The media is doing an excellent job of panicking the public with this latest flu variant, which is essentially a mild illness that nearly everyone who gets it will recover from. Even amongst reported cases, the mortality rate is VERY low, and there are likely many many thousands of unreported cases of COVID-19, all of whom recover just fine. The unlucky few who do sadly perish to this illness are typically immune-compromised individuals in any case, those who would be at great risk from any common illness.
The regular seasonal flu is just as dangerous, and kills many more people every year, but as it’s difficult to generate mass panic, hype, and most importantly, attention and eyeballs for the media with the common flu, it rarely gets a mention when discussing this latest global pandemic.
All we would have to do is show actual statistics of the seasonal flu, every time the Corona Virus gets some airtime, and the whole mess might gain some perspective. Even then, next to the statistics and probabilities of real threats like heart disease, car or workplace accidents, obesity and high sugar diets, the risks from any flavor of flu pale in comparison.
My prediction is that this will likely all fade away with the Northern Hemisphere summer – as happens every year with new flu variants. That said, preparation and prevention is always a good thing, as although I don’t think COVID-19 is any more dangerous than regular influenza, these conditions do kill people every year. There’s just no reason for panicking.

I’m quite frankly utterly sick of this ongoing propaganda cycle – I haven’t had television or mainstream media in my life for over 10 years, and that’s a decision I continue to believe pays dividends, although the reach of the mainstream is now pervasive throughout the Internet and social media. They’re getting very efficient at messaging these days. The current hysteria, panic buying, and mass cancellation of events and travel is the result of decades of conditioning, as evidenced by any number of previous ‘end of the world’ scenarios perpetrated by, you guessed it, the mainstream media. Hence, I made a shirt, it’s in my teespring store, and available in a number of styles. For 10% off, use code ‘MARCHFLASH’, it expires at midnight PT March 10.

If you’re wondering what it is I’m talking about with ‘conditioning,’ then I can only recommend you watch a fantastic series of documentaries by Adam Curtis. starting with 2002’s “The Century of the Self,” then 2004’s “The Power of Nightmares” and finally 2007’s “The Trap: What Happened to our Dream of Freedom.” These are widely available on the Internet, and are very much worth the time it takes to watch them.
The ‘since 1987’ on the shirt is a reference to the year that Ronald Reagan’s administration killed the ‘Fairness Doctrine’ that applied to mass media, which gave rise the current trajectory of propaganda – at least in the USA, although this isn’t the only cause for our current information-age dilemma.
Now, there’s always a chance that I might be wrong here, but as of right now, I see no reason to panic. The unfortunate result of the media generated mass hysteria is that when the REAL pandemic hits, we’ll have no way of actually knowing it. This is now a near yearly cycle – it’s practically guaranteed in election years – and is designed to do nothing more than increase viewership and generate advertising revenue for the ever profit-hungry mainstream media.
When it comes to the current COVID-19 threat, if that is indeed what it is, I agree with the perspective of Dr Drew Pinksy – who is NOT someone that I often agree with, but I do in this case:
Further sense from Dr Drew, more recently:
I read a good tweet recently that sums up my perspective on this topic:
” Being prepared is good
Testing people to understand the scope of the problem is good
Hand-washing and telecommuting are good things anyway
But Whipping people into a frenzy when we don’t yet have good data to fully understand what’s happening here is counterproductive.”