Podcast #3: A chat with Chuck from cfapps7865

MP3 available below:

A talk with my friend Chuck from the cfapps7865 channel!

Ancient Engineering on the Giza Plateau – REDUX with subs and additions

This is a repost of a video I published a while back. I added subtitles, some effects to highlight the areas we’re talking about, and changed some of the footage (and music, which was driving the need to do this….) 

The original version is still available (as an unlisted video) via it’s old post below. Cheers!

An introduction to UnchartedX: the case for re-writing history.

New video! I wanted to provide an introduction video for my channel, in particular for people that are new to the whole debate around the roots of our history. To explain the premise behind much of my other work, and to try and briefly (!) make the case for re-writing history.

Full Transcript available here

Ancient Engineering at the Temple of Bastet

New video! A quick look at a lesser visited Old Kingdom site, the Temple of Bastet, located some 80 kms from Cairo. Tel Basta has some astonishing pieces of what is clearly high technology, precision objects, and a number of machining marks spread across the ruins of a once mighty structure. The granite graveyard that remains has yet to give up all it’s secrets!

New Video: Chapter 5 in the Serapuem Series, Conclusions!


that has been a long several days of editing! After all the conceptual work is done, the writing and recording is done, the editing can really chafe you, so I’m learning.

But I finally managed to wrap up my Serapeum series, with this, the final episode, taking a hard look at the evidence for renovation on the site, examining some of the contradictions in the othodox story.

In previous episodes, I’ve been promising conclusions and that I would tell you what  I really think about the history of this site – and so I do, and it extends to much of ancient Egypt. 

So much for shorter content! 🙂

Transcript available here

Serapeum Series, Chapter 4: Evidence for Liquid Polishing…

Chapter 4 of my Serapeum Series, likely the penultimate edition. To quote from the introduction:

The 24 giant, single piece granite boxes that are housed in the underground alcoves and tunnels of the ancient Serapeum of Saqqara are anything but simple objects. Some of them weight up to 100 tons, and Almost every aspect of their quarrying, their transport and their construction boggles the mind when you really begin to consider what’s involved. The level of planning, effort, skill and technology required to both manufacture the boxes themselves, and to move them to where they have rested, from antiquity until today, is hard to overstate.

This video is chapter 4 of my Serapeum investigation, where we’ll examine some of the best evidence that a form of ancient high technology was used to create these boxes, in particular a technology used to finish them to a smooth, mirror like surface that still reflects light, even after many thousands of years, and a technology that seems unknown to our own advanced modern civilization of today.

New Video: Cataclysms of the Ice Age!

Beginning a new series looking into the cataclysms of the Ice Age. This is a crucial piece of the puzzle when searching for the truth of our history on the planet, and a warning about our future.

This is part 1, a brief introduction. Part 2 will get into the evidence, and be considerably longer! The decision to go shorter, multi-part videos vs one longer, single video is something I struggle with. If you have any feedback or preference I would love to know. In this case (and for my Serapeum series) I will release a full length single video when complete.

1000 subs! now with BitCoin!

A small milestone, but a significant one for me, I’ve passed 1000 subs on my youtube channel! Thanks to everyone that has subbed, I really appreciate the support, and I think this has happened fairly quickly since I started actively driving content on my channel a couple of months ago.

I had a request from a viewer that wanted to support me by sending some BitCoin. I am now able to support this, I’ve opened a BitCoin wallet, and as with anything in the value-for-value model that I’m trying to run, I very much appreciate anyone supporting me by any mechanism. That might be subscribing to my channel or sharing my content, it might be feedback on my videos, or it might be direct financial support – it all goes towards me continuing to make content in this space.

My BTC receiving address: bc1qtg5kaq0s7434fsulm7w94zsqkww57ueel4f4ed

Thanks to all!

The Precision of the Serapeum boxes.

Chapter 3: The Precision of the Serapeum. I delve into the quarrying, construction, and aspects of the precision that is evident in the mighty 100 ton boxes of the Serapeum of Saqqara, and why its not possible that they were made by hand with primitive tools and methods, as ascribed to the Dynastic Egyptian civilization. These are inherited objects, from an earlier and unknown period of our own past.

Livestream! and thanks to new subs and supporters!



I did a livestream, however I don’t believe I can embed it directly in this page, so just click the link above to watch directly on youtube. I was mostly trying to test my setup, and do a brief review of the material that I have for Caral in Peru. I ended up interacting with the people watching and using chat – which I wasn’t expecting!

Thanks very much to everyone that watched the stream, and a HUGE thank you to my new supporters on Patreon, and Paypal. It means a tremendous amount to me, in particular as I’m just getting started with this channel.

Also a thankyou to everyone that has subbed to the channel. I’m *nearly* at 1000 subs, looking forward to that milestone!