after the ‘Arab Spring,’ when it was mostly empty of tourists, and i’ve also been there during more the regular times, and it’s a night and day difference. I expect that once Egypt opens up it’s ‘Grand Museum’ next year they will be back to normal (high) tourist volumes.

Matt from Ancient Architects and I will be running a similar trip sometime in 2021, possibly 2022 – as many people who originally registered for this tour had to defer – so if you can’t make this trip, stay tuned for news about the next one, as there most definitely will be another chance. We are working on nailing down the specific dates at the moment.

Hope all is well with everyone, and to maybe see you in Egypt! I’m Working on videos for this week – I’ve been buried by some ‘life’ issues recently, but back on track now!


New video! Part 3 of the Evidence for Ancient High Technology

Part 3 of my investigation into the evidence for ancient high technology!

In this video, I clarify the arguments made in previous episodes, respond to some of the discussion around these topics, and then dive into the details of logistics and construction methodologies surrounding the creation and movement of some of antiquities largest and heaviest monuments from around the world.

From the Unfinished Obelisk at Aswan, to the mighty Trilithon and recent disoveries at Baalbek, how can these ancient achievements be explained with the primitive methods of ancient civilizations?

LiveStream today! Aug 16, 2pm PST

LiveStream time! Long overdue I know, but my setup is finally worked out, and I’m looking forward to chatting! I have a fun show lined up, we’re going talk some channel updates, cover some news, review the raw footage from my recent video on Tanis, and get into some Q&A!

I hope you can join me today at 2pm! If you can’t, this will be available for replay on my channel.

Ancient Tanis, Ramses II, and the Largest Stone Statue Ever Made..

The ancient city of Tanis, once known as biblical Zoan, has a history that spans multiple ancient civilizations, and has been the source for some of the greatest treasure hoards to ever be recovered from antiquity.

Today, it is home to some incredible remnants of massive megalithic structures, and what might have been the largest stone statue ever executed by human hands. Renovated and re-claimed by ambitious kings of old, Tanis’s past is shrouded in mystery.

Join me as we attempt to decipher some of it’s past, and explore the history and evidence for ancient advanced technology in the capital of the delta of ancient Khemit.


Ancient Architect Channel video on the treasure of Tanis:

Evidence for Ancient High Technology, Part 1, Machining:

Evidence for Ancient High Technology, Part 2, Precision:

Serapeum Series, Part 5, Conclusions and Evidence:

Livestream – deconstructing attacks on Graham Hancock:

Livestream – exposing Wikipedia mainstream bias:

New video! Ancient Egypt’s Great ‘Lost’ Labyrinth

The great labyrinth of Egypt is one of the most famous lost monuments from our ancient past – a mythical structure, bigger than anything else in Egypt, with thousands of chambers – it was visited and written about by several of history’s most famous authors, the likes of  Herodotus, Strabo, and Pliny the Elder. 

Flinders Petrie suspected he had hit on the remains of the labyrinth in the late 19th century, and only 12 years ago, his work was confirmed when large parts of the labyrinth were rediscovered, next to the Hawara pyramid of Amenemhat III.

This discovery was met with resounding silence, and today, whatever remains are of the labyrinth are being eroded by inaction, and the rising water table in the region. This is the story of the Egypt’s great ‘lost’ labyrinth, it’s history, and modern discovery by the Mataha expedition.

New video! Q&A, underwater megaliths and more.

Are there Underwater Megaliths? And other questions – an UnchartedX Q&A!

Sign up to CuriosityStream’s on-demand documentary streaming service for only $12 for a full year! Use the promo code ‘UnchartedX’ to both help the channel out and get a free month of access!

Topics and timestamps:

0:47 Are Megalithic structures earthquake proof?

11:00 Should we be looking for structures 400 feet underwater?

18:40 Where is the ancient civilization’s workshop?

26:12 Where are the tools?

34:32 How advanced was the lost ancient civilization?

39:03 How did people live at Machu Picchu?

41:46 What’s the weather like at Machu Picchu?

45:23 How long does it take you to edit videos?


The Curious Connection between the Great Pyramid and the Maps of the Ancient Sea-Kings

Evidence of Ancient High Technology – Liquid Polishing at the Serapeum of Saqqara

Randall Carlson’s channel:…

Monty Hall documentary on Yonaguni:

South America’s Megalithic Age

South America’s ‘Megalithic Age’ is evidenced by the great antiquity and different styles of ancient architecture found across Peru and Bolivia, particularly throughout the region defined by the Andes mountain range. It has also been written about by many authors and researchers for centuries.

Sir Clements Markham was one such author, he travelled and studied the region, and it’s history for more than 60 years, was an expert in the Quecha language, and intimately familiar with all the primary sources of information, scant though they are, given the conquest of the new world by the Spanish invaders. His conclusions after a lifetime of research are very interesting, particularly when compared to those of our current academic establishment.


Machu Picchu, Part 1: Machu Picchu,

Part 2:

15,800 year old stone tool found in Oregon:

A small correction: at 37:52, the label should read ‘Chavin Temple’ and not ‘Sacsayhuaman’ . A small oversight that I missed in editing.

The Architecture of Machu Picchu – Part 2

Part 2 of my Machu Picchu series investigates the architectural features of the various distinct areas at this enigmatic and beautiful world heritage site, and wonder of the world.

Highly recommended that you watch Part 1 before watching this, it can be found here:

At this end of this video I will also give you my tips and advice on how to best structure a visit to Machu Picchu, Peru’s #1 tourist destination!

Podcast with Christopher Dunn!

Christopher Dunn is an engineer and author, with an extensive background as a craftsman. He has nearly 50 years experience working at every level of high tech and precision manufacturing in the laser and aerospace industries.

Chris has authored two books that investigate the evidence for ancient technology that is contained in in the structures and objects from our distant past. I think that these books, 1998s ‘the giza power plant’ and 2010’s ‘Lost Technologies of Ancient Egypt’ should be recognized as amongst the most important and pivotal works on ancient civilizations in our time.

This podcast was a real treat for me, and I want to sincerely thank Chris for granting me some of his time. We cover a lot of topics in our talk, and I’ve added video and images in spots to help illustrate some points, and I hope you enjoy the discussion!


Chris Dunn’s website:

My films featuring Chris Dunn’s work:

Evidence for Ancient High Tech, Part 1, Machining:

Evidence for Ancient High Tech, Part 2, Precision:

The Tube Drills of Ancient Egypt:

The Precision of the Serapeum:

Music: Fresno Alley (youtube free music library)