Podcast! Sacsay and Cusco, with Ancient Architects and Snake Bros!

Taking a close look at megalithic Sacsayhuaman and Cusco, a video podcast with Matt from the Ancient Architects channel and the Kyle and Russ, the Brothers of the Serpent! We review my raw video footage and discuss the many mysteries of these beautiful locations in the highlands of Peru.

Ancient Architects Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCscI4NOggNSN-Si5QgErNCw

Brothers of the Serpent: https://www.youtube.com/user/TsurugiMasamune

Mystery of Sacsayhuaman (Part 1): https://youtu.be/WdKLNEUmRlM

Mystery of Sacsayhuaman (Part 2): https://youtu.be/kvUCuJ0qcc0

Andean Architecture Primer: https://youtu.be/oxuiB1vhDjM

New Podcast! The 100 ton boxes of the Serapeum with the Snake Brothers

Exploring the ancient Serapeum of Saqqara with the Brothers of the Serpent! Kyle, Russ and I watch and discuss my raw footage of a visit to the ancient and enigmatic set of underground tunnels and alcoves that house 24 massive, precision carved granite boxes. Each box, and lid, is carved as a single piece from the same block of stone. Some weigh a combined 100 tons, and all are housed in a bedrock tunnel system beneath the sands of Saqqara – a famous necropolis of Old Kingdom Ancient Egypt. 

Snake Bros youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TsurugiMasamune 

Playlist of my Serapeum Series videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLb1MDIWaJM6n-cjegE-92AYMeUysaeTVw 

UnchartedX podcast on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3rE2u1bCrKpXSLZNRPjk7e?si=y87UtbfFT_uEm2pyCY0t1w

UnchartedX podcast on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-unchartedx-podcast/id1531638539

The Most Precisely Made Granite Object in Ancient Egypt – and why it’s not Geopolymer!

An examination of the most precisely made granite object that has come from Ancient Egypt! A precision carved box housed deep underground, we get into the details of the site, the box, its history and discovery by Flinders Petrie.

I also give you some thoughts as to why I don’t believe this object, nor any of the granite objects of ancient Egypt, are made from geopolymer, or some form of ancient concrete!

Many thanks to Mark and Jahannah from the UnchartedX Egypt trip for sharing some of their footage and images with me! Check out Jahannah’s channel, she is making excellent vlogs from the trip: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN2Z_nuG5XtVnE998unA3PA

Jimmy’s great channel, Bright Insight: https://www.youtube.com/c/BrightInsight

Other links:

Hawara/Labyrinth video: https://youtu.be/PADK6Qq2hgk

Mastaba 17 at Meidum: https://youtu.be/s4MYdkCIia0

The Meidum Pyramid: https://youtu.be/oG_Vnn8QkzQ

New video from Egypt: The Subterranean chamber!

Hello everyone – I hope this update finds you well! If you’ve been following me on twitter or instagram you’ll know that we’ve just wrapped up what was a very busy, and very rewarding tour of Egypt that took place over the last couple of weeks.  I wanted to get a quick video out while I’m still here – as I write this, it is slowly uploading to my youtube channel, it’s now late during my last evening in Egypt.

I also wanted to let channel supporters know that I have a special exclusive video coming – during the tour we managed to spend a couple of hours on a zoom call with the one and only Randall Carlson, a real treat for everyone on the trip. I recorded the session, and as once I get home and have some time to correct a couple of the audio issues I will be uploading the full conversation as a supporter-exclusive video.

My apologies if I’ve been unable to respond quickly while I’ve been travelling here in Egypt, it really has been a very busy tour for me! I will get back to everyone who has reached out once I get back to the home studio – and I’ve got a lot of content to make. Some more updates on that in this video:

Descending into the subterranean chamber of the Great Pyramid of Giza! A quick video I wanted to share while still here in Egypt – my footage from the descending passageway and into the deep subterranean chamber, in the bedrock beneath the Great Pyramid. Accessed as part of our 2-hour private visit into the structure during the 2020 UnchartedX tour of Egypt.

New video! Interview with Yousef Awyan

An interview with Yousef Awyan, stonemason, guide and musician, where we discuss many topics around the mysteries and technologies of Ancient Egypt.


Experiment video (precusor to this one): https://youtu.be/PS1azzN0b-I

Please consider subscribing to my 2nd channel, UnchartedXLive! I stream on this channel occasionally, and upload non history related videos:


The Sphinx Revealed!

An investigation into the mysterious origins of the that most famous of monuments, the Great Sphinx of Giza. We review the rare account of the first time that the Sphinx was excavated in modern times, Henry Salt’s account of the works of Giovanni Cavigula in Egypt in 1817!


The Sequel to Revalations of the Pyramids: Builders of the Ancient Mysteries, available for viewing here (Affiliate link:)  https://bam-eng.okast.tv?ref=benvankerkwyk

Josh Blaylock’s ArkWorld: http://www.archeopunk.com/

The improable timeframes of the Old Kingdom Mega Pyramid Builders: https://youtu.be/u7UmGEMduI8

Zahi Hawass and Graham Hancock on the significance of Gobekli Tepe: https://youtu.be/q4NnCAZcxHg

UnchartedX and Bright Insight Egypt Tour 2020!: https://unchartedx.com/tour

a quick correction: I know I spelled ‘Gobekli’ incorrectly in the bit where i was searching for it on the wiki article about the Sphinx Erosion theory. It doesn’t matter as it doesn’t appear even with the correct spelling – that capture was done in a hurry at the end of my production and I was attempting to replicate a search I had made earlier! here is a screenshot showing that not even ‘gob’ appears on that article

Spots open on the ‘Uncharted Egypt’ trip – with myself and Jimmy from Bright Insight!

*** Update as of November 1, 2020 ***

As of Nov 1, the tour has reached it’s maximum number of participants, however we are maintaining a waitlist of interested parties. Given the current global situation it is possible that more spots will open up at the last minute. We are also in the process of planning another trip to Egypt, very similar to this one, for around October of 2021. Anyone who registers for this trip and can’t make it will be ‘first in line’ to register for next year’s trip. A huge thankyou to everyone who has decided to make it to Egypt this year, despite all the challenges 2020 has thrown at us!

Spots are open for the ‘Uncharted Egypt’ tour from Nov 28-Dec 12 this year!

Some recent big news, we will be joined by my friend Jimmy from the huge @Bright Insight channel on this trip! Unfortunately Matt from the Ancient Architects channel had to withdraw due to his circumstances in 2020, and I’m very pleased that Jimmy will be joining us for his first trip to Egypt!

More details, and the full itinerary as well as a brief video are available on the tour page – just click UnchartedX TOUR above, or follow this link.

Register for the tour here: https://www.khemitology.com/tour-registration/

Just select ‘November 28 – December 12, 2020 Ancient Technology Tour’ from the drop down list.

We have extended the deadline for registration and full payment to 27th OCTOBER, 2020! This date is fast approaching for anyone interested in taking advantage of this unique opportunity to visit Egypt without the regular crowds of tourists!

This trip represents a very rare opportunity, that is unlikely to be repeated anytime soon: the chance to visit Egypt and see it’s monuments and ancient sites WITHOUT the usual crowds of other tourists! I’ve packed out the tour with a host of special permissions, that will get us into areas normally closed off to the public – including the Osiris Shaft at Giza, the Osirion, Abu Sir, and a 2 hour private entry to the Great Pyramid, with all chambers unlocked!

If you’re feeling adventurous, and willing to travel during these strange times, I’m confident that this will be a magical experience, and a chance not likely to happen again anytime soon. I can’t emphasize enough that this opportunity to visit Egypt and it’s sites without the usual crowds is something really special. I was there just after the ‘Arab Spring,’ when it was mostly empty of tourists, and i’ve also been there during more the regular times, and it’s a night and day difference. I expect that once Egypt opens up it’s ‘Grand Museum’ next year they will be back to normal (high) tourist volumes.

Matt from Ancient Architects and I will be running a similar trip sometime in 2021, possibly 2022 – as many people who originally registered for this tour had to defer – so if you can’t make this trip, stay tuned for news about the next one, as there most definitely will be another chance. We are working on nailing down the specific dates at the moment.

Hope all is well with everyone, and to maybe see you in Egypt! I’m Working on videos for this week – I’ve been buried by some ‘life’ issues recently, but back on track now!


New video! Part 3 of the Evidence for Ancient High Technology

Part 3 of my investigation into the evidence for ancient high technology!

In this video, I clarify the arguments made in previous episodes, respond to some of the discussion around these topics, and then dive into the details of logistics and construction methodologies surrounding the creation and movement of some of antiquities largest and heaviest monuments from around the world.

From the Unfinished Obelisk at Aswan, to the mighty Trilithon and recent disoveries at Baalbek, how can these ancient achievements be explained with the primitive methods of ancient civilizations?

LiveStream today! Aug 16, 2pm PST

LiveStream time! Long overdue I know, but my setup is finally worked out, and I’m looking forward to chatting! I have a fun show lined up, we’re going talk some channel updates, cover some news, review the raw footage from my recent video on Tanis, and get into some Q&A!

I hope you can join me today at 2pm! If you can’t, this will be available for replay on my channel.