The Most Precisely Made Granite Object in Ancient Egypt – and why it’s not Geopolymer!

An examination of the most precisely made granite object that has come from Ancient Egypt! A precision carved box housed deep underground, we get into the details of the site, the box, its history and discovery by Flinders Petrie.

I also give you some thoughts as to why I don’t believe this object, nor any of the granite objects of ancient Egypt, are made from geopolymer, or some form of ancient concrete!

Many thanks to Mark and Jahannah from the UnchartedX Egypt trip for sharing some of their footage and images with me! Check out Jahannah’s channel, she is making excellent vlogs from the trip:

Jimmy’s great channel, Bright Insight:

Other links:

Hawara/Labyrinth video:

Mastaba 17 at Meidum:

The Meidum Pyramid:

13 thoughts on “The Most Precisely Made Granite Object in Ancient Egypt – and why it’s not Geopolymer!”

  1. Now we are talking machining.
    Good work as always Ben!
    I guess we never know what their purpose was and ’when’, but guess we are talking way back in time.
    But great to taste it.
    As you said, whats wrong with us, as we are now in 2021 and no one or few care to just too serious measured it up but the main concept is chisels.
    I think that tell’s allot of how we are.
    Ignorant and stupid.

    1. Thanks Hank. I hope this box gets accurately measured with modern tools at some point in the future. At least it’s being protected and preserved, and we get the chance to see it for ourselves.

  2. Hey Ben,

    For the measuring tools, you show one in your video that was $2k. Perhaps you should set up a go fund me and see if you can raise the funds to buy the tools needed to do the tests.

    I know I would contribute.

    Another great video mate.

  3. A smaller ex Mhar surfac tester is around USD 2K but it tell on a very small part the surface but a scanner is way more expensive.
    That way we will se the total flatness etc and squareness.
    Archeology seems to has not the interested doing this so it must be a private move.
    I would like to see the squareness inside boxes in Serapeum.
    And if they has the bulps inside then to ( as on outside )
    I was into one 3 years ago, the one Dunn inspected manually.

  4. BEN ever since my 1st visit to Egypt back in 1980, many more questions have arisen. Attended ‘Early school’ near MUNICH, late 1960’s to early 1970’s, I was able to travel across Europe easily w/USA passport, in Vienna & Budapest, saw elongated skulls, found many more in Malta, Lebanon, & Peru. Peru was just recently drove to Paracas able to see first hand. As I argued for years, original elongated heads (skulls) was not cranial deformation but real born different beings. I also learned of Giants who once lived (might still exist). The French film about large lens melting of granite & limestone for huge blocks to construct great structures around the planet, is another attempt to hide the truth, as was recent events, killing Kennedy, 911 etc. Point is, some few controlling group or single being, Overlords, as found in Sumerians’ King list living 10k or 20k years. The technologies they process from what we think is ancient, has been hidden from us, the working slaves. Michael Tellenger has found gold in connected caves, doted across Mid to South Africa, with un GPS able, ‘stone corals’ made form sound producing stones, see Adams Calendar . Present mines extracting large amounts of Gold that seems to disappear (as I understand) WE are in the dark, “Eyes shut wide?” Yet evidence is all around us of great technology, which you’ve done excellent work of uncovering w/o pointing as I do. Please keep teaching the ‘Sheeple’ sadly they hide from the truth before each one of us. I have found where the Overlord resides, just watch where Chemtrails are not applied. Again thank you for your service, we all need to be stewards!

    1. Thanks Keith! I should have looked at your library of work when I did this video – but it all sort of came together quickly at the last minute. I will definitely be featuring your excellent work when I make my pass at the Bent pyramid. It’s quite the interesting structure – I already want to go back and check it out again, so many questions after the first visit!


  5. Awesome work, Ben!
    I refer lots of people to your site largely because you take a pretty scholarly approach to the evidence. I really enjoyed this video, but one small bit of feedback:
    please don’t join the mob who misuse the English language; the word “UNIQUE” has a literal meaning. It means there is only ONE of this item. Thus, expressing degrees of uniqueness like “most unique” or “very unique’ are nonsense- and really upset old farts like me!

    1. Good feedback, thanks Lyle. I’ll try and catch myself, you’re right about the definition. On that note, you have no idea how annoying I become to anyone in range when I hear the word ‘decimated’ used incorrectly (which is all the time).


  6. Hi Ben, thanks for the great video. One idea about the potential application for a precise box located underground would be for test and standard purposes. In our civilization we have radiation measurement, gravitational wave measurement, caesium clocks and other such equipment located in special rooms and sometimes underground. The special ceiling in this case might be part of a shielding purpose or perhaps to assure longevity of the test room.

    In the video you mention the second site, also with special ceiling and precise box ( which is now located elsewhere). Perhaps also a test room?

    Best wishes, James

  7. Hi Ben,
    it becomes clear why the blocks of the pyramids are not covered with cracks. It is well known that any natural limestone, being a sedimentary rock, has a layered structure. Therefore, over time, natural cracks inevitably appear in it along the layers.

    And concrete, being a homogeneous, amorphous material, does not form cracks. It also explains the absence of the so-called tan on the surface of the pyramids, which eventually forms on the open surface of any natural stone.

    The fact is that due to the crystalline structure of natural stone, various chemical elements come to its surface from the inside, leading to darkening. On concrete, sunburn does not occur, since the crystalline structure in it is destroyed when the rock is crushed into powder.

    1. However, I’m also searching for evidences strethening
      the initial world wide accepted assumption it was all
      natural limestone and granite quarried and shaped blocks.

      One thing is that the huge core limestone blocks only forms
      the lower part of the pyramid, where you find considerably
      relatively small blocks on the upper part.

      Also I found a very interesting photo showing a randomly
      full tan blocks aligning with blocks without completely.

      There was a suggestion from some researcher of a mix building
      of natural and artificial stones.

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