New Video! The Megalithic Mysteries of Karnak and Luxor Temples!

The mighty Karnak Temple, the largest religious complex in the world – ancient or not – is found alongside the Nile River in Upper Egypt, once part of the ancient Egyptian capital of Thebes. Today, this site, along with the connected Luxor Temple, are located inside the modern city of Luxor. Incredible stonework, huge pylons and hypostyle halls were built here by dozens of rulers over 1000’s of years during the Middle and New Kingdoms of the Ancient Egyptian Dynastic Civilization.

However, the mysterious possibility for a far longer past is hinted at by a close examination of the sites. In the core of both ‘temples’, huge structures and objects made from granite show the tell-tale signs of advanced machining and stone cutting, and share a deep similarity with structures of the Old Kingdom found on sites like Giza, Saqqara, or Abu Sir. The evidence for deeper, older and more sophisticated construction, as well as tremendous levels of erosion are examined in this video, along with the signs of advanced stonework, and the remnants of massive, single piece artifacts.

I hope you enjoy this investigation into the megalithic mysteries of Karnak and Luxor Temples! Let me know what you think in the comments – and please consider supporting UnchartedX via the value-for-value model at .

Executive Producers:

Matt Beal, Peter Shell, Syllabel, Jamie Strauss

Associate Executive Producers:

James Dickie, Donald and Jana Kelley, Chandra Chell, Teena Bates

Links and videos mentioned:

Megafloods of the Ice Age tour of Montana:

CPAK conference:

The Tale of Two Industries:

Giza Plateau Resonance Chamber:

Evidence for 4th Dynasty Recycling:

Experiments on Megalithic Stone:

Basalt and Granite Stone Cutting:

The Colossal Statues of Ancient Egypt:

Evidence for Ancient Technology, Precision:

End music courtesy of Fifty Dollar Dynasty (Deos):

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