New video! The Enigmas of Puma Punku, and Tihuanaco

Investigating the mysteries and history of the unique ancient megalithic sites of Puma Punku and Tihuanaco, Bolivia. I’ve visited the sites more than once, they are captivating, and full of astonishing precision megalithic stonework that isn’t easily explainable from within the current paradigm of history.

Join me as I begin my investigation into these enigmatic sites. This is chapter 1, a detailed introduction to the stonework, layout, history and controversy of Puma Punku and Tihuanaco, along with a couple of stories from my various visits there.

Some ideas and questions for my audience in there, and a surprise at the end of the video! Lots more to come on this site.

A couple of references:

Fresno Alley (Youtube Free Music Library)
Scott Gratton : A Moment
Scott Gratton: The Seconds
Scott Grattion: The Minutes

2 thoughts on “New video! The Enigmas of Puma Punku, and Tihuanaco”

  1. Ben,
    I has not seen picture up close if one can see trace of machining marks.

    I saw the site in India that seems similar, but more complex structures and more religious.
    If one take a picture with a modern phone one can easy see machine trace if one make the picture bigger.
    I used that in Serapeum where it was gloss polishing, and one can see trace on some parts the machining under ( feedrate )
    In pre Egypt it is machining obviously and one can realise it was not easy. But they could do it and for some reason.
    I can’t even specualate why they was so obsessed whit stone works.
    -Why do massive blocks at all, as much more easy move small ones and why use granite they quarry up and moved long distance.
    It’s from another way to see life, and it was way before our history that’s for shore.

    As I has not been in this place in Bolivia, so I can’t say anything on machining and I has not seen up close pictures on the surfaces.

    I must say, it’s ridicules and silly to set this stone off whit ropes. Why ?
    Few people on Earth today really don’t care anyway, even if it to be told upfront it is +12K year old and ‘machined’, so that can’t be the reason.

    1. Hi Hank,

      I haven’t seen any machining marks that I can recall on Tiwanaku/PP. I still need to go through the MANY images I have from here though…. there are several very up close macro lens shots, but the surfaces seem extremely flat and well finished on most of the blocks, although not perfectly smooth. Some surfaces are, but most seem to be very flat but still rough to the touch.

      I’ll talk about this a bit in the upcoming videos on this site.


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