Well this is embarrassing… Do you have a Microfocus MCT-225 Nikon CT-Scanner?

I was contacted earlier this year by someone in a company with a high-end CT machine, offering services to scan the ancient granite vases. While I’ve had several such offers, and I have all those contacts, I have somehow lost this particular email, or message. I even responded, and got a message back, but for the life of me I can’t find this thread. I have no idea how that happened, but despite my best efforts over the last 3 hours I can’t find it.

If that was you – please do reach out. I have a screenshot of a part of the message:

Vase STL file for 3D Printing

I’ve received a few enquires about a STL file for the pre-dynastic granite vase that would be suitable for 3D printing. Many thanks to Bill Seiler for both creating this resource and for sending me a few copies of the vase!

Check out my three posts containing videos discussing this remarkable artifact, if you haven’t seen them already:

Video 1 , Video 2 (with the original STL file), Video 3

Below you can download the ‘fixed’ STL that is suitable for 3D printing.